SPICE stands for Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis
This respository is an overview of the many 'flavors' in which netlists and Circuit simulation files can take
Understanding the differences and the syntax of these often bizzare looking file formats is useful due to their use on industrial based circuit simulation. Understanding not only how these simulations are compiled but also which formats are more efficient than others can be pivotal to getting more accurate behavior of how the circuit is working / whether or not it can work. Another aspect that is important
Interspersed in this respository are some .TXT and .PDF files including tips and tricks for using cadence and other families of SPICE
Often times some software is much more 'picky' about how circuits are netlisted and connected understanding some rules of thumb as it relates to getting your circuit design to cooperating with the simulation software could make the difference between spending a trivial few minutes on a design and spending hours!