You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 23
- 0002053: [General] Monster greifen nicht an (Enno) - resolved.
- 0002143: [AtTACKIERE] Monster attackieren Burginsassen (Enno) - resolved.
0002119: [General]
Talenttrunk (skillpotion) hat keine Beschreibung (MrTurner)
- resolved.
0002137: [MaCHE]
learning-by-doing respektiert die Anzahl der Arbeiter nicht (Enno)
- resolved.
- 0002136: [General] Negative Punkte (Enno) - resolved.
0001818: [General]
E2: Fehler- und Erfolgsmeldung bei Personenübergabe (Enno)
- resolved.
0002135: [General]
Wochenbericht wird nciht mit der Auswertung verschickt (Enno)
- resolved.
- 0001685: [Featurewunsch] Unbeabsichtige Abgabe an Bauern (Enno) - resolved.
[NaCH/ROUTE] Durchreisemeldung im NR ist oft zu lang (Enno)
- resolved.
Insbesondere dass die Monster wieder angreifen ist wohl wichtig zu wissen.
- Die Formel für die Verlangsamung von beschädigten Schiffen wurde korrigiert. (2126)
- Bei Einheiten mit mehr als einem langen Befehl wählt der Server einen davon aus, und nicht unbedingt den selben wie früher. (2080)
- Vulkane werden nach dem Ausbruch inaktiv, damit sie nicht zweimal in sofortiger Folge ausbrechen können (2112)
- Der BELAGERE Befehl ist aus dem Spiel entfernt worden (1896)
- Katapulte und Wagen können nicht mehr in den Zauberbeutel gesteckt werden (1949)
- Die Wirkung des Giftelementar erstreckt sich über mehrere Runden (1838)
- Eine geflohene Einheit kann in der selben Woche nicht BEWACHEn (1950)
- Nach einem Kampf werden alle nicht-alliierte Einheiten aus Schiffen und Burgen geworfen (2059, 2108)
Liste der gefixten Bugs und neuen Features aus Mantis:
- 0002095: Entfernung des Limits auf GIB PERSONEN in E2
- 0002085: Tippfehler in Zauberbeschreibung "Plappermaul".
- 0002090: Tippfehler in Zauberbeschreibung "Auratransfer".
- 0002091: Tippfehler in Zauberbeschreibung "Bannlied".
- 0002092: Tippfehler in Zauberbeschreibung "Braue Bauernblut".
- 0001510: Gürtel der Trollstärke ist zu mächtig.
- 0001504: Schiffsschaden im Kampf nicht korrekt berechnet.
- 0002067: Die Adressliste enthält Parteien doppelt.
- 0002066: Magische-Pfad-Meldungen vertauscht.
- 0001511: Schöne Träume sind schlechte Träume.
- 0001830: Zauber "Schöne Träume" verursacht Alpträume.
- 0002058: Burgenbonus im Kampf kaputt.
- 0002059: (TEMP?)-Einheit in feindlichem Gebäude nach Kampf.
- 0002068: Vertraute aus Rasse der Partei ausgewählt, nicht des Magiers.
- 0002077: Ents entstehen als "Untote"?.
- 0002086: Zauber Alp funktioniert nicht und sollte entfernt werden.
- 0001802: Seeschlange in E3 heißt Seeschlangen.
- 0002057: Seeschlangenname verhunzt.
Silver is no longer weightless; this was a bug. 100 silver weigh 1 weight unit. Watch out for any ships or units that are currently over capacity!
PROMOTE has been shifted to another position in the sequence of orders. It is now just after RECRUIT, but before PAY NOT and before paying building maintenance.
Region owners (in E3 and Deveron, not E2) now pay maintenance for lighthouses, markets, and harbors if those buildings are empty. In this case, they also get the benefits of those buildings. The region owner may stop paying for a specific building with PAY NOT , or for all buildings in the region with PAY NOT (without parameter). This is, as usual, a short command that must be issued each week.
DESTROY is now a long order.
RESERVE now only takes items from other units if those items are not already reserved by those units. For example, if unit a has 5 silver and unit b has 12 Silver, and both have RESERVE 10 silver, then unit a ends up with 7 silver and unit b ends up with 10 silver. In the past, the result would have been based on the order of the units in the region.
E3 and Deveron have an "auto-teacher" function. It will provide double study speed as long as all skills of a unit together have fewer learning weeks than turn/2. For example, if the turn is 300, a unit with melee 13 and endurance 10 (worth 13 * 14 / 2 + 10 * 11 / 2 = 146 weeks) will reach melee 14 after learning for 7 weeks on average. A unit with melee 15, endurance 10, on the other hand, needs the usual 16 weeks on average.
A ship sailing into a harbor requires HELP GUARD from the harbor's owner to the captain of the ship.
