diff --git a/acoustic.ipynb b/acoustic.ipynb
index a8e8b8e..7283430 100644
--- a/acoustic.ipynb
+++ b/acoustic.ipynb
@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
"This Jupyter Notebook is a companion to the [article](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/340645995_Getting_started_with_acoustic_well_log_data_using_the_dlisio_Python_library_on_the_Volve_Data_Village_dataset) of the same name, published in the Proceedings of the 43rd Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics in 2020. While the article provides more background information and a tidier presentation of the results, this notebook shows the code underlying these results.\n",
- "The notebook uses the dlisio library to investigate data from a sonic and an ultrasonic tool in an integrity well log file from the open [Volve Data Village dataset](https://www.equinor.com/en/how-and-why/digitalisation-in-our-dna/volve-field-data-village-download.html). The file in question is `WL_RAW_PROD_AC-AIMG-CCL-GR_2013-06-05_2.DLIS`, from well F-11 B. While investigating acoustic data from two specific tools is the main topic of this notebook, other types of data can be similarly investigated using dlisio.\n",
+ "The notebook uses the dlisio library to investigate data from a sonic and an ultrasonic tool in an integrity well log file from the open [Volve Data Village dataset](https://data.equinor.com/dataset/Volve). The file in question is `WL_RAW_PROD_AC-AIMG-CCL-GR_2013-06-05_2.DLIS`, from well F-11 B. While investigating acoustic data from two specific tools is the main topic of this notebook, other types of data can be similarly investigated using dlisio.\n",
- "This notebook is published under an [MIT license](https://github.com/equinor/dlisio-notebooks/blob/master/LICENSE) and was developed using `python 3.7.6`. All packages used in this notebook and their versions are listed in `requirements.txt` in the root folder of this repository. Run `pip install -r requirements.txt` if you wish to install all the correct versions. The newest version of this notebook can always be found [on github](https://github.com/equinor/dlisio-notebooks/blob/master/acoustic.ipynb).\n",
+ "This notebook is published under an [MIT license](https://github.com/equinor/dlisio-notebooks/blob/master/LICENSE) and the newest version was developed using `python 3.9.12`. All packages used in this notebook and their versions are listed in `requirements.txt` in the root folder of this repository. Run `pip install -r requirements.txt` if you wish to install all the correct versions. The newest version of this notebook can always be found [on github](https://github.com/equinor/dlisio-notebooks/blob/master/acoustic.ipynb).\n",
"***Privacy note:*** *This notebook hides well log parameters that contain people's names. This is to avoid their names being tied to the log file by search engines without their explicit consent. Users of the notebook are of course free to uncomment the code lines that hide these names.*"
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
"import matplotlib as mpl\n",
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"import dlisio\n",
+ "from dlisio import dlis\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"import scipy.signal as signal\n",
@@ -53,9 +54,7 @@
"## Fetch the file\n",
- "The Volve data is made publically available through an Azure storage blob. We can fetch the file from the blob with `Azure CLI`.\n",
- "\n",
- "Note that even though the data is freely available [Terms and conditions](https://data.equinor.com/dataset/Volve) still apply. "
+ "The Volve data is made publically available by Equinor through Azure BlobStore. In the next cell we download the dlis file that we intend to work with in this notebook from that BlobStore. In order to do that, we first need to head over to https://data.equinor.com/dataset/Volve to fetch a sas token (our credentials). After logging in with a Microsoft account and accepting the terms and conditions, scroll to the bottom of the page and copy the sas token from the shared access signature URI. Note that the sas token is only the last part of that URI, i.e. everything _after_ the question mark (excluding the question mark itself). Paste it into the `sas` variable in the cell below and run it."
@@ -65,17 +64,19 @@
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from os import path\n",
+ "from azure.storage.blob import BlobClient\n",
- "name = 'Well_logs_pr_WELL/15_9-F-11 B/11. INTEGRITY LOGS/RAW/WL_RAW_PROD_AC-AIMG-CCL-GR_2013-06-05_2.DLIS'\n",
- "dst = 'WL_RAW_PROD_AC-AIMG-CCL-GR_2013-06-05_2.DLIS'\n",
+ "dst = 'WL_RAW_PROD_AC-AIMG-CCL-GR_2013-06-05_2.DLIS'\n",
+ "url = 'https://datavillagesa.blob.core.windows.net/volve/Well_logs_pr_WELL/15_9-F-11 B/11. INTEGRITY LOGS/RAW/WL_RAW_PROD_AC-AIMG-CCL-GR_2013-06-05_2.DLIS'\n",
"if not path.isfile(dst):\n",
- " !az storage blob download \\\n",
- " --account-name dataplatformblvolve \\\n",
- " --container-name pub \\\n",
- " --sas-token none \\\n",
- " --name \"{name}\" \\\n",
- " --file \"{dst}\""
+ " client = BlobClient.from_blob_url(url, credential = sas)\n",
+ " \n",
+ " with open(dst, \"wb\") as f:\n",
+ " print('Downloading...')\n",
+ " stream = client.download_blob()\n",
+ " f.write(stream.readall())"
@@ -86,18 +87,18 @@
"### Set encodings for dlisio\n",
- "By default a `.DLIS`-file should only contain strings that can be decoded with 'utf-8', which is the default encoding in Python. However, a lot of files use different encodings for strings. These need special care. Sadly, there is no way for dlisio to guess which encoding to use, simply because multiple encodings might work but yield different results. However, dlisio can be told to use whatever encoding you believe is used in the file with the [set_encodings](https://dlisio.readthedocs.io/en/stable/dlisio.html#dlisio.set_encodings) function.\n",
+ "By default a `.DLIS`-file should only contain strings that can be decoded with 'utf-8', which is the default encoding in Python. However, a lot of files use different encodings for strings. These need special care. Sadly, there is no way for dlisio to guess which encoding to use, simply because multiple encodings might work but yield different results. However, dlisio can be told to use whatever encoding you believe is used in the file with the [set_encodings](https://dlisio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/common-api.html#dlisio.common.set_encodings) function.\n",
"For the file that we are investigating in this notebook, we need to use the `latin1` encoding. "
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 2,
+ "execution_count": 3,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
- "dlisio.set_encodings(['latin1'])"
+ "dlisio.common.set_encodings(['latin1'])"
@@ -106,20 +107,20 @@
"source": [
"### Logical files\n",
- "Before starting to work with DLIS and dlisio, there are a couple of concepts you should be familiar with. Firstly, a DLIS-file _may_ contain multiple logical files. In short, this means that there might be multiple files within a `.DLIS` disk file. In practice, logical files are independent of each other and you can regard them as such. The [dlisio documentation](https://dlisio.readthedocs.io/en/stable/intro.html#physical-and-logical-files) explains the definition of a logical file in more detail. \n",
+ "Before starting to work with DLIS and dlisio, there are a couple of concepts you should be familiar with. Firstly, a DLIS-file _may_ contain multiple logical files. In short, this means that there might be multiple files within a `.DLIS` disk file. In practice, logical files are independent of each other and you can regard them as such. The [dlisio documentation](https://dlisio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dlis/userguide.html) explains the definition of a logical file in more detail. \n",
- "Because of this, the syntax for opening a DLIS file with dlisio can look a bit strange at a first glance. The syntax we use in the cell below extracts the _first_ logical file into `f` and puts the remaining logical files into `f_tail`. dlisio's documentation offers more in-detail [examples](https://dlisio.readthedocs.io/en/stable/examples.html#opening-files) of loading files."
+ "Because of this, the syntax for opening a DLIS file with dlisio can look a bit strange at a first glance. The syntax we use in the cell below extracts the _first_ logical file into `f` and puts the remaining logical files into `f_tail`. dlisio's documentation offers more in-detail [examples](https://dlisio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/dlis/userguide.html) of loading files."
