This is a simple bot to automate checking the weather to a Twitter account. It is a fork of the code Is-It-Raining, by John Olson. I made this so I could run his code in a simple Raspberry Pi, instead of the Google Cloud. I also needed to translate it to my language, which is Brazilian Portuguese.
To get keys, create a new Twitter app:
Now get the WOEID for the location you want to use:
Ok, now open the terminal and on the directory you want to install:
That's it. If you configured correctly, it's working! Now keep this computer on!
Example account updated by this script:
The original John Olson script updates the twitter:
Author: Erico Vieira Porto
Both main functions can be scheduled via Cron (using crontab -e
). Remember the
folders shown here must match to where you've placed the files - using git clone
###1 - A forecast tweet.
The forecast tweet will post a tweet in the following format:
Now: yes/no + random comment
Later: forecasted conditions
Today: Low - High
Currently: Current Temp
The forecast is expected to run in the morning and later in the day:
0 6,18 * * * cd /home/Chove-Agora/ && /usr/bin/python /home/Chove-Agora/
###2 - A function that continually checks if it has started raining.
This function is expected to run every 5 minutes and will only update when trainsitioning from not raining to raining weather.
*/5 * * * * cd /home/Chove-Agora/ && /usr/bin/python /home/Chove-Agora/
If you are using the bash installer, you will need pip.
tweepy (
requests (
requests-oauthlib (
Twitter API:
Yahoo Weather:
Configuration is controlled through settings.cfg which must be in the same
directory as
. Your Twitter Application ID tokens need to be
stored in this file to give the script permission to post status messages
on your Twitter account. This section is required.
You need to create a new app in twitter for it to work or use valid credentials. To create a new one, go here: .
The location of the Weather data is controlled by Yahoo! WOEID which is also
stored in settings.cfg
You can lookup WOEID for a location here:
UNIT = celsius
WOEID = 455828
CONSUMER_KEY = ConsumerKey
CONSUMER_SECRET = ConsumerSecret
ACCESS_TOKEN = AccessToken
If you don't want to use the script, you can do a manual install. It's simple and you get to understand how it works.
To install you must first install the dependencies and clone the code:
sudo pip install requests
sudo pip install requests-oauthlib
sudo pip install tweepy
git clone
Then you need to configure the script and schedule the jobs using Cron.
To remove cron entries (uninstall):
bash uninstall
The script uses the python logging, more information here: .
This will log each cron to /tmp/TweetForecast.log and /tmp/TweetYes.log.
Using cronjobs mean that the directory where the python scripts will be run (the Chove-Agora folder) must not be encrypted. This will result in mail logs stating that it can't cd to folder.