A ruby library for the human friendly data format NestedText.
Provided is support for decoding a NestedText file or string to Ruby data structures, as well as encoding Ruby objects to a NestedText file or string. Furthermore there is support for serialization and deserialization of custom classes. The supported language version of the data format can be seen in the badge above. This implementation pass all the official tests.
This library is inspired by Ruby's stdlib modules JSON
and YAML
as well as the Python reference implementation of NestedText. Parsing is done with a LL(1) recursive descent parser and dumping with a recursive DFS traversal of the object references.
To make this library practically useful, you should pair it with a schema validator.
Citing from the official introduction page:
NestedText is a file format for holding structured data to be entered, edited, or viewed by people. It organizes the data into a nested collection of dictionaries, lists, and strings without the need for quoting or escaping. A unique feature of this file format is that it only supports one scalar type: strings. While the decision to eschew integer, real, date, etc. types may seem counter intuitive, it leads to simpler data files and applications that are more robust.
NestedText is convenient for configuration files, address books, account information, and the like. Because there is no need for quoting or escaping, it is particularly nice for holding code fragments.
"Why do we need another data format?" is the right question to ask. The answer is that the current popular formats (JSON, YAML, TOML, INI etc.) all have shortcomings which NestedText addresses.
Here's a full-fledged example of an address book (from the official docs):
# Contact information for our officers
name: Katheryn McDaniel
> 138 Almond Street
> Topeka, Kansas 20697
cell: 1-210-555-5297
home: 1-210-555-8470
# Katheryn prefers that we always call her on her cell phone.
email: KateMcD@aol.com
additional roles:
- board member
vice president:
name: Margaret Hodge
See the language introduction for more details.
The full API documentation can be found at rubydocs.info. A minimal & fully working example of a project using this library can be found at erikw/nestedtext-ruby-test.
This is how you can decode NestedText from a string or directly from a file (*.nt
) to Ruby object instances:
require 'nestedtext'
ntstr = "- objitem1\n- list item 2"
obj1 = NestedText::load(ntstr)
obj2 = NestedText::load_file("path/to/data.nt")
The type of the returned object depends on the top level type in the NestedText data and will be of corresponding native Ruby type. In the example above, obj1
will be an Array
and obj2
will be Hash
if data.nt
looks like e.g.
key1: value1
key2: value2
Thus you must know what you're parsing, or test what you decoded after.
If you already know what you expect to have, you can guarantee that this is what you will get by telling either function what the expected top type is. If not, an error will be raised.
require 'nestedtext'
ntstr = "- objitem1\n- list item 2"
array = NestedText::load(ntstr, top_class: Array)
hash = NestedText::load_file("path/to/data.nt", top_class: Hash)
# will raise NestedText::Error as we specify top level String but it will be Array.
NestedText::load(ntstr, top_class: String)
This is how you can decode Ruby objects to a NestedText string or file:
require 'nestedtext'
data = ["i1", "i2"]
ntstr = NestedText::dump(data)
NestedText::dump_file(data, "path/to/data.nt")
To make it more convenient, the Ruby Core is extended with a #to_nt
method on the supported types that will dump a String of the data structure. Here's an IRB session showing how it works:
irb> require 'nestedtext'
irb> puts "a\nstring".to_nt
> a
> string
irb> puts ["i1", "i2", "i3"].to_nt
- i1
- i2
- i3
irb> hash = {"k1" => "v1",
"multiline\nkey" => "v2",
"k3" => ["a", "list"]}
irb> puts hash.to_nt
k1: v1
: multiline
: key
> v2
- a
- list
Ruby classes maps like this to NestedText types:
Ruby | NestedText |
String |
String |
Array |
List |
Hash |
Dictionary |
The strict mode determines how classes other than the basic types String
, Array
and Hash
are handled during encoding and decoding. By default strict mode is false.
With strict: true
Ruby | NestedText | Comment |
nil |
empty | (1.) |
Symbol |
String |
Raises NestedText::Error |
Other Class | -- | Raises NestedText::Error |
With strict: false
Ruby | NestedText | Comment |
nil |
Custom Class Encoding | (1.) |
Symbol |
String |
Custom Class | Custom Class Encoding | If the Custom Class implements #encode_nt_with |
Other Class | String | #to_s will be called if there is no #encode_nt_with |
- (1.) How empty strings and nil are handled depends on where it is used. This library follows how the official implementation does it.
This library has support for serialization/deserialization of custom classes as well. This is done by letting the objects tell NestedText what data should be used to represent the object instance with the #encode_nt_with
method (inspired by YAML
's #encode_with
method). All objects being recursively referenced from a root object being serialized must either implement this method or be one of the core supported NestedText data types from the table above.
A class implementing #encode_nt_with
is referred to as a Custom Class
in this document.
class Apple
def initialize(type, weight)
@type = type
@weight = weight
def encode_nt_with
[@type, @weight]
When an apple instance will be serialized e.g. by apple.to_nt
, NestedText will call Apple.encode_nt_with
if it exist and let the returned data be encoded to represent the instance.