German orders should use the imperative forms, that is ARBEITE, BEFÖRDERE, VERGISS. Some orders (still) have no imperative form: ALLIANZ, BANNER, BOTSCHAFT, DEFAULT, EMAIL, GRUPPE, KAMPFZAUBER, NACH, NUMMER, OPTION, PASSWORT, PIRATERIE, PRÄFIX, ROUTE, URSPRUNG. The old versions (ARBEITEN, BEFÖRDERUNG, VERGESSEN) still work, but this might change in future versions.
The English COMBAT order is now recognized correctly (and is different from COMBATSPELL and HELP COMBAT). FIGHT is recognized as an alternative for COMBAT, but it might not be supported in future versions.
Monsters may attack again, but will never attack units in buildings. This is to accommodate E3, where there is no stealth skill. Dragons may behave differently.
When a unit travels through a region that is guarded by an unfriendly faction, the chance that it is stopped depends on a number of factors: it is increased by the number of non-allied (no HELP GUARD) persons guarding the region, the terrain type (increased for swamps, glaciers, mountains and volcanoes), the unfriendly factions' perception skill (if applicable), amulets of true seeing, and the size of the castle of the region owner, if the owner is also unfriendly to the traveler. The chance is decreased by the number of allied persons guarding the region, the travelers' stealth skill, and rings of invisibility.
Monsters in E3 and Deveron will use LOOT instead of TAX. LOOT is a monster-only command, and will gather silver for the monster, but also destroy silver and morale in the region. Dragons fly, so they can do this even in guarded regions (if there are no flying guardians).
- Messages for the duration of magic paths have been corrected (https://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=2066).
- Monsters no longer have cryptic names (https://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=2057).
- Enemies revived by post-combat spells keep their equipment (https://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=1962).
- Volcano outbreaks are reported correctly in neighboring regions.
- There will be a region message for empty buildings whose maintenance has not been paid.
- The unit limit is reported in the NR and CR (https://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=2055).
- A flying unit can only be stopped from moving or taxation/looting by another flying unit.
- Natural armor bonus is now applied correctly.
- Hunger reduces sailing skill only by 1 point, not by a factor of 1/2, like other skills.
- A few peasants (or player units) are allowed to work even in regions completely covered by trees (hunting and gathering).
- Regions with no peasants but otherwise good conditions will slowly attract new settlers.
- Many, many minor bug fixes, code improvements, and tests.
- fix astral space vortex
- monsters may attack again
- Demons do not suddenly turn into goblins any more (https://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=1981).
- CRs now include a tag with the exact build number of the server
- no major changes
- monster attack chance disabled
- monster attacks restored
- monsters don't attack units in buildings
- region owners now pay maintenance for lighthouse and get the report if there is no unit in the lighthouse (not active yet)
- FOLLOW SHIP is a short(-ish) order now
- fixed PIRACY
- lighthouse reduces drift chance to 0
- change unit order for VERLASSE/GIB KOMMANDO
- fixed resist magic spell ("Schutzzauber")
- units keep their own stuff when reserving
- fix fleeing units getting control of castles
- fix iron and stone golems
- fix guards stopping enemies
- display build number in CR
git log upstream/version-3-3 ^9e81de406bec3dccf75a5c5b7f0d48054965b6c3 --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
95d0b2a add current version of processing scripts fix a crash in checkpasswd
50aa3cc backup with orders after the turn is done
df3ce11 limit eternath gates to 1-person units, avoid crash
786f5e8 backup the correct turn
c98447b check for lockfile before running
ded6cf1 check for reports.txt before trying to send reports
1a888b4 fix lockfile handling by the cron
b4e13b7 segmentation fault caused by free'ing battles twice
f720525 add a script to pull a branch and update submodules
9334677 make tests more valgrind-friendly by not leaking memory
1864d1f backup correctly after each turn
e5d5376 lock files to prevent accidents. preview will only run if the turn worked out. cannot accidentally run in the game directory.
1a1ffd0 build number update
01a5c19 Merge pull request #63 from badgerman/version-3-3
3324ced Print the full version number in the CR.
87eb206 fix permissions on build script
06d5175 add travis build script to branch
c046019 add travis configuration to branch
13b443e fix crash (null pointer in make_cmd)
1556c07 fix a crash when missing a token
dc7cbd8 fix the quit command, asserting the wrong keyword (probably copypasta).
f3e54e1 fix a crash when selling nothing. build 687
adcd4ec increase build number.
79c8c4a fix a crash when testing for the RESHOW ANY command. E2 crashed when no parameter was given.
6c2429c Version 3.3 released, build 685
139ff04 fix compilation warning on gcc.
6873074 fix astral space special direction, vortex (translation issue).
cbf9bb8 fix qsort in wormhole code. pointers are hard.