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 3,
+ "execution_count": 4,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"filename = 'WL_RAW_PROD_AC-AIMG-CCL-GR_2013-06-05_2.DLIS'\n",
- "f, *f_tail = dlisio.load(filename)\n",
+ "f, *f_tail = dlis.load(filename)\n",
"if len(f_tail): logging.warning('There are more logical files in tail')"
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 4,
+ "execution_count": 5,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
@@ -162,7 +163,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 5,
+ "execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -171,37 +172,37 @@
"Logical File\n",
- "Description : dlis(MaxWell_13Dlis)\n",
+ "Description : LogicalFile(MaxWell_13Dlis)\n",
"Frames : 3\n",
"Channels : 310\n",
"Known objects\n",
- "CHANNEL : 310\n",
+ "CALIBRATION : 9\n",
+ "TOOL : 7\n",
"EQUIPMENT : 27\n",
+ "PROCESS : 15\n",
"AXIS : 2\n",
"FRAME : 3\n",
"ORIGIN : 1\n",
- "PARAMETER : 473\n",
- "PROCESS : 15\n",
- "TOOL : 7\n",
"FILE-HEADER : 1\n",
- "CALIBRATION : 9\n",
+ "CHANNEL : 310\n",
+ "PARAMETER : 473\n",
"Unknown objects\n",
- "440-LIS-INPU : 307\n",
- "440-OP-TOOL : 7\n",
- "440-FILE : 1\n",
"440-HZVERSIONINFO : 1\n",
+ "440-LIS-INPU : 307\n",
"440-CHANNEL : 307\n",
- "440-PASS : 1\n"
+ "440-FILE : 1\n",
+ "440-PASS : 1\n",
+ "440-OP-TOOL : 7\n"
- "execution_count": 5,
+ "execution_count": 6,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
@@ -219,7 +220,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 6,
+ "execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -261,7 +262,7 @@
" supported)\n"
- "execution_count": 6,
+ "execution_count": 7,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
@@ -279,7 +280,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 7,
+ "execution_count": 8,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
@@ -332,12 +333,12 @@
"DLIS files contain a number of parameters, which dlisio exposes to the user as [Parameter objects](https://dlisio.readthedocs.io/en/stable/dlisio.html#parameter). These describe parameters used in the acquisition and processing of data. The parameter value(s) may be scalars or an array.\n",
- "`f.parameters` gives us a sequence of all the parameters in the DLIS file. We can apply the just-defined `summarize` helper function to compile a pandas table out of these parameters. dlisio Parameter objects have several attributes, but the ones we will compile here are `name`, `long_name`, and `values`:"
+ "`f.parameters` gives us a sequence of all the parameters in the DLIS file. We can apply the just-defined `summarize` helper function to compile a pandas table out of these parameters. dlisio Parameter objects have several attributes, but the ones we will compile here are `name`, `long_name`, and `values`. Furthermore, parameters can have units. While dlisio does not yet have a high-level interface for reading parameter units, we can use a lower-level units interface to fill in the units in the pandas table."
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 8,
+ "execution_count": 9,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -364,2822 +365,3292 @@
" \n",
- " 185 | \n",
+ " 193 | \n",
" A | \n",
" Constant A of the Archie Formation Factor - Po... | \n",
" [1.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 334 | \n",
+ " 335 | \n",
" AC_TRIM | \n",
" AC Main Cable Trim | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " ohm | \n",
" \n",
- " 283 | \n",
+ " 285 | \n",
" AFVU | \n",
" Automatic Fluid Velocity Update | \n",
" [Off] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 339 | \n",
" AGMN | \n",
" Minimum Gain of Cartridge | \n",
" [-12] | \n",
+ " dB | \n",
" \n",
" 340 | \n",
" AGMX | \n",
" Maximum Gain of Cartridge | \n",
" [40] | \n",
+ " dB | \n",
" \n",
- " 10 | \n",
+ " 11 | \n",
" ALT_PDAT | \n",
" Name of Alternate Permanent Datum (for PDAT = ... | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 287 | \n",
+ " 289 | \n",
" AMD | \n",
" Azimuth of Maximum Deviation | \n",
" [110.30000305175781] | \n",
+ " deg | \n",
" \n",
- " 211 | \n",
+ " 217 | \n",
" AMSG | \n",
" Auxiliary Minimum Sliding Gate | \n",
" [180.0] | \n",
+ " us | \n",
" \n",
- " 263 | \n",
+ " 266 | \n",
" APD | \n",
" Elevation of Depth Reference (LMF) Above Perma... | \n",
" [54.900001525878906] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 41 | \n",
+ " 54 | \n",
" APIN | \n",
" API Well Number | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 259 | \n",
+ " 262 | \n",
" APRE | \n",
" Atmospheric Pressure | \n",
" [1013.0] | \n",
+ " mbar | \n",
" \n",
" 405 | \n",
" ATEM | \n",
" Ambient Temperature | \n",
" [20.0] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
- " 244 | \n",
+ " 247 | \n",
" AU_TRIM | \n",
" AC AUX Cable Trim | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " ohm | \n",
" \n",
- " 27 | \n",
+ " 29 | \n",
" AZ_ENABLE | \n",
" Z-Axis Acceleration Channel Enabled for Real-T... | \n",
" [NO] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 46 | \n",
+ " 59 | \n",
" AZ_SELECT | \n",
" Z-Axis Acceleration Channel Selection for Real... | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 73 | \n",
+ " 86 | \n",
" BAP | \n",
" Elevation of the cellar base, for on-shore wells | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 260 | \n",
+ " 263 | \n",
" BASI | \n",
" Name of the sedimentary basin in which the wel... | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 59 | \n",
+ " 72 | \n",
" BERJ | \n",
" Bad Echo Rejection | \n",
" [ON] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 50 | \n",
+ " 63 | \n",
" BG | \n",
" Gas Formation Volume Factor, Bg | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 81 | \n",
+ " 94 | \n",
" BHAL | \n",
" GRA Borehole Aluminum Weight Percent | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " kgf/kgf | \n",
" \n",
- " 277 | \n",
+ " 279 | \n",
" BHK | \n",
" Drilling Fluid Potassium Concentration | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " % | \n",
" \n",
- " 82 | \n",
+ " 95 | \n",
" BHS | \n",
" Borehole Status (Open or Cased Hole) | \n",
" [OPEN] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 113 | \n",
+ " 124 | \n",
" BHT | \n",
" Bottom Hole Temperature | \n",
" [100.0] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
" 429 | \n",
" BHT_RM | \n",
" Bottom Hole Temperature (RM) | \n",
" [100.0] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
- " 245 | \n",
+ " 248 | \n",
" BILI | \n",
" Bond Index Level for Zone Isolation | \n",
" [0.800000011920929] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 138 | \n",
+ " 147 | \n",
" BLI | \n",
" Bottom Log Interval | \n",
" [3185.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 270 | \n",
+ " 273 | \n",
" BO | \n",
" Oil Formation Volume Factor, Bo | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 105 | \n",
+ " 116 | \n",
" BPP | \n",
" Bubble Point Pressure | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " psi | \n",
" \n",
- " 297 | \n",
+ " 299 | \n",
" BPT | \n",
" Bubble Point Temperature | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
" 355 | \n",
" BS | \n",
" Bit Size | \n",
" [12.25] | \n",
+ " in | \n",
" \n",
- " 333 | \n",
+ " 334 | \n",
" BSAL | \n",
" Borehole Salinity | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " ppm | \n",
" \n",
" 417 | \n",
" BSAL_RM | \n",
" Borehole Salinity (NaCl-equivalent concentrati... | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " ppm | \n",
" \n",
" 356 | \n",
" BSDF | \n",
" Bit Size Depth From | \n",
" [2573.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
" 357 | \n",
" BSDT | \n",
" Bit Size Depth To | \n",
" [3205.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 125 | \n",
+ " 135 | \n",
" BSSO | \n",
" Source of Borehole Salinity Data | \n",
" [Measured Resistivity (GEN-9)] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 98 | \n",
+ " 109 | \n",
" BW | \n",
" Water Formation Volume Factor, Bw | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 358 | \n",
" CADT | \n",
" Casing Depth To | \n",
" [3200.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
" 459 | \n",
" Calibration Cable Type | \n",
" [7-46 PXS] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 460 | \n",
" CALI_DATE | \n",
" Calibration Date | \n",
" [28-May-2013] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 465 | \n",
+ " 461 | \n",
" CALI_DATE | \n",
" Calibration Date | \n",
" [04-Jun-2013] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 466 | \n",
+ " 462 | \n",
" Calibrator Serial Number | \n",
- " [1115] | \n",
+ " [32] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 461 | \n",
+ " 463 | \n",
" Calibrator Serial Number | \n",
- " [32] | \n",
+ " [1115] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 359 | \n",
" CASG | \n",
" Casing Grade | \n",
" [P110] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 156 | \n",