To be able to get this instance back when deserializing the NestedText there must be a class method Class.nt_create(data)
. When deserializing NestedText and the class Apple
is detected, and the method #nt_create
exist on the class, it will be called with the decoded data belonging to it. This method should create and return a new instance of the class. In the most simple case it's just translating this to a call to #new
In full, the Apple
class should look like:
class Apple
def self.nt_create(data)
def initialize(type, weight)
@type = type
@weight = weight
def encode_nt_with
[@type, @weight]
An instance of this class would be encoded like this:
irb> puts NestedText::dump(Apple.new("granny smith", 12))
__nestedtext_class__: Apple
- granny smith
- 12
If you want to add some more super powers to your custom class, you can add the #to_nt
shortcut by including the ToNTMixin
class Apple
include NestedText::ToNTMixin
Apple.new("granny smith", 12).to_nt
Important notes:
- The special key to denote the class name is subject to change in future versions and you must not rely on it.
- Custom Classes can not be a key in a Hash. Trying to do this will raise an Error.
- When deserializing a custom class, this custom class must be available when calling the
methods e.g.require 'nestedtext' require_relative 'apple' # This is needed if Apple is defined in apple.rb and not in this scope already. NestedText::load_file('path/to/apple_dump.nt')
See encode_custom_classes_test.rb for more real working examples.
The point of NestedText is to not get in to business of supporting ambiguous types. That's why all values are simple strings. Having only simple strings is not useful in practice though. This is why NestedText is intended to be paired with a Schema Validator!
A schema validator can:
- assert that the parsed values are of the expected types
- automatically convert them to Ruby class instances like Integer, Float, etc.
The reference implementation in Python lists a few examples of Python validators. Here below is an example of how this Ruby implementation of NestedText can be paired it with RSchema.
The full and working example can be found at erikw/nestedtext-ruby-test.
Let's say that you have a program that should connect to a few servers. The list of servers should be stored in a configuration file. With NestedText, a conf.nt
file could look like:
name: global-service
port: 8080
name: aux-service
port: 67
# Unstable server, don't use this
stable: false
After parsing this file with this NestedText library, the values for all keys will be string. But to make practical use of this, we would of course like the values for the port
keys to be Integer
, and stable
should have a value of either true
or false
. RSchema can do this conversion for us!
# Define schema for our list of servers
schema = RSchema.define do
'name' => _String,
'ip' => _String,
'port' => _Integer,
optional('stable') => boolean
# The coercer will automatially convert types
coercer = RSchema::CoercionWrapper::RACK_PARAMS.wrap(schema)
# Parse config file with NestedText
data = NestedText.load_file('conf.nt')
# Validate
result = coercer.validate(data)
raise result.error.to_s unless result.valid?
# Now we have validated data of the right type specified in the schema!
servers = result.value
# Let's use the values for something in our app
stable_servers = servers.select { |server| server['stable'] }
# Not a meaningful sum - just demonstrating that 'port' values are integers and not strings anymore!
port_sum = servers.map { |server| server['port'] }.sum
- Add this gem to your ruby project's Gemfile
- Simply with
$ bundle add nestedtext
when standing inside your project - Or manually by adding to
and then runninggem 'nestedtext'
$ bundle install
. - Simply with
- Require the library and start using it!
require 'nestedtext' NestedText::load(...) NestedText::dump(...) obj.to_nt
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/erikw/nestedtext-ruby.git && cd $(basename "$_" .git)
- Install a supported ruby version (see .gemspec) with a ruby version manager e.g. rbenv, asdf or RVM
- run
$ scripts/setup
or$ bundle install
to install dependencies - run
$ scripts/test
orbundle exec rake test
to run the tests - You can also run
$ scripts/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. - For local testing, install the gem on local machine with:
$ bundle exec rake install
.- or manually with
$ gem build *.gemscpec && gem install *.gem
- or manually with
- Watch changes on file system and execute tests with
$ bundle exec guard
- Make sure that only intended constants and methods are exposed publicly from the module
. Check withirb> require 'nestedtext' irb> NestedText.constants irb> NestedText.methods(false)
- To see undocumented methods with YARD:
$ yard stats --list-undoc
Instructions for releasing on rubygems.org below. Optionally make a GitHub release after this for the pushed git tag.
Following instructions from bundler.io:
vi -p lib/nestedtext/version.rb CHANGELOG.md
bundle exec rake build
ver=$(ruby -r ./lib/nestedtext/version.rb -e 'puts NestedText::VERSION')
bundle exec rake release
Using gem-release:
vi CHANGELOG.md && git commit -am "Update CHANGELOG.md" && git push
gem bump --version minor --tag --sign --push --release
For --version
, use major|minor|patch
as needed.
Just push a new semver tag and the workflow cd.yml will publish a new release at rubygems.org.
vi -p lib/nestedtext/version.rb CHANGELOG.md
git commit -am "Prepare vX.Y.Z" && git push
git tag vX.Y.Z && git push --tags
or preferred combined with gem-release:
git commit -am "Update CHANGELOG.md" && git push
gem bump --version minor --tag --push --sign
then watch progress with gh
gh run watch
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at erikw/nestedtext-ruby.
The gem is available as open source with the License.
- Thanks to the data format authors making it easier making new implementations by providing an official test suite.
- Thanks to pixteller & mp4.to for offering the tools needed for creating an animated logo.