Create a weather climate map using python and the Web API.
Configure cities by Latitude and Longitude as their locations and Humidity as their weight.
Create a weather criteria that organizes each city by index number, City ID, City Name, Cloudiness, Country Initials, Date, Humidity, Latitude, Longitude, Max Temperature, and Wind Speed.
Find Hotels in countries worldwide by using Google Places API for each city's coordinates.
Discovered Hotels would be saved in the new .csv file named under hotel_data_new.csv file.
- Generate a city lists by using Citipy.
- Perform a weather check on each city using a series of successive API calls.
- Export the city data into a .csv file named under city_data.csv file.
- Plot each data for:
- Latitude vs. Temperature
- Latitude vs. Humidity
- Latitude vs. Cloudiness
- Latitude vs. Wind Speed
- Find a linear regression for temperature, humidity, cloudiness, and wind speed on both Northern and Southern Hemisphere.