+ " 165 | \n",
" CASN | \n",
" Casing String Number | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 360 | \n",
" CBDR | \n",
" Casing Bottom of Driller | \n",
" [3200.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 236 | \n",
+ " 239 | \n",
" CBLG | \n",
" CBL Gate Width | \n",
" [45.0] | \n",
+ " us | \n",
" \n",
" 361 | \n",
" CBLO | \n",
" Logger Casing Shoe Depth | \n",
" [3200.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 62 | \n",
+ " 75 | \n",
" CBRA | \n",
" CBL LQC Reference Amplitude in Free Pipe | \n",
" [53.0] | \n",
+ " mV | \n",
" \n",
- " 199 | \n",
+ " 205 | \n",
" Casing Collar Locator Multiplier | \n",
" [3.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 330 | \n",
+ " 331 | \n",
" CDEN | \n",
" Cement Density | \n",
" [2.0] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
" 362 | \n",
" CDF | \n",
" Casing Depth From | \n",
" [600.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
" 363 | \n",
" CDIA | \n",
" Casing Outer Diameter | \n",
" [9.625] | \n",
+ " in | \n",
" \n",
- " 74 | \n",
+ " 87 | \n",
" CDTS | \n",
" Correction for Delta-T Shale, Empirical | \n",
" [100.0] | \n",
+ " us/ft | \n",
" \n",
" 364 | \n",
" CGRD | \n",
" Casing Grade | \n",
" [P110] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 264 | \n",
+ " 267 | \n",
" CLAB | \n",
" County/Parish Label, used with the COUN parame... | \n",
" [County:] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 69 | \n",
+ " 82 | \n",
" CMCF | \n",
" CBL Cement Type Compensation Factor | \n",
" [0.678943395614624] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 410 | \n",
" CMR_FORM_H2O_SAL | \n",
" CMR Formation Water Salinity | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " ppm | \n",
" \n",
- " 141 | \n",
+ " 150 | \n",
" CMTY | \n",
" Cement Type | \n",
" [Regular Cement] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 313 | \n",
+ " 314 | \n",
" CN | \n",
" Company Name | \n",
" [Statoil] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 207 | \n",
+ " 213 | \n",
" CN1 | \n",
" Company Name, Line 1 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 251 | \n",
+ " 254 | \n",
" CONT | \n",
" Continent | \n",
" [Europe] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 319 | \n",
+ " 320 | \n",
" CONTYP | \n",
" Conveyance Type | \n",
" [Wireline] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 209 | \n",
+ " 215 | \n",
" Surface coordinate system name | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 124 | \n",
+ " 134 | \n",
" COUN | \n",
" County or Parish | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 365 | \n",
" CSDE | \n",
" Casing Density | \n",
" [0.07961677014827728] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
" 366 | \n",
" CSID | \n",
" Casing Inner Diameter | \n",
" [8.54683780670166] | \n",
+ " in | \n",
" \n",
" 367 | \n",
" CSIZ | \n",
" Current Casing Size | \n",
" [9.625] | \n",
+ " in | \n",
" \n",
- " 204 | \n",
+ " 210 | \n",
" CSLH | \n",
" Flag Indicating Presence of Liner Hanger in Ca... | \n",
" [No] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 44 | \n",
+ " 57 | \n",
" CTOT | \n",
" Total Compressibility of Rock and Fluid | \n",
" [0.007251886650919914] | \n",
+ " 1E-6 1/Pa | \n",
" \n",
" 368 | \n",
" CWEI | \n",
" Casing Weight | \n",
" [53.499996185302734] | \n",
+ " lbm/ft | \n",
" \n",
" 369 | \n",
" CYST | \n",
" Casing Yield Strength | \n",
" [110000.0] | \n",
+ " psi | \n",
" \n",
- " 320 | \n",
+ " 321 | \n",
" C_ALGO | \n",
" Collar detection algorithm | \n",
" [CCLU] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 294 | \n",
+ " 296 | \n",
" C_BLANK | \n",
" Ignore on each side of each collar, inches | \n",
" [12] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 29 | \n",
+ " 31 | \n",
" C_DLEN | \n",
" Collar detection length, inches | \n",
" [24] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 336 | \n",
+ " 337 | \n",
" C_JNO | \n",
" Joint number offset | \n",
" [0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 275 | \n",
+ " 277 | \n",
" C_MFILT | \n",
" Apply 3-point median filter to statistics? | \n",
" [No] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 7 | \n",
+ " 8 | \n",
" C_MPL | \n",
" Minimum pipe length, inches | \n",
" [24] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 237 | \n",
+ " 240 | \n",
" C_NUP | \n",
" Number joints from bottom? | \n",
" [Yes] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 77 | \n",
+ " 90 | \n",
" C_TPC | \n",
" Collar detection threshold percentage | \n",
" [50] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 167 | \n",
+ " 176 | \n",
" C_WIND | \n",
" Collar detection window length, inches | \n",
" [600] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 383 | \n",
" DATE | \n",
" Tools Above Rotary Table Date | \n",
" [05-Jun-2013] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 169 | \n",
+ " 178 | \n",
" DATF | \n",
" Date Logged From | \n",
" [04-Jun-2013] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 290 | \n",
+ " 292 | \n",
" DATT | \n",
" Date Logged To | \n",
" [05-Jun-2013] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 384 | \n",
" DCS | \n",
" Date Circulation Stopped | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 184 | \n",
+ " 192 | \n",
" DC_MODE | \n",
" Depth Correction Mode | \n",
" [REALTIME] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 312 | \n",
+ " 313 | \n",
" DC_RT_ENABLE | \n",
" Depth Correction Real-Time Enabled | \n",
" [NO] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 292 | \n",
+ " 294 | \n",
" DC_TRIM | \n",
" DC Main Cable Trim | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " ohm | \n",
" \n",
- " 57 | \n",
+ " 70 | \n",
" DDEL | \n",
" Digitizing Delay | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " us | \n",
" \n",
- " 150 | \n",
+ " 159 | \n",
" DELT_LOCB | \n",
" Reference Acceptance Criteria for Magnetic Flu... | \n",
" [300.0] | \n",
+ " nT | \n",
" \n",
- " 189 | \n",
+ " 197 | \n",
" DELT_LOCG | \n",
" Reference Acceptance Criteria for Gravitationa... | \n",
" [0.024516625329852104] | \n",
+ " m/s2 | \n",
" \n",
- " 321 | \n",
+ " 322 | \n",
" DELT_MDIP | \n",
" Reference Acceptance Criteria for Magnetic Dip... | \n",
" [0.44999998807907104] | \n",
+ " deg | \n",
" \n",
- " 186 | \n",
+ " 194 | \n",
" Acceptance Criteria for Magnetic Flux Density | \n",
" [300.0] | \n",
+ " nT | \n",
" \n",
- " 176 | \n",
+ " 185 | \n",
" Acceptance Criteria for Gravitational Field St... | \n",
" [0.024516625329852104] | \n",
+ " m/s2 | \n",
" \n",
- " 308 | \n",
+ " 309 | \n",
" Acceptance Criteria for Magnetic Dip Angle | \n",
" [0.44999998807907104] | \n",
+ " deg | \n",
" \n",
- " 217 | \n",
+ " 222 | \n",
" DEPREM1 | \n",
" Depth Remark 1 | \n",
" [Schlumberger depth control procedure is follo... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 182 | \n",
+ " 190 | \n",
" DEPREM2 | \n",
" Depth Remark 2 | \n",
" [IDW is used as primary depth control device a... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 90 | \n",
+ " 102 | \n",
" DEPREM3 | \n",
" Depth Remark 3 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 110 | \n",
+ " 121 | \n",
" DEPREM4 | \n",
" Depth Remark 4 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 114 | \n",
+ " 125 | \n",
" DEPREM5 | \n",
" Depth Remark 5 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 171 | \n",
+ " 180 | \n",
" DEPREM6 | \n",
" Depth Remark 6 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 191 | \n",
+ " 199 | \n",
" Depth System Type | \n",
" [Schlumberger Depth System] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 317 | \n",
+ " 318 | \n",
" DETE | \n",
" Delta-T Detection | \n",
" [E1] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 58 | \n",
+ " 71 | \n",
" DFD | \n",
" Drilling Fluid Density | \n",
" [1.2799999713897705] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 193 | \n",
+ " 201 | \n",
" DFES | \n",
" Electrical Stability | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " V | \n",
" \n",
- " 279 | \n",
+ " 281 | \n",
" DFL | \n",
" Drilling Fluid Loss | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " cm3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 310 | \n",
+ " 311 | \n",
" DFPH | \n",
" Drilling Fluid pH | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 432 | \n",
" DFT | \n",
" Drilling Fluid Type | \n",
" [OIL] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 241 | \n",
+ " 244 | \n",
" DFTS | \n",
" Drilling Fluid Total Solids | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 135 | \n",
+ " 144 | \n",
" DFV | \n",
" Drilling Fluid Viscosity | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " s | \n",
" \n",
" 396 | \n",
" DFVL | \n",
" Default Fluid Velocity | \n",
" [232.99998474121094] | \n",
+ " us/ft | \n",
" \n",
- " 243 | \n",
+ " 246 | \n",
" DHGS | \n",