3e829e2 support for itoab with smaller bases and larger numbers.
8432a63 guess the ERESSEA environment if it is missing
74582ae fix remaining getstrtoken uses without null-check.
a5961d0 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
da42fea do not need bash
8b19d51 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
7f0fdd1 added a test for a purely hypopthetical problem (issue 2032) in keyword parsing.
d9e5357 Merge pull request #33 from CTD1/Monster
b761cb5 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/eressea/server
54cf4f4 Merge branch 'version-3-2'
2875fdd Fixing Monsters
37c459c Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
cf1f397 cleaning out config.c, there is too much code in there. rules should be in their own modules. here: upkeep is a concept all by itself, should have its own tests, etc. movement code should be in move.c. cleaning up some superfluous include directives.
ae9ed99 fixing linux build
e9abfc0 peasant blood should not have ill effects on non-demon units that are empty. This fixes http://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=1981
c0230d2 In the game, there is only ever one special direction, and it is for the astral space. less XML, more code. cleaning up the special direction parsing a bit.
932a615 refactoring: special directions into their own file (vortex.c). moving spells.c out of spells. figured that movewhere should be in move.c
ecaeba3 add a test for the vortex special direction before touching that code.
a9a0455 reorganized directory structure. flattening the directory structure, moving some modules to the src/ directory. making stealth a separate file, under test. more tests for some stuff.
d435c13 adding more tests. test for build() test for scale_number() update submodules
b321385 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Bug-1525-and-1872'
2ceeb0b fix errors that gcc finds
2211111 Remove a German-only piece of text, to reduce the footprint of fleets in the report a little. Fix English score message in NR. Small fixes to meet Visual Studio warning level 4.
e87b1cf an experiment to have deterministic sort order for known factions in the report.
a303795 fix a bug in the escape_string function. remove static return variable from escape_string. add test coverage.
920902f replace resource_type::_name array with a single string.
4c00777 make race::_name a string, not an array of strings. add a test for rc_name.
de5ef3f Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/eressea/server
7d17caf simple tests for build(). cleaning up the code to give it a common setup function. change the golem code to use flag, not hard-coded race. unify the golems, make code more readable, kill a block of unused code.
a1a810a segmentation fault
1c069da segmentation fault caused by new getstrtoken semantics
86c2096 use full path to preview script from cron.
5befbad Merge branch 'version-3-1'
9db6826 remove unused static function, fix missing include for gcc.
ad903e8 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:badgerman/eressea
b458c88 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
808f343 make getstrtoken() return null at EOL, kill init_tokens. init_order all the things! added a bunch of new assertions to cover for oversights. added some new tests for order parsing.
ee2363a use init_order, it is better than the init_tokens+skip_token pattern. test for new_units. additional testing for init_order (renamed from init_command)and init_tokens. fixed a memory access error when kwd==NOKEYWORD.
6b14eae Merge remote-tracking branch 'eressea/master'
beacb85 fix MAKE TEMP, for real this time. I hate skip_token and all that stuff.
e9ccc24 make previews always build from master
dea20e9 New pre-release.
fd46b25 Merge branch 'version-3-0'
cc0b0ad added a test for addfaction. removing struct player, since it is not in use.
73d3980 Merge pull request #29 from badgerman/master
7b8deee fixing my local checkout, I found some changes?
acfe72f add a test for get_monsters(). I want to make sure I don't break this in the future.
e69fb78 Monster attackieren keine Einheiten in Gebäuden.
3fde10d Configurable monster attack chance, default to 40%. E3 chance to attack is only 10%.
bc1a762 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/eressea/server
01f35a2 static code analysis results
408febe Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
308b5ca Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/eressea/server
59ccf23 Repair MAKE, which broke when I changed MAKE TEMP. You can now also write MAKETEMP as one word, and we treat it that way. Added unit test coverage for MAKE order parsing.
a289eee Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
f8ad9e9 Fix some English message translations. clean up and improve some scripts, too.
56ea4ec this file is executable
99124f3 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/eressea/server
8f09ab7 fix display of alliance status, some English translation hiccups.
cef068f cut the number of allocations for order-data in half. started writing a test file for orders.
ee20269 Kleiner Fix bei den Regionen
git log 9e81de406bec3dccf75a5c5b7f0d48054965b6c3 ^7b3a3815008e9c7aaa01dcac7ef59a04ff05384a --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
9e81de4 version 3.2 remove regatta plane, it crashes all of a sudden. why is there a use of init_order here? that is a future feature.
2246ce9 segmentation fault caused by new getstrtoken semantics
87720c2 segmentation fault
f1d78b4 fix null-pointer crash.
b2dc6a3 fix MAKE TEMP, for real this time. I hate skip_token and all that stuff.
