- Navigate to Workspace:
- Go to the Halerium, "Code Snippets & Scripts" workspace and "Snippet Development folder" .
- Create a New Snippet:
- Inside the "Snippet Development" folder, go to the "__in_progress" subfolder.
- Create a new board file to start building and experimenting with your snippet.
- Push to Testing:
- Once satisfied with the snippet, move it to the "__testing" subfolder.
- Feedback Collection:
- Send the snippet out for feedback from other users or colleagues.
- Collect and incorporate the necessary feedback.
- Move to Final Folder:
- After the feedback stage, push the snippet to the "__snippets_final" folder.
- Organize Snippets:
- Inside the "snippets_final" folder, there is another folder called "snippets."
- Within "__snippets," there are 7 different subfolders:
- Essentials
- Communications and Administration
- Project Management
- Coding and Data
- Sales
- Document Tools
- Canvas
- Choose the appropriate category for your snippet that best fits in.
- If need to create a new folder:
- create in the following format: 0X_Snippet_Catergory
- inside the folder create "snippet_categories.json" file.
- In the json fill up the following
{ "name": Name of snippet catergory, "description": what types of snippet exist in this snippet folder }
Create a Folder:
- Under the chosen category (e.g., Essentials), create a new folder.
- Name the folder with a number corresponding to its priority (e.g., 01_bot_with_context).
Create Documents:
- Inside the newly created folder, create two documents:
- This file contains the final snippet template exist.snippet.json
- This file includes the name and description of the snippet.
{ "name": Name of snippet, "description": Function of this snippet }
- Inside the newly created folder, create two documents:
- [Snippets] folder:
- Upload the developed snippets to [Snippets] folder for quick testing.
- [Develop] space:
- Also in Develop, I have a copy of the snippets and my practice is to upload the __snippets folder into develop and download it before adding into the templates repo. Once there was a difference in version between pro and develop which affected my merge request. As a good practice I will do this extra step.
- Navigate to GitLab:
- Go to GitLab at https://gitlab.com/erium/templates.
- Create a New Branch:
- Branch Creation: In the repository, create a new branch to push the snippet update update. This ensures that your changes are isolated and can be reviewed before merging into the main branch.
- Click on the "Branches" tab.
- Click on the "New branch" button.
- Enter a name for your branch (e.g.,update-snippets-).
- Click "Create branch" (Ensure that your branch is based of
- Clone the branch repository locally and work with it
- Upload Snippets:
- Add all the snippets to this new branch under snippets folder.
- Testing Folder:
- Inside the "tests" folder, locate the
file. - Add the names of the snippets you want to include to ensure the pipeline runs smoothly.
- example:
expected_snippets = {
- Inside the "tests" folder, locate the
'Essentials': [ # category name
'Hal-E - your Halerium support bot',
'Bot with context',
'Board Creator',
'Board Interpreter', # snippet name
'Bot Personality Generator',
'Image Generator',
'Questionnaire Chatbot'
'Communication & Administration': [
'Meeting Minutes Analyzer',
'Fast Email Writer',
'Advanced Email Writer',
- Create a Merge Request:
- Once all snippets are added, create a merge request if there is no issues in the pipeline.
- Review and Approval:
- Maksim will review and update the merge request.