" Drilling Fluid High Gravity Solids | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 302 | \n",
+ " 304 | \n",
" DIP_AZIMUTH | \n",
" Azimuth of a dipping plane in the Earth subsur... | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " deg | \n",
" \n",
" 385 | \n",
" DLAB | \n",
" Date Logger At Bottom | \n",
" [05-Jun-2013] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 178 | \n",
+ " 187 | \n",
" DMAG_CORR_ON | \n",
" Enable DMAG Correction | \n",
" [0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 205 | \n",
+ " 211 | \n",
" DMAG_CUTOFF | \n",
" DMAG Cutoff Depth | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
" 353 | \n",
" DMF | \n",
" Drilling Measured From (Name of Drilling Eleva... | \n",
" [DF] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 258 | \n",
+ " 261 | \n",
" DNI_DATE | \n",
" Direction and Inclination Inits Calculation Date | \n",
" [04-Jun-2013] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 322 | \n",
+ " 323 | \n",
" DOT | \n",
" Diameter of Transducer Sensor | \n",
" [4.874000072479248] | \n",
+ " in | \n",
" \n",
- " 127 | \n",
+ " 137 | \n",
" DOWR | \n",
" Drilling Fluid Oil/water Ratio | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 13 | \n",
+ " 14 | \n",
" DSIN | \n",
" Digitizer Sample Interval | \n",
" [10.0] | \n",
+ " us | \n",
" \n",
- " 146 | \n",
+ " 155 | \n",
" DSSN | \n",
" Depth System Serial Number | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 159 | \n",
+ " 168 | \n",
" DTCM | \n",
" Delta-T Computation Mode | \n",
" [FULL] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 32 | \n",
+ " 34 | \n",
" DTF | \n",
" Delta-T Fluid | \n",
" [189.0] | \n",
+ " us/ft | \n",
" \n",
- " 123 | \n",
+ " 133 | \n",
" DTFS | \n",
" DSLT Telemetry Frame Size | \n",
" [536] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 192 | \n",
+ " 200 | \n",
" DTM | \n",
" Delta-T Matrix | \n",
" [56.0] | \n",
+ " us/ft | \n",
" \n",
- " 250 | \n",
+ " 253 | \n",
" DTMD | \n",
" Borehole Fluid Slowness | \n",
" [232.99998474121094] | \n",
+ " us/ft | \n",
" \n",
" 408 | \n",
" DTMUD | \n",
" Delta-T for Mud | \n",
" [232.99998474121094] | \n",
+ " us/ft | \n",
" \n",
" 403 | \n",
" DTMUD_RM | \n",
" | \n",
" [232.99998474121094] | \n",
+ " us/ft | \n",
" \n",
- " 208 | \n",
+ " 214 | \n",
" DWCO | \n",
" Digitizer Word Count | \n",
" [250] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 93 | \n",
+ " 105 | \n",
" EAE | \n",
" Estimated Azimuth Error | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " deg | \n",
" \n",
- " 254 | \n",
+ " 257 | \n",
" ECF | \n",
" Elevation of Casing Flange | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 301 | \n",
+ " 303 | \n",
" EDF | \n",
" Elevation of Derrick Floor | \n",
" [54.900001525878906] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 22 | \n",
+ " 24 | \n",
" EDI | \n",
" Estimated Drillstring Interference | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " nT | \n",
" \n",
- " 161 | \n",
+ " 170 | \n",
" EGL | \n",
" Elevation of Ground Level | \n",
" [-91.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 42 | \n",
+ " 55 | \n",
" EKB | \n",
" Elevation of Kelly Bushing | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 170 | \n",
+ " 179 | \n",
" ELZ | \n",
" Elevation of Logging Zero Reference | \n",
" [54.900001525878906] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 230 | \n",
+ " 234 | \n",
" EMXV | \n",
" EMEX Voltage | \n",
" [90] | \n",
+ " V | \n",
" \n",
- " 218 | \n",
+ " 38 | \n",
" ENABLED | \n",
" Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status | \n",
" [No] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 220 | \n",
- " ENABLED | \n",
- " Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status | \n",
- " [Yes] | \n",
- "
- " \n",
- " 179 | \n",
+ " 39 | \n",
" ENABLED | \n",
" Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status | \n",
" [No] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 36 | \n",
+ " 40 | \n",
" ENABLED | \n",
" Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status | \n",
- " [No] | \n",
+ " [Yes] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 37 | \n",
+ " 50 | \n",
" ENABLED | \n",
" Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status | \n",
- " [No] | \n",
+ " [Yes] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 196 | \n",
+ " 41 | \n",
" ENABLED | \n",
" Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status | \n",
- " [No] | \n",
+ " [Yes] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 65 | \n",
+ " 42 | \n",
" ENABLED | \n",
" Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status | \n",
" [Yes] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 120 | \n",
+ " 43 | \n",
" ENABLED | \n",
" Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status | \n",
" [No] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 116 | \n",
+ " 49 | \n",
" ENABLED | \n",
" Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status | \n",
" [Yes] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 194 | \n",
+ " 44 | \n",
" ENABLED | \n",
" Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status | \n",
- " [Yes] | \n",
+ " [No] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 233 | \n",
+ " 48 | \n",
" ENABLED | \n",
" Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status | \n",
" [Yes] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 63 | \n",
+ " 47 | \n",
" ENABLED | \n",
" Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status | \n",
- " [Yes] | \n",
+ " [No] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 306 | \n",
+ " 45 | \n",
" ENABLED | \n",
" Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status | \n",
" [Yes] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 278 | \n",
+ " 46 | \n",
+ " ENABLED | \n",
+ " Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status | \n",
+ " [No] | \n",
+ " | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 280 | \n",
" EPD | \n",
" Elevation of Permanent Datum (PDAT) above Mean... | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 462 | \n",
+ " 464 | \n",
" Depth measuring device type | \n",
" [IDW-JA] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 457 | \n",
" Logging cable type | \n",
" [7-46P-XS] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 467 | \n",
" Tension device type | \n",
" [CMTD-B/A] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 190 | \n",
+ " 198 | \n",
" ETIP | \n",
" Elevation of the TIP above MSL | \n",
" [54.900001525878906] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 332 | \n",
+ " 333 | \n",
" FATT | \n",
" Acoustic Attenuation due to Fluid | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " dB/m | \n",
" \n",
- " 224 | \n",
+ " 227 | \n",
" FCD | \n",
" Future Casing (Outer) Diameter | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " in | \n",
" \n",
- " 107 | \n",
+ " 118 | \n",
" FCF | \n",
" CBL Fluid Compensation Factor | \n",
" [1.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 0 | \n",
" FD | \n",
" Fluid Density | \n",
" [1.0] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
" 404 | \n",
" FEXP | \n",
" Exponent \"m\" for Formation Factor Formula | \n",
" [2.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 1 | \n",
" FFV | \n",
" Formation Fluid Viscosity | \n",
" [0.5] | \n",
+ " mPa.s | \n",
" \n",
- " 126 | \n",
+ " 136 | \n",
" FL | \n",
" Field Location | \n",
" [North Sea] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 101 | \n",
+ " 112 | \n",
" FL1 | \n",
" Field Location, Line 1 | \n",
" [Norwegian Sector] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 269 | \n",
+ " 272 | \n",
" FL2 | \n",
" Field Location, Line 2 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 426 | \n",
" FLDE | \n",
" Fluid Density (kg/m3) | \n",
" [1.2799999713897705] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 54 | \n",
+ " 67 | \n",
" FLEV | \n",
" Depth of Drilling Fluid Level to LMF (Log Meas... | \n",
" [2.4384000301361084] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 174 | \n",
+ " 183 | \n",
" FN | \n",
" Field Name | \n",
" [Volve] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 422 | \n",
" FNUM | \n",
" F-Numerator for Formation Factor Formula | \n",
" [1.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 433 | \n",
" FPHI | \n",
" Source of Porosity for Formation Factor Formula | \n",
" [PHI] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 222 | \n",
+ " 225 | \n",
" FSAL | \n",
" Formation Salinity | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " ppm | \n",
" \n",
" 418 | \n",
" FVEL | \n",
" Fluid Interval Transit Time | \n",
" [232.99998474121094] | \n",
+ " us/ft | \n",
" \n",
" 434 | \n",
" GCSE | \n",
" Generalized Caliper Selection | \n",
" [BS] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 104 | \n",
+ " 115 | \n",
" GDD | \n",
" Gas Downhole Density | \n",