1dcb14c Revert "silver has a weight of 1: http://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=2013"
8d30d73 fix preview script sending to testers.txt
a84e628 Repair MAKE, which broke when I changed MAKE TEMP. You can now also write MAKETEMP as one word, and we treat it that way. Added unit test coverage for MAKE order parsing.
aed64a7 cut the number of allocations for order-data in half. started writing a test file for orders.
git log 7b3a3815008e9c7aaa01dcac7ef59a04ff05384a ^9940025a964c47c6c4fec8c23e810eccbcaa0223
7b3a381 increase version number to 3.1 log an error when trying to create an order for a disabled keyword monsters might be trying to TAX in E3?
bd8d28c reduce E3 chance to attack to zero for turn re-run
68fc4df Configurable monster attack chance, default to 40%. E3 chance to attack is only 10%.
fb7c8a8 add a test for get_monsters(). I want to make sure I don't break this in the future.
5c7b93d Monster attackieren keine Einheiten in Gebäuden.
b385bfc Merge branch 'fixes-891'
138a4c1 properly create missing monster faction when spawning dragons. remove cached monster faction (static). Conflicts: src/kernel/faction.c
bb9d59b read turn file before sending
d880de0 fix preview send script
8803a9e properly create missing monster faction when spawning dragons.
90ec28f fix missing monster factions.
fa52bb4 pointless assert triggers when new units are created and placed. spawning dragons was causing this to fail.
9587e9f remove unused variables
2fd085d Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/eressea/server
8cc4a53 cron for eressea previews
c79dd33 smarter processing of MAKE TEMP. the order gets its own keyword. parsing is hard - composite commands are an anti-pattern. this eliminates a lot of unnecessary mallocs for pushing/poping parser state.
41d42fa localization of alliance status "ALL". fix for https://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=1993
643e2bc Merge branch 'CTD1-Bug-1525-and-1872'
61ebd1d fix accidental assignment instead of comparison.
fa0c999 Merge branch 'Bug-1525-and-1872' of github.com:CTD1/eressea-server-bugfixing into CTD1-Bug-1525-and-1872
158d4f8 MSVC: compile cleanly with level 4 warnings
804734d MSVC: disable level 4 warning C4100 for tolua-generated code (unused variable) make a single object from all generated binding code. this setup is unusual, but easier to maintain.
7dd8695 Bewegung durch Region blockieren
ff73358 Some tiny errors that slipped through Visual Studio's warnings.
dafe71f micro optimizations. removing a lot of mallocs through strdup by replacing getcommand calls with get_command, which takes a buffer. only one left. removing mkname calls with a static buffer for keyword-tokens. commit the schema file I had lying around.
9ca206e remove reference to thieves and spies from this spell for non-E2 games. this fixes https://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=1548
7eb2161 Adjust the weight of young dragons to be less than regular dragons. This fixes https://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=1677
38352ef add the build number to saves. this should make future debugging sessions easier, telling us what bugs were or were not fixed at the time of an incident. added a test to make sure data file can be read/written, and at a minimum, sets global data-version. also clean up test framework a bit, and introduce a helpful macro.
911992b silver has a weight of 1: http://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=2013 this broke when I replaced the new_itemtype function. I owe a test for it.
bdbffba Fixing Merge conflict
6afd8ab Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
a1225a1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Feature-1865'
dfec8d8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Verlasse-zu-spät-in-Befehlsreihenfolge'
d546065 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Piraterie'
f45b16e Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Bug-1938'
13e544a Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Bug-1857'
0e8126f Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Bug-1664'
df1a4b5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Bug-1516'
4449715 fix missing curly brace, indentation. hope I got this right.
77f126a Merge branch 'CTD1-Feature-1865'
b6f627a Merge branch 'Feature-1865' of github.com:CTD1/eressea-server-bugfixing into CTD1-Feature-1865
233f707 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Bug-1610'
0a4962f Published a new release.
206e0a2 Accidentally deleted initial path logic. This code is important for bootstrapping the LUA_PATH
f0ac736 map script needs to set up the script folder.
b0203a2 fix iniparser build
91ec503 fix the mapper script. 1. move xml configuration reading to a separate module, it's compliated. 2. move the map file to the main scripts folder.
6fbb9b4 modifying ini file from setup script
ca64be7 setup script to install the server
52a235b make clean, to remove emacs backup files
04be680 refactoring the pre-release script.
3c2ae7c preview script and logging cleanup
130f640 No christmas trees in E4 - Bugfix for http://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=2019 - removing some old tests
45a1668 logic fix for FOLLOW (if we are not following a ship, and cannot see the target unit, then exit).
