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//Subdirectories named kind of different to obstruct cheating in the class EHB436, ITU.//
Subdirectories and what is included in them:
Gozluklu Sirin includes: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, XNOR, TRI modules
Güçlü Şirin includes: Decoder, Multiplexer, Multiplexer using gates, Priority Encoder, Priority Encoder using case code, Demultiplexer modules
Sakar Şirin includes: There was a truth table should be implemented. Implemented by behavioral, with mux with decoder modules
Süslü Şirin includes: Half adder, Full adder, Ripple carry adder, Parametrized ripple carry adder, Carry Look-Ahead Adder, Adder/Substractor with overflow output V, modules
Tembel Şirin includes: 8 Bit Register, 8 Bit Register with Reset, Block RAM Application, D-FlipFlop structural, D-FlipFlop Behavioral, Master - Slave DFlipFlop, Sliding Leds Application, SR Latch modules
Somurtkan Şirin includes 3 different FSM application. Report could explain the application.
Müzisyen Şirin includes 2D Convolution with Multiply and Accumulate application.
Şirin Baba includes image processing application with 2D Convolution using MAC.
Gargamel includes A/B operation challange with limited ALU. 2 different method used.