" [0.10000000149011612] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
" 394 | \n",
" GDD_SPRI | \n",
" Gas Downhole Density | \n",
" [0.10000000149011612] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 86 | \n",
+ " 98 | \n",
" GDEV | \n",
" Average Angular Deviation of Borehole from Ver... | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " deg | \n",
" \n",
- " 249 | \n",
+ " 252 | \n",
" Geomag Model that used for FAC calculation | \n",
" [BGGM] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 158 | \n",
+ " 167 | \n",
" GGRA | \n",
" Gas Gravity | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 187 | \n",
+ " 195 | \n",
" GGRD | \n",
" Geothermal Gradient | \n",
" [18.22688865661621] | \n",
+ " degC/km | \n",
" \n",
- " 329 | \n",
+ " 330 | \n",
" GMLD | \n",
" Magnetic Dip Angle | \n",
" [71.67223358154297] | \n",
+ " deg | \n",
" \n",
- " 324 | \n",
+ " 325 | \n",
" GMLG | \n",
" Gravitational Field Strength | \n",
" [9.81800651550293] | \n",
+ " m/s2 | \n",
" \n",
- " 248 | \n",
+ " 251 | \n",
" GMLH | \n",
" Magnetic Flux Density | \n",
" [50490.58203125] | \n",
+ " nT | \n",
" \n",
- " 226 | \n",
+ " 229 | \n",
" GOBO | \n",
" Good Bond | \n",
" [6.259347438812256] | \n",
+ " mV | \n",
" \n",
- " 303 | \n",
+ " 305 | \n",
" GOR | \n",
" Gas Oil Ratio | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " m3/m3 | \n",
" \n",
" 401 | \n",
" GOR_SPRI | \n",
" Gas Oil Ratio | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " m3/m3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 53 | \n",
+ " 66 | \n",
" Confidence factor on cable depth used in GPIT ... | \n",
" [3.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 197 | \n",
+ " 203 | \n",
" Ratio (average speed after sticking) / (averag... | \n",
" [3.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 282 | \n",
+ " 284 | \n",
" Sticking detection threshold used in GPIT spee... | \n",
" [0.019999999552965164] | \n",
+ " m/s2 | \n",
" \n",
" 395 | \n",
" GRAD | \n",
" Real-Time Formation Temp Gradient | \n",
" [18.22688865661621] | \n",
+ " degC/km | \n",
" \n",
- " 300 | \n",
+ " 302 | \n",
" GRDC | \n",
" RST Grid Current Set Point | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " deg | \n",
" \n",
" 435 | \n",
" GRSE | \n",
" Generalized Mud Resistivity Selection | \n",
" [GEN9] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 39 | \n",
+ " 52 | \n",
" Gamma Ray Multiplier | \n",
" [1.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 436 | \n",
" GTSE | \n",
" Generalized Temperature Selection | \n",
" [TEMP] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 72 | \n",
+ " 85 | \n",
" GVIS | \n",
" Gas Viscosity | \n",
" [0.019999999552965164] | \n",
+ " mPa.s | \n",
" \n",
- " 115 | \n",
+ " 126 | \n",
" HDAT | \n",
" Coordinate system adopted | \n",
" [SAD69] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 450 | \n",
" HID1 | \n",
" Header Identifier 1 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 451 | \n",
" HID2 | \n",
" Header Identifier 2 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 449 | \n",
" HIDE | \n",
" Header Identifier | \n",
" [Volve] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 61 | \n",
+ " 74 | \n",
" HIFF | \n",
" Hydrogen Index of Formation Fluid | \n",
" [1.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 397 | \n",
" HILT Gas Downhole Density | \n",
" [0.10000000149011612] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 228 | \n",
+ " 232 | \n",
" HRES | \n",
" Horizontal Resolution | \n",
" [5 deg] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 227 | \n",
+ " 231 | \n",
" HTEN_CALI | \n",
" Head Tension Calibration Method | \n",
" [Calibration] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 338 | \n",
+ " 230 | \n",
" HTEN_CALI | \n",
" Head Tension Calibration Method | \n",
" [Calibration] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 216 | \n",
+ " 131 | \n",
" Head Tension Multiplier or Manual Gain | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 121 | \n",
+ " 130 | \n",
" Head Tension Multiplier or Manual Gain | \n",
" [1.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 102 | \n",
+ " 113 | \n",
" HTEN_PM_REF | \n",
" Head Tension Plus Reference | \n",
" [1014.0399169921875] | \n",
+ " lbf | \n",
" \n",
- " 274 | \n",
+ " 21 | \n",
" HTEN_SHIFT | \n",
" Head Tension Shift or Manual Offset | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " lbf | \n",
" \n",
- " 20 | \n",
+ " 22 | \n",
" HTEN_SHIFT | \n",
" Head Tension Shift or Manual Offset | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " lbf | \n",
" \n",
- " 136 | \n",
+ " 145 | \n",
" HTEN_ZM_REF | \n",
" Head Tension Zero Reference | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " lbf | \n",
" \n",
" 437 | \n",
" HVCS | \n",
" Integrated Hole Volume Caliper Selection | \n",
" [BS] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 166 | \n",
+ " 175 | \n",
" IBG | \n",
" 1/Gas Formation Volume Factor, 1/Bg | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 52 | \n",
+ " 65 | \n",
" IHVC | \n",
" Integrated Hole Volume Control | \n",
" [START] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 409 | \n",
" IHVS | \n",
" Integrated Hole Volume Start Value | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " m3 | \n",
" \n",
" 438 | \n",
" ISSBAR | \n",
" Barite Mud Switch | \n",
" [NOBARITE] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 180 | \n",
+ " 188 | \n",
" ITTS | \n",
" Integrated Transit Time Source | \n",
" [DT] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 119 | \n",
+ " 129 | \n",
" JOBID | \n",
" Job Identification | \n",
" [USIT 9_58] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 393 | \n",
" KPER | \n",
" | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " % | \n",
" \n",
- " 262 | \n",
+ " 265 | \n",
" LATD | \n",
" Latitude (N=+ S=-) | \n",
" [58.441654205322266] | \n",
+ " deg | \n",
" \n",
- " 214 | \n",
+ " 220 | \n",
" LATI | \n",
" Latitude | \n",
" [58° 26' 29.96\" N] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 4 | \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
" LCC | \n",
" Logging Company Code (API DLIS Company Code) | \n",
" [440] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 223 | \n",
+ " 226 | \n",
" LCC1 | \n",
" Logging Company Name | \n",
" [Schlumberger] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 458 | \n",
" LCL | \n",
" Logging Cable Length | \n",
" [7315.2001953125] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
" 352 | \n",
" LCSN | \n",
" Logging Cable Serial Number | \n",
" [F711165] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 163 | \n",
+ " 172 | \n",
" LLAB | \n",
" Section/Latitude Label, used with the SECT or ... | \n",
" [Section] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 215 | \n",
+ " 221 | \n",
" LMF | \n",
" Logging Measured From (Name of Logging Elevati... | \n",
" [DF] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 173 | \n",
+ " 182 | \n",
" LNAM | \n",
" Identification mnemonic for the logging operation | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 389 | \n",
" LOC1 | \n",
" Location - 1 Text | \n",
" [North Sea] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 298 | \n",
+ " 300 | \n",
" LOCG | \n",
" Gravitational Field Strength | \n",
" [9.81800651550293] | \n",
+ " m/s2 | \n",
" \n",
- " 12 | \n",
+ " 13 | \n",
" LOGSEQ | \n",
" Log Sequence | \n",
" [Subsequent trip] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 328 | \n",
+ " 329 | \n",
" LOGTYP | \n",
" Type of log | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 95 | \n",
+ " 107 | \n",
" LOND | \n",
" Longitude | \n",
" [1.887463927268982] | \n",
+ " deg | \n",
" \n",
- " 271 | \n",
+ " 274 | \n",
" LONG | \n",
" Longitude | \n",
" [1° 53' 14.87\" E] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 168 | \n",
+ " 177 | \n",
" LSRV | \n",
" Type of service | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 92 | \n",
+ " 104 | \n",
" LUL | \n",
" Logging Unit Location | \n",
" [NOBO] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 311 | \n",
+ " 312 | \n",
" LUN | \n",
" Logging Unit Number | \n",
" [ONCC A 3815] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 238 | \n",
+ " 241 | \n",
" M | \n",
" Exponent M of the Archie Formation Factor - Po... | \n",
" [2.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 154 | \n",
+ " 163 | \n",
" MAHTR | \n",
" Manual High Threshold Reference for first arri... | \n",
" [120] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 234 | \n",
+ " 237 | \n",
" Flag for manually entering the grid convergenc... | \n",
" [0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 439 | \n",
" MATR | \n",
" Rock Matrix for Neutron Porosity Corrections | \n",
" [LIME] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 296 | \n",
+ " 298 | \n",
" MATT | \n",