53a5314 Fix für E2
fe0ff71 E2 fähig gemacht
90cf6d8 replace strstr
8dd4b78 fix gcc error
3767957 indentation + whitespace changes
1918f56 indentation + whitespace changes
bf4bda3 Bug 1610 FOLGE SCHIFF und andere lange Befehle
f33de38 Piraterie repariert
0d0aad5 Abtreiben Unabhänig von Wahrnehmung
549a4fb Bug 1857 abtreiben trotz leuchtturmüberwachung e2
13ba2b8 Merge pull request #24 from CTD1/Bug-1610
1470b56 Merge pull request #23 from CTD1/Piraterie
cad8299 Merge pull request #22 from CTD1/Bug-1857
75e98ae Merge pull request #20 from CTD1/Bug-1664
b92c51d Merge pull request #19 from CTD1/Bug-1516
b3a58c6 fix tabs
500e24d Merge pull request #18 from CTD1/Bug-1938
224a08a Merge branch 'CTD1-Verlasse-zu-spät-in-Befehlsreihenfolge'
1bd7843 Merge branch 'Verlasse-zu-spät-in-Befehlsreihenfolge' of github.com:CTD1/eressea-server-bugfixing into CTD1-Verlasse-zu-spät-in-Befehlsreihenfolge
e6a162e Merge branch 'CTD1-Bug-1803'
95dae12 Merge branch 'Bug-1803' of github.com:CTD1/eressea-server-bugfixing into CTD1-Bug-1803
c49c3af Bug 1610 FOLGE SCHIFF und andere lange Befehle
7ac56b3 Piraterie repariert
906dd45 Abtreiben Unabhänig von Wahrnehmung
37e0226 Bug 1857 abtreiben trotz leuchtturmüberwachung e2
1af9a9a delete old tests folder (moved to scripts/)
91eead0 fix test runner
b839fcc Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
9606675 remove unnecessary print
d2bee4e new test script, rule-independent tests.
8b9f344 Fixing server crash
6889f18 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/eressea/server
7348ce6 add config.path parsing to a module of its own.
405c63f this old race alias stuff has been dead code for years.
b90b744 removing unused RECRUIT_CLASSIC option. Dead code is dead.
71056cc in Lua 5.2, table.getn no longer exists
afd4128 config file reading based on game name and install location.
ebe078d replace backslash with forward for unix-style paths
9cb0deb Eressea tests, rewritten
7d9442d missing include
d446561 deleting the core directory.
51356b0 Feature 1865 leere unterhaltspflichtige Gebäude
64ef711 Use two-phase RESERVE in regular process_orders
7d64046 Bug 1664: Obwohl kein Holz vorhanden ist, kommt die Meldung, daß der Unterhalt für die Schmiede gezahlt wurde
246a92f Bug 1516 Trotz Reserviere, Pferde abgegeben.
8aa356d Bug 1938 [E3] Magiepatzer kaputt (auraverlust statt kostensteigerung)!
bd2809a removing the core directory (moving to res and scripts). it's from when open-source Eressea was limited, and we no longer need the separation. JSON configuration for ship flags.
db6179d Betrete vor dem Kampf
03b69cc Verlasse wurde erst nach dem Kampf ausgeführt
964c03e Bug 1803 RESERVIERE ALLES tut nichts
44c89e2 Lua module rewrite, part deux. rules for E3 and E4 some missing files.
d994caf Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/eressea/server
d9457a2 rewrite of the Lua module system. At this time, only E2 is working. Fixing a lot of old code (monster is no longer id 0). package.paths configured from eressea.ini install directory configured from eressea.ini moving building_action into a seaprate module (it's deprecated)
46ab9e7 version 280 installed in production
1342b62 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
e048e86 Merge pull request #15 from CTD1/patch-bug1690
955a572 code review changes
10e08ab Merge pull request #14 from CTD1/master
67cf73d update ini files so tests will pass again
44327d9 setting the rules directory with -r (overrides config.rules from eressea.ini)
30e9565 update config files to use game.rules from eressea.ini. ToDo: set rules from command line with -r
2bec7e2 save game id in the data file, not name of XML file
4670767 Bug 1690: [E3] +1 Bonus für Zauber von Elfen im Wald
5120716 allow reading the configuration from a different directory (-c dir).
af73c6d Output a message, give feedback about keys used. Remove unused variable.
018d4ca fix quest keys to work again. add a function to walk borders with a callback.
13165f2 Move quest objects to the module that uses them (museum portals).
d7803eb trying to fix the museum. WIP.
2a95c5c new server release
956efc4 new two-phase reserve for e4
2eda403 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
e44d4aa implemented a suggested change to RESERVE. http://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=1675#c5240 new setting "rule.reserve.twophase" reserves from self first, before reserving from others. fix a crash when trying to flush logs and there is no logfile.
fbe9822 mpve sceipts tp the roght place.
