A minimal vim-like text editor for modern terminals written in Dart
Made for myself for fun and learning and not meant to replace your current editor
- Basic vim motions and operators with minimal command mode
- Properly render and edit emojis and wide characters
- Unlimited undo and redo
- Multiple text wrap modes: no-wrap, character-wrap, word-wrap
- Remember last cursor position per file
- Written in Dart using the characters package for handling grapheme clusters
- Built for modern terminals that support mode 2027 like Ghostty and WezTerm
- Syntax highlighting
- Plugins
- 100% vim compatibility
- Window manager (just use terminal tabs/splits)
See bindings.dart for the full list of vim-like key mappings.
See config.dart
I'm open to PR's that align with vid's minimal philosophy.
I don't accept issues solely for suggestions.