" Maximum Attenuation | \n",
" [23.392528533935547] | \n",
+ " dB/m | \n",
" \n",
- " 132 | \n",
+ " 141 | \n",
" MAX_LOG_SPEED | \n",
" Toolstring Maximum Logging Speed | \n",
" [1097.280029296875] | \n",
+ " m/h | \n",
" \n",
- " 129 | \n",
+ " 78 | \n",
" Maximum service speed allowed for, or attained... | \n",
- " [1371.5999755859375] | \n",
+ " [2057.39990234375] | \n",
+ " m/h | \n",
" \n",
- " 67 | \n",
+ " 79 | \n",
" Maximum service speed allowed for, or attained... | \n",
- " [2057.39990234375] | \n",
+ " [1097.280029296875] | \n",
+ " m/h | \n",
" \n",
- " 84 | \n",
+ " 80 | \n",
" Maximum service speed allowed for, or attained... | \n",
- " [1097.280029296875] | \n",
+ " [1371.5999755859375] | \n",
+ " m/h | \n",
" \n",
- " 242 | \n",
+ " 245 | \n",
" MCI | \n",
" Minimum Cemented Interval for Isolation | \n",
" [4.515231132507324] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 246 | \n",
+ " 249 | \n",
" MCSS | \n",
" Mudcake Sample Source | \n",
" [Pressed] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 31 | \n",
+ " 33 | \n",
" MCST | \n",
" Mudcake Sample Temperature | \n",
" [20.0] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
- " 97 | \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
" MDEC | \n",
" Magnetic Field Declination | \n",
" [-1.1452460289001465] | \n",
+ " deg | \n",
" \n",
" 3 | \n",
" MDEC | \n",
" Magnetic Field Declination | \n",
" [-1.1452460289001465] | \n",
+ " deg | \n",
" \n",
" 440 | \n",
" MDEN | \n",
" Matrix Density for Density Porosity | \n",
" [2.7100000381469727] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 286 | \n",
+ " 288 | \n",
" MFIN | \n",
" Magnetic Field Intensity | \n",
" [0.5049058198928833] | \n",
+ " Oe | \n",
" \n",
- " 76 | \n",
+ " 89 | \n",
" MFSS | \n",
" Mud Filtrate Sample Source | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 35 | \n",
+ " 37 | \n",
" MFST | \n",
" Mud Filtrate Sample Temperature | \n",
" [20.0] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
- " 40 | \n",
+ " 53 | \n",
" MHD | \n",
" Maximum Hole Deviation | \n",
" [64.4000015258789] | \n",
+ " deg | \n",
" \n",
- " 188 | \n",
+ " 196 | \n",
" MINC | \n",
" Magnetic Field Inclination | \n",
" [71.67223358154297] | \n",
+ " deg | \n",
" \n",
- " 239 | \n",
+ " 242 | \n",
" MNHTR | \n",
" Minimum High Threshold Reference for first arr... | \n",
" [100] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 5 | \n",
+ " 6 | \n",
" MODE | \n",
" Sonic Firing Mode (e.g. DDBHC = Depth-Derived ... | \n",
" [CBL] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 425 | \n",
" MRES | \n",
" Mud Resistivity | \n",
" [500.0] | \n",
+ " ohm.m | \n",
" \n",
- " 38 | \n",
+ " 51 | \n",
" MRT | \n",
" Maximum Recorded Temperature | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
- " 6 | \n",
+ " 7 | \n",
" MRT1 | \n",
" Maximum Recorded Temperature 1 | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
- " 175 | \n",
+ " 184 | \n",
" MRT2 | \n",
" Maximum Recorded Temperature 2 | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
- " 30 | \n",
+ " 32 | \n",
" MRT3 | \n",
" Maximum Recorded Temperature 3 | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
- " 151 | \n",
+ " 160 | \n",
" MSA | \n",
" Minimum Sonic Amplitude | \n",
" [3.669377088546753] | \n",
+ " mV | \n",
" \n",
- " 148 | \n",
+ " 157 | \n",
" MSS | \n",
" Mud Sample Source | \n",
" [Active Tank] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 160 | \n",
+ " 169 | \n",
" MST | \n",
" Mud Sample Temperature | \n",
" [20.0] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
" 424 | \n",
" MST_RM | \n",
" Mud Sample Temperature (RM) | \n",
" [20.0] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
- " 183 | \n",
+ " 191 | \n",
" MVIS | \n",
" Mud Filtrate Viscosity | \n",
" [1.0] | \n",
+ " s | \n",
" \n",
" 399 | \n",
" MW | \n",
" Mud Weight | \n",
" [1.2799999713897705] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
" 414 | \n",
" MW_RM | \n",
" Mud Weight (RM) | \n",
" [1.2799999713897705] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 19 | \n",
+ " 20 | \n",
" N | \n",
" N Exponent in SW Formula | \n",
" [2.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 60 | \n",
+ " 73 | \n",
" NATI | \n",
" Nation | \n",
" [Norway] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 291 | \n",
+ " 293 | \n",
" NMSG | \n",
" Near Minimum Sliding Gate | \n",
" [344] | \n",
+ " us | \n",
" \n",
- " 140 | \n",
+ " 149 | \n",
" NMXG | \n",
" Near Maximum Sliding Gate | \n",
" [1026] | \n",
+ " us | \n",
" \n",
- " 106 | \n",
+ " 117 | \n",
" NORTH_REF | \n",
" North Reference | \n",
" [0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 80 | \n",
+ " 93 | \n",
" NPPW | \n",
" Number of Points Per Waveform | \n",
" [120] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 314 | \n",
+ " 315 | \n",
" NUMP | \n",
" Number of Detection Passes | \n",
" [2] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 162 | \n",
+ " 171 | \n",
" NWPD | \n",
" Number of Waveforms per Depth | \n",
" [72] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 441 | \n",
" OBM | \n",
" Oil Based Mud Flag | \n",
" [YES] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 89 | \n",
+ " 101 | \n",
" ODD | \n",
" Oil Downhole Density | \n",
" [0.800000011920929] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
" 415 | \n",
" ODD_SPRI | \n",
" Oil Downhole Density | \n",
" [0.800000011920929] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 201 | \n",
+ " 207 | \n",
" ODEN | \n",
" Oil Density | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 112 | \n",
+ " 123 | \n",
" Identification of the Offshore block where the... | \n",
" [15/9] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 131 | \n",
+ " 140 | \n",
" OGRA | \n",
" Surface Oil Gravity | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " dAPI | \n",
" \n",
" 430 | \n",
" OGRA_SPRI | \n",
" Gravity of Oil | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " dAPI | \n",
" \n",
" 402 | \n",
" OMR | \n",
" Origin of Mud Resistivity | \n",
" [Active Tank] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 398 | \n",
" OMRX | \n",
" Origin of Mud Resistivity [CONS(def), AMS, DEP... | \n",
" [Active Tank] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 144 | \n",
+ " 153 | \n",
" OPER | \n",
" Operator Code (API DLIS Company Code) | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " None | \n",
" \n",
- " 261 | \n",
+ " 264 | \n",
" OPLEV | \n",
" USIT Remove Flagged Data Level | \n",
" [OPT2] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 452 | \n",
" OS1 | \n",
" Other Services Line 1 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 453 | \n",
" OS2 | \n",
" Other Services Line 2 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 454 | \n",
" OS3 | \n",
" Other Services Line 3 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 455 | \n",
" OS4 | \n",
" Other Services Line 4 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 456 | \n",
" OS5 | \n",
" Other Services Line 5 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 45 | \n",
+ " 58 | \n",
" Override Magnetic Flux Density | \n",
" [0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 267 | \n",
+ " 270 | \n",
" Override Gravitational Field Strength | \n",
" [0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 94 | \n",
+ " 106 | \n",
" Override Magnetic Declination Angle | \n",
" [0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 83 | \n",
+ " 96 | \n",
" Override Magnetic Dip Angle | \n",
" [0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 210 | \n",
+ " 216 | \n",
" OVIS | \n",
" Oil Viscosity | \n",
" [1.0] | \n",
+ " mPa.s | \n",
" \n",
- " 79 | \n",
+ " 92 | \n",
" PCIDDRL | \n",
" Packer Inner Diameter - Zoned along driller de... | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " in | \n",
" \n",
- " 118 | \n",
+ " 128 | \n",
" PCODDRL | \n",
" Packer Outer Diameter - Zoned along driller de... | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " in | \n",
" \n",
- " 49 | \n",
+ " 62 | \n",
" PDAT | \n",
" Permanent Datum | \n",
" [MSL] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 256 | \n",
+ " 259 | \n",
" PHI | \n",
" Porosity | \n",
" [0.20000000298023224] | \n",
+ " m3/m3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 293 | \n",
+ " 295 | \n",
" PLODDRL | \n",
" Plug Outer Diameter - Zoned along driller depths | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " in | \n",
" \n",
" 390 | \n",
" PMUD | \n",
" Potassium Concentration in Mud | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " % | \n",
" \n",
- " 133 | \n",
+ " 142 | \n",
" PROD_MOD_TRC | \n",
" Software product may do modifications to the d... | \n",
" [<ProductModificationTrace Version=\"0.1\"><Oper... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 386 | \n",
" PVER | \n",
" Program Version | \n",