9d102fd BUG 1786 Fehlschlag ZERSTÖRE Gerüst
4cfa1ec Bug 1755 Beschworene Skelette mit Ausdauerproblemen
5458fce install configuration files
a4675c6 installing resource files through cmake.
4506bff new server version installed.
4c46526 fix code to work with gcc, move init_locales() outside of util.
97de950 Merge pull request #13 from TomBraun/master
ae23879 Merge pull request #12 from CTD1/master
1500bca REKRUTIERE RASSE funktioniert nicht (Bug 2012) http://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=2012 init_locales must not be called before races have been configured. make jsonconf initialize translations handle missing strings in translations, log errors.
5e2c565 Falscher Magischer Beutel bei Gewichtsberechnung
19ce861 Change umlauts in the german comment
3ac22cb Merge remote-tracking branch 'eressea/master'
3bd6395 Klammern vergessen
722be02 Merge pull request #11 from CTD1/master
700a88f Umlaute in Kommentaren
aae6ac3 Bug 0002014: Zwergenausrüstung kann nicht hergestellt werden
6987c61 Bug 0002014: Zwergenausrüstung kann nicht hergestellt werden
38a7548 BUG 0001980: Gegener hält Burg obwohl alle geflohen sind!
41f7f43 Merge remote-tracking branch 'eressea/master'
2253296 CMAke 3.0 has been released, and it installs to a new path.
c1c0689 Merge remote-tracking branch 'eressea/master'
acb0cd7 installed build 677 in production, increase build number to 678
b2b35fd add a test for the E3 reduced give quota. foreign units receive only 50% of silver given to them.
896681e print log errors after runnign tests
68d9601 a new method for finding out that a unit died in battle. turns out, a unit can have 0 people without dying or being a TEMP (GIVE them all away, then RECRUIT more).
4d173cf if a unit is empty, and not a TEMP, then it is dead and cannot recruit. This fixes http://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=2010
9e2e7bf test giving silver from the pool
fdae518 also read the extended race::ec_flags from JSON configuration.
88f9d24 Revert "use race::flags|RCF_NOGIVE instead of race::ec_flags|GIVEITEM" E3 Tests (GIVE) did not pass.
5ec3f5b use race::flags|RCF_NOGIVE instead of race::ec_flags|GIVEITEM None of this has tests, it'd going to be years before a change like this can be made without fear D-:
b21cb8f Simple test for rules.give (there are many more, can_give deserves a test to itself). The more tests I write, the more I hate the infrastructure for them.
b9b627a refactor setup for economy tests. rename can_steal->check_steal for consistent naming, check_give->can_give, too.
f14264e test coverage for can_steal. add a default message for when no messages are loaded, so that msg_feedback/msg_message doesn't return NULL when XML has not been laoded. initialize some core stuff before running tests (there probably needs to be more).
072f927 replace RCF_CANSTEAL with RCF_NOSTEAL for less confusing default behavior.
5b437c5 Replace RCF_PLAYERRACE with RCF_NPC, it's the less confusing default for tests.
4a8707b fix a fall-through in jsonconf causing an error message. add tests for pool, not working because of missing GIVEITEM on JSON-configured races (TBD).
587df7f Migranten-Konversion gibt es nicht mehr. http://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=1502
d743d32 bind "blocked" flag for Lua (bug 1922). remove unused region-flags.
d5e9899 remove battle statistics, the flag is not set anywhere, and I have not used them in ages.
37be445 Merge remote-tracking branch 'eressea/master'
21d4d1f Solve same conflicts with eressea/server manuale
1c3e516 Update eressea.lua
990b650 Fix BUG 0001976 http://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=1976 Check that only buling owner set k_pay disable If other unit inside the building set k_pay disable it have now no effect, before only fraction was check
9930324 Change test for bug 0001976
5011d3f some touching up to the new test here
783df84 BUG owner of a building can't enter ship If owner of a building want to enter a ship or other building, he must first leave the bulding. Commands are "leave" and "enter <ship/tower> <ID>". For buildings was that OK but not for ships. The building owner was inside the region after that commans and not in the ship.
8fc137d Expose the "working" flag for buildings to Lua. Test working vs. unpaid harbour landigns with a ship.
26d6808 read building-maintenance requirements from JSON.
e0ee82e Do not default newly created buildings to being maintained and working (do that in the create order instead). This was mucking up one of the new tests.
8803b9d accept fix server don't configure changes are now in configure fille
cbdf486 Merge remote-tracking branch 'eressea/master'
f51e5f9 strip down the configure script to do only configuration, not builds. remove distcc support, because I do not have it set up anywhere I can test it.
dd408da resolve naming conflict on windows.