" [20C0-999] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 122 | \n",
+ " 132 | \n",
" R1 | \n",
" Remarks Line 1 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 253 | \n",
+ " 256 | \n",
" R10 | \n",
" Remarks Line 10 | \n",
" [Log objectives: To verify good cement behind ... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 11 | \n",
+ " 12 | \n",
" R11 | \n",
" Remarks Line 11 | \n",
" [USIT Resolution for both main and repeat pass... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 111 | \n",
+ " 122 | \n",
" R12 | \n",
" Remarks Line 12 | \n",
" [Tool ran as per toolsketch centralized with 5... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 34 | \n",
+ " 36 | \n",
" R13 | \n",
" Remarks Line 13 | \n",
" [CBL firing was 15 Hz. Free pipe normalization... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 323 | \n",
+ " 324 | \n",
" R14 | \n",
" Remarks Line 14 | \n",
" [Theoretical Z mud was used with K factor: 0.... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 284 | \n",
+ " 286 | \n",
" R15 | \n",
" Remarks Line 15 | \n",
" [Well is filled with OBM Environmul 1.28 SG. W... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 91 | \n",
+ " 103 | \n",
" R16 | \n",
" Remarks Line 16 | \n",
" [The images have been rotated such that the ce... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 85 | \n",
+ " 97 | \n",
" R17 | \n",
" Remarks Line 17 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 316 | \n",
+ " 317 | \n",
" R2 | \n",
" Remarks Line 2 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 221 | \n",
+ " 224 | \n",
" R3 | \n",
" Remarks Line 3 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 149 | \n",
+ " 158 | \n",
" R4 | \n",
" Remarks Line 4 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 219 | \n",
+ " 223 | \n",
" R5 | \n",
" Remarks Line 5 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 273 | \n",
+ " 276 | \n",
" R6 | \n",
" Remarks Line 6 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 142 | \n",
+ " 151 | \n",
" R7 | \n",
" Remarks Line 7 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 299 | \n",
+ " 301 | \n",
" R9 | \n",
" Remarks Line 9 | \n",
" [Correlated main pass at pup joint at 3154.53 ... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 164 | \n",
+ " 173 | \n",
" RANG | \n",
" Range | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 172 | \n",
+ " 181 | \n",
" RATE | \n",
" Firing Rate | \n",
" [R15] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 71 | \n",
+ " 84 | \n",
" RCOD | \n",
" Reference Calibrator Outer Diameter | \n",
" [7.0] | \n",
+ " in | \n",
" \n",
- " 78 | \n",
+ " 91 | \n",
" RCSO | \n",
" Reference Calibrator Standoff | \n",
" [1.3779499530792236] | \n",
+ " in | \n",
" \n",
- " 8 | \n",
+ " 9 | \n",
" RCTH | \n",
" Reference Calibrator Thickness | \n",
" [0.295199990272522] | \n",
+ " in | \n",
" \n",
- " 87 | \n",
+ " 99 | \n",
" Requested Perforation Intervals | \n",
" [[[-999.25]]] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 315 | \n",
+ " 316 | \n",
" Requested Sample Depths | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 229 | \n",
+ " 233 | \n",
" Requested Sample Remarks | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 423 | \n",
" RHOF | \n",
" Density of the Formation Fluid | \n",
" [1.0] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 198 | \n",
+ " 204 | \n",
" RIGN | \n",
" Rig Name | \n",
" [Maersk Inspirer] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 143 | \n",
+ " 152 | \n",
" RIGTYP | \n",
" Rig Type | \n",
" [Jack Up rig] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 326 | \n",
+ " 327 | \n",
" RLAB | \n",
" Range/Blank Label, used with the RANG paramete... | \n",
" [Range] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 235 | \n",
+ " 238 | \n",
" RLDT | \n",
" Reference Log Date (dd-MMM-yyyy) | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 47 | \n",
+ " 60 | \n",
" RLNM | \n",
" Reference Log Name | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 289 | \n",
+ " 291 | \n",
" RLRN | \n",
" Reference Log Run Number | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 280 | \n",
+ " 282 | \n",
" RMB | \n",
" Resistivity of Mud at Bottom Hole Temperature | \n",
" [170.88723754882812] | \n",
+ " ohm.m | \n",
" \n",
- " 305 | \n",
+ " 307 | \n",
" RMCS | \n",
" Resistivity of Mud Cake Sample | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " ohm.m | \n",
" \n",
- " 64 | \n",
+ " 76 | \n",
" RMFB | \n",
" Resistivity of Mud Filtrate At Bottom Hole Tem... | \n",
" [128.16542053222656] | \n",
+ " ohm.m | \n",
" \n",
- " 16 | \n",
+ " 17 | \n",
" RMFS | \n",
" Resistivity of Mud Filtrate Sample | \n",
" [375.0] | \n",
+ " ohm.m | \n",
" \n",
- " 203 | \n",
+ " 209 | \n",
" RMS | \n",
" Resistivity of Mud Sample | \n",
" [500.0] | \n",
+ " ohm.m | \n",
" \n",
" 419 | \n",
" RMS_RM | \n",
" Resistivity of Mud Sample (RM) | \n",
" [500.0] | \n",
+ " ohm.m | \n",
" \n",
" 431 | \n",
" RMUD | \n",
" Resistivity of Mud Sample | \n",
" [500.0] | \n",
+ " ohm.m | \n",
" \n",
" 421 | \n",
" RMUX | \n",
" Resistivity of Mud Sample (SRTX) | \n",
" [500.0] | \n",
+ " ohm.m | \n",
" \n",
- " 70 | \n",
+ " 83 | \n",
" ROMFS | \n",
" Density of Mud Filtrate Sample | \n",
" [1.0] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
" 376 | \n",
" RR10 | \n",
" Run Remark Line 10 | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 375 | \n",
" RR2 | \n",
" Run Remark Line 2 | \n",
" [Correlated main pass at pup joint at 3154.53 ... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 378 | \n",
" RR3 | \n",
" Run Remark Line 3 | \n",
" [Log objectives: To verify good cement behind ... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 374 | \n",
" RR4 | \n",
" Run Remark Line 4 | \n",
" [USIT Resolution for both main and repeat pass... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 373 | \n",
" RR5 | \n",
" Run Remark Line 5 | \n",
" [Tool ran as per toolsketch centralized with 5... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 382 | \n",
" RR6 | \n",
" Run Remark Line 6 | \n",
" [CBL firing was 15 Hz. Free pipe normalization... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 377 | \n",
" RR7 | \n",
" Run Remark Line 7 | \n",
" [Theoretical Z mud was used with K factor: 0.... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 379 | \n",
" RR8 | \n",
" Run Remark Line 8 | \n",
" [Well is filled with OBM Environmul 1.28 SG. W... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 380 | \n",
" RR9 | \n",
" Run Remark Line 9 | \n",
" [The images have been rotated such that the ce... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 391 | \n",
" RTST | \n",
" Real-Time Surface Temperature | \n",
" [20.0] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
" 427 | \n",
" RT_BSAL | \n",
" Real-Time Mud Salinity | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " ppm | \n",
" \n",
- " 109 | \n",
+ " 120 | \n",
" RULB | \n",
" Rig Up Length at Bottom | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 23 | \n",
+ " 25 | \n",
" RULS | \n",
" Rig Up Length at Surface | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 335 | \n",
+ " 336 | \n",
" RUN | \n",
" Run Number | \n",
" [1] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 442 | \n",
" RUPI | \n",
" Pipe Rugosity | \n",
" [0.00014986000314820558] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 15 | \n",
+ " 16 | \n",
" RW | \n",
" Connate Water Resistivity | \n",
" [1.0] | \n",
+ " ohm.m | \n",
" \n",
- " 181 | \n",
+ " 189 | \n",
" RWF | \n",
" Free Water Resistivity | \n",
" [1.0] | \n",
+ " ohm.m | \n",
" \n",
- " 225 | \n",
+ " 228 | \n",
" RWS | \n",
" Water Sample Resistivity | \n",
" [1.0] | \n",
+ " ohm.m | \n",
" \n",
- " 152 | \n",
+ " 161 | \n",
" SAG_CORR_ON | \n",
" Enable Sag Correction | \n",
" [0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 28 | \n",
+ " 30 | \n",
" SCORR | \n",
" Cable Stretch Correction | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 213 | \n",
+ " 219 | \n",
" SDNV | \n",
" Number of Vertical Samples used for Micro-debo... | \n",
" [5] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 68 | \n",
+ " 81 | \n",
" SDTH | \n",
" Switch Down Threshold | \n",
" [20000] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 341 | \n",
" SDTHOR | \n",
" Acoustic Impedance STD Horizontal Threshold fo... | \n",
" [0.5] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 342 | \n",
" SDTVER | \n",
" Acoustic Impedance STD Vertical Threshold for ... | \n",
" [0.30000001192092896] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 354 | \n",
" SEABDEPTH | \n",
" Water Depth | \n",
" [91.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 157 | \n",
+ " 166 | \n",
" SECT | \n",
" Section | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 428 | \n",
" SEXP_HILT | \n",
" HILT Saturation Exponent | \n",