918ab39 BUG owner of a building can't enter ship If owner of a building want to enter a ship or other building, he must first leave the bulding. Commands are "leave" and "enter <ship/tower> <ID>". For buildings was that OK but not for ships. The building owner was inside the region after that commans and not in the ship.
ccbcf14 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
f505ae8 copy names of callbacks when registering them
1623758 introducing new callback system
90120ee stop side-effect of cd - at the end of these scripts
22c5b4d Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
2aaabc0 let s/cmake-init take care of mkdir, not configure
b5439a1 fix line/column calculation for JSON Errors. + start building a test for http://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=1692
91a776c begin configuring spells from JSON
6639fbb Change test for bug 0001976
98354ef Merge remote-tracking branch 'eressea/server'
b70fc76 Fix BUG 0001976 http://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=1976 Check that only buling owner set k_pay disable If other unit inside the building set k_pay disable it have now no effect, before only fraction was check
ee1d97d remov e the old recycling quota, it was always 0.5 everywhere, and a silly feature..
6e825d5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'eressea/server'
54a3c2e recycle quota is always 0.5 in every game, no reason to toch this.
927ada9 improve construction data in JSON. test castle naming function
2bb41b1 Server can not configure mkdir -p $BIN_DIR is allready done in configure file the effect is that file configure create the build directory and in this directory file cmake-init create another, go inside and don't find CMakeLists.txt
e39336e move declaration to top of block
5e356bc Merge branch 'TomBraun-master'
7a6b237 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:TomBraun/server into TomBraun-master
9dcf5bb fix a crash for invalid race enums
12661fc new_itemtype has been replaced, delete it.
22f64ab caching get_race() calls
c3dfbde eliminate new_race array in favor of a function (TODO: make it fast)
11a2647 appearance is something only items have, so move it to item_type
2a00301 unused variable
062ba71 fix reading items in xmlreader (still has no tests)
5d32896 rt_register is no longer required, new_resourcetype replaced by rt_get_or_create.
95929a9 we are about to remove rt_register, but not quite yet.
773f376 eliminate cb_items
7ee6f04 reduce use of cb_items, because we want to remove it.
7249630 Eliminate some Visual Studio warnings, rename itemnames->resourcenames.
16be68a Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
28d2984 disable castle tests, they aren't good yet
2e4addd Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
2af434c installing build 676 in production
1000c1f random encounters in land regions only (nobody will ever enter a firewall, and astral plane shouldn't have it either)
6bd2b3b add a test for stone golems building castles. fix a bug when stone golems use themselves up.
0187567 disable castle tests
a48cca5 building naming function configured from JSON (this needs work). started writing tests for castles.
ba53c90 Release/Debug builds support
612dfea Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
89e7a78 added some tests for building buildings.
c31c436 change u->number >> 0 to u->number>0
34ce9a0 JSON configuration can read strings, with test.
9cf03d0 missing compilation unit
9e21f1d Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
9b01b71 config returns a value, so we can assert corrrect JSON syntax
7012740 testing rules for riding
b346788 Merge remote-tracking branch 'eressea/server'
39f7835 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
06d9218 option for release builds
68aa903 make tests pass through valgrind introduce more #ifdef LOMEM to bitfield structs.
c5cf8bb add some asserts, chasing a valgrind message
5e83561 fix weight calculation, uninitialized value
dba51bf remove duplicate handling of "speed" attribute in JSON add weight and capacity in this test (still broken)
6ced596 Chang "git submodule update --init" with "clone --recursive"
99da4de Define "pf_generic cast = 0" and "pf_generic fumble = 0" early Visual Studio 2013 express don't compile without errors if this definition comes to late.
be4e02c Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
d0e2ad5 tests for basic movement
12e1597 read weight, capacity and flags of items
af77a1d speed up float params, exploiting alphabetic sorting
07d10d9 add tests for get_param functions
50ff812 Add test Iron Golems now use the corect number of iron. Test also Iron Golems can now create dwarfen only items (makes irongolems usable for dwarfs)
d4fdddb Iron golems can now create dwarfen only items (makes irongolems usable for dwarfs)
0400bca Iron and Stone golems now use the corect number of stones / iron. 0001946: Eisengolems stellen keine Waren her http://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=1921
fa9ac18 Test a bug that crasehed the server when Stonegolems created a new building and the whole unite was consumed during this process (could not enter the new building as no one was left in the unit)
84fb776 Fixed a bug that crasehed the server when Stonegolems created a new building and the whole unite was consumed during this process (could not enter the new building as no one was left in the unit)
a75d91f remove the last of the static item_type variables.
31c0e5c read items from JSON, with no properties yet
92f43a7 eliminate it_find calls, replace it_find with something backed by rt_find
9d24c3c testing resource caching
dc8a8cd rt_find -> get_resourcetype optimization
d581737 optimization: caching resource types in get_resourcetype. eliminate some it_find calls. eliminate static variables, they make testing hard.
98470ac Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
958c04a Merge branch 'stm2-fix_block_movement'
a0c1d4a Merge branch 'stm2-fix_block_movement'
7adb849 Merge branch 'fix_block_movement' of github.com:stm2/server into stm2-fix_block_movement
77ee0b7 remote the item_t enum for good
73da14e getting rid of the olditemtypes[] array reduce use of statics reduce use of item_t enum
740b646 fix keywords
1444ee5 kill XEBALLOON etc, fix some strings
2c83123 Added a test for expensive skills. When resetting the game rules, make sure basic resources (money, hp, person) are initialized.
43dc69d copy/paste error
d9972a9 call init_skills when not using JSON config
762f1e4 integration test for STUDY.
bfadc49 add JSON configuration to skills, and tests
46f6628 remove obsolete commands (PRAY) and parameters
198e95d slickedit project updat
bff25f3 move skill_t into a separate file, give it unit tests. name functions the same as we did for keyword/direction earlier. to do: json configuration and lua test.
ceabbeb switch remaining flags from unsigned to int.
e4fa797 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
46f6849 eliminate debug message
eb56791 forgot to init the bindings for game.pkg next problem to solve: skills
3625ba6 remove static variables optimizations, they create global state that is bad for testing
59b0f0f testing coasts, and that ships will only sail into terrains that's allowed.
8166519 add a list of valid coasts to ship definition in JSON. fix endless loop in error-line counting.
6788d55 remove parameters for old PRAY command. Add an eressea.game module to Lua bindings.
0484552 fix missing keywords for GIVE
b6b790d add a config.reset function to clear configuration state before tests.
0675c50 keyword lookup macro
5c78a38 cleaning up terrains, reading race flags from a JSON array
3392856 finally have all the scaffolding to write a test with ships. configure terrain flags from json. ships are always allowed to enter SEA regions.
b40ddae add test for keyword aliases, add keyword to strings for reverse lookup
0af5e96 Renaming keyword tokens to English.
27374a9 put keywords into a namespace before giving them english keys (tbd).
249a439 read keyword translations from JSON configuration.
645a7fc fix keyword translations, they use critbit, not tokens
6a20594 renamedtest files in the rest of the makefiles, too. oops.
125fd51 rename test files. add tests for keyword.c, incomplete.
c8dc6be rename get_keyword, because something else should have that name.
64e0c22 directions can now be read from json configuration. rename a couple of functions for more consistency across modules.
a144417 remove reference to former GM command (I killed it last week)
acbef7a fix missing locales initialization
a9f0538 keyword_t and direction_t are moving into their own module. direction parser gets new initialization function, for use in jsonconf later. add unit tests for directions.
812cb98 begin binding locales (need to init_locales in the right place, still). fix indentation in some places. add some assertions.
24dc006 fix json config for terrains, some other stuff.
2033aab new test suite, moving to new directory.
e27bde0 bindings for error logging, phase 1. better error reporting for json parse errors.
97c17b1 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
6e56c56 read ships from config file (only very basic) and create them in a lua test.
5a82350 fix broken xmlreader after most recent cahnges to race/ship_type/building_type creation functions.
d503937 working on making json config understand ships and buildings. new tests in progress. remove giveitem.c attribute, the name clashed with a trigger, and it was only part of an arena that is gone from the game, I think.
30c1b0e new lua test framework, work in progress.
b84bf7b add json configuration parser to lua bindings.
8d2df36 clean up indentation. fix duplicate header guard names.
fa98528 remove old SQL patch code, we have sqlite now. rearrange the SlickEdit projects.
28726e2 update cmake to compile without sqlite3, curses or libxml2 installed.
2578a15 remove gmtool from static lib
9605fe2 add a version number header for release management. add build number to creport.
42a86fc make sure that the skill bonus for races is signed, even on ARM where that is not necessarily the default.
bbc0efa slickedit project files
3dda5d3 apply USE_LIBXML consistently, so tests can be built without libxml2
a10ccac Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
a304b98 remove archetypes, they are not used by any existing game. make compiling with libxml2 optional (USE_LIBXML2) disable xml reports
3750738 remove archetypes, they are not used by any existing game. make compiling with libxml2 optional (USE_LIBXML2)
3c4b6b9 rename message.[hc] to messages.[hc] in kernel because of naming conflict with util/ begin json config files (WIP)
dceff48 json config files, beginning with races
f43d8a3 remove old gamecode-diabling logic it was old, and not in use.
58fa2d4 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:eressea/server
395410d formatting (80 characters per line is good) new chapter on studying skills
dc3eea0 take best unit and count amulet at most once for guards blocking movement
115d3a8 some specialized equipment
fa25636 eliminate kill_nonstarters
Eressea Fantasy Strategy PBEM Game
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