" [2.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 33 | \n",
+ " 35 | \n",
" SFAF | \n",
" Sonic Formation Attenuation Factor | \n",
" [10.662729263305664] | \n",
+ " dB/m | \n",
" \n",
- " 17 | \n",
+ " 18 | \n",
" SFTY | \n",
" Slowness Formation Type (Fast, Intermediate, S... | \n",
" [Intermediate] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 108 | \n",
+ " 119 | \n",
" SGAD | \n",
" Sliding Gate Status | \n",
" [OFF] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 212 | \n",
+ " 218 | \n",
" SGAI | \n",
" Selectable Acquisition Gain | \n",
" [1X] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 268 | \n",
+ " 271 | \n",
" SGCL | \n",
" Sliding Gate Closing Delta-T | \n",
" [130] | \n",
+ " us/ft | \n",
" \n",
- " 285 | \n",
+ " 287 | \n",
" SGCW | \n",
" Sliding Gate Closing Width | \n",
" [25] | \n",
+ " us | \n",
" \n",
- " 21 | \n",
+ " 23 | \n",
" SGDT | \n",
" Sliding Gate Delta-T | \n",
" [57] | \n",
+ " us/ft | \n",
" \n",
- " 318 | \n",
+ " 319 | \n",
" SGOR | \n",
" Solution Gas Oil Ratio | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " m3/m3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 51 | \n",
+ " 64 | \n",
" SGW | \n",
" Sliding Gate Width | \n",
" [110] | \n",
+ " us | \n",
" \n",
- " 24 | \n",
+ " 26 | \n",
" SHT | \n",
" Surface Hole Temperature | \n",
" [20.0] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
" 411 | \n",
" SHT_RM | \n",
" Surface Hole Temperature (RM) | \n",
" [20.0] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
- " 56 | \n",
+ " 69 | \n",
" SLAB | \n",
" State/Province Label, used with the STAT param... | \n",
" [State:] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 325 | \n",
+ " 326 | \n",
" SLEV | \n",
" Signal Level for AGC | \n",
" [5000.0] | \n",
+ " mV | \n",
" \n",
- " 331 | \n",
+ " 332 | \n",
" SOGR | \n",
" Standoff Distance of the Gamma Ray Tool | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " in | \n",
" \n",
- " 134 | \n",
+ " 143 | \n",
" SON | \n",
" Service Order Number | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 2 | \n",
" SPF | \n",
" Shots per Foot | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " None | \n",
" \n",
" 443 | \n",
" SPFS | \n",
" Sonic Porosity Formula | \n",
" [R_H] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 25 | \n",
+ " 27 | \n",
" SPSO | \n",
" Sonic Porosity Source | \n",
" [DT] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 231 | \n",
+ " 235 | \n",
" SPUD_DATE | \n",
" Start date when the well drilling began | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 96 | \n",
+ " 108 | \n",
" STAT | \n",
" State or Province | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 88 | \n",
+ " 100 | \n",
" STDLC | \n",
" Subsequent Trip Down Log Correction | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
" 412 | \n",
" STEM | \n",
" Surface Temperature | \n",
" [20.0] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
" 343 | \n",
" SUBT | \n",
" USIT Sub type | \n",
" [10INC] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 309 | \n",
+ " 310 | \n",
" SUTH | \n",
" Switch Up Threshold | \n",
" [1000] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 128 | \n",
+ " 138 | \n",
" TBGD | \n",
" Tubing Depth | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
" 387 | \n",
" TCS | \n",
" Time Circulation Stopped | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 139 | \n",
+ " 148 | \n",
" TCUB | \n",
" T^3 Processing Level | \n",
" [VXLP] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 247 | \n",
+ " 250 | \n",
" TD | \n",
" Total Measured Depth | \n",
" [3185.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
" 370 | \n",
" TDD | \n",
" Driller Total Depth | \n",
" [3205.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
" 371 | \n",
" TDL | \n",
" Logger Total Depth | \n",
" [3205.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
" 468 | \n",
" TD_CALI_GAIN | \n",
" Calibration coefficient gain used for Tension ... | \n",
" [0.8960000276565552] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 469 | \n",
" Calibration coefficient offset used for Tensio... | \n",
" [-104.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 470 | \n",
" Calibration Peak Error Used for Tension Device | \n",
" [72.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 471 | \n",
" TD_CALI_PTS | \n",
" Calibration Points Used for Tension Device | \n",
" [10] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 472 | \n",
" TD_CALI_RMS | \n",
" Calibration Root Mean Square Error Used for Te... | \n",
" [32.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 406 | \n",
" TD_RM | \n",
" Total Depth (RM) | \n",
" [3185.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 155 | \n",
+ " 164 | \n",
" Tests and Diagnostics Tasks Tolerance Level | \n",
" [Shop] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 420 | \n",
" TET_SHOT_VT | \n",
" Fluid velocity | \n",
" [189.0] | \n",
+ " us/ft | \n",
" \n",
- " 288 | \n",
+ " 290 | \n",
" THDH | \n",
" Maximum Search Thickness (percentage of nominal) | \n",
" [130.0] | \n",
+ " % | \n",
" \n",
- " 100 | \n",
+ " 111 | \n",
" THDL | \n",
" Minimum Search Thickness (percentage of nominal) | \n",
" [70.0] | \n",
+ " % | \n",
" \n",
- " 281 | \n",
+ " 283 | \n",
" THDP | \n",
" Thickness Detection Policy | \n",
" [Fundamental] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 372 | \n",
" THNO | \n",
" Nominal Thickness of Casing | \n",
" [0.539080798625946] | \n",
+ " in | \n",
" \n",
" 388 | \n",
" TLAB | \n",
" Time Logger At Bottom | \n",
" [11:32:15] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 240 | \n",
+ " 243 | \n",
" TLI | \n",
" Top Log Interval | \n",
" [2500.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 266 | \n",
+ " 269 | \n",
" TLLAB | \n",
" Township or Longitude Label for Log Heading, u... | \n",
" [Township] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 444 | \n",
" TMUC | \n",
" Type of Mud | \n",
" [OBM] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 351 | \n",
" TNDSN | \n",
" Tension Device Serial Number | \n",
" [1412] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 276 | \n",
+ " 278 | \n",
" TOOLS | \n",
" Tool or tool string | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 445 | \n",
" TOOL_MAP_1 | \n",
" Tool Object Map | \n",
" [<ToolMaps><ToolMap><HN>DTC-H</HN><MN>DTC-H</M... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 446 | \n",
" TOOL_MAP_2 | \n",
" Tool Object Map | \n",
" [olMap><ToolMap><HN>USIT-E</HN><MN>USIT</MN><I... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 447 | \n",
" TOOL_MAP_3 | \n",
" Tool Object Map | \n",
" [N>TENSION_DEVICE</HN><MN>NONE</MN><InsNo>0</I... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 448 | \n",
" TOOL_MAP_4 | \n",
" Tool Object Map | \n",
" [lMap><ToolMap><HN>LEH-QT</HN><MN>LEHQT</MN><I... | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 75 | \n",
+ " 88 | \n",
" TOTC | \n",
" Total Azimuthal Correction | \n",
" [-1.1452460289001465] | \n",
+ " deg | \n",
" \n",
- " 255 | \n",
+ " 258 | \n",
" TOWN | \n",
" Township | \n",
" [] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 153 | \n",
+ " 162 | \n",
" TPOS | \n",
" Tool Position: Centered or Eccentered | \n",
" [ECCENTERED] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 337 | \n",
+ " 338 | \n",
" TVD | \n",
" True Vertical Depth | \n",
" [0.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 117 | \n",
+ " 127 | \n",
" TWS | \n",
" Connate Water Temperature | \n",
" [20.0] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
" 416 | \n",
" TWS_RM | \n",
" Temperature of Water Sample (RM) | \n",
" [20.0] | \n",
+ " degC | \n",
" \n",
" 349 | \n",
" U-USIT_DDT5 | \n",
" USIC Downhole Decimation for T5 only | \n",
" [0_NONE] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 344 | \n",
" ULOG | \n",
" Logging Objective | \n",
" [MEASURE] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 345 | \n",
" UMAO | \n",
" USIT Measurement Angular Offset | \n",
" [18.0] | \n",
+ " deg | \n",
" \n",
- " 202 | \n",
+ " 208 | \n",
" UMFR | \n",
" Modulation Frequency | \n",
" [333333.0] | \n",
+ " Hz | \n",
" \n",
" 346 | \n",
" UPAT | \n",
" Emission Pattern | \n",
" [300K] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 295 | \n",
+ " 297 | \n",
" USFR | \n",
" Ultrasonic Sampling Frequency | \n",
" [500000.0] | \n",
+ " Hz | \n",
" \n",
" 347 | \n",
" USTO | \n",
" USIT Time Offset | \n",
" [-2.0] | \n",
+ " us | \n",
" \n",
" 348 | \n",
" USUB | \n",
" USIT Sub Identifier | \n",
" [10INC] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 137 | \n",
+ " 146 | \n",
" UWID | \n",
" Unique Well Identifier | \n",
" [15/9-F-11 B] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 350 | \n",
" UWKM | \n",
" Working Mode | \n",
" [D606005L] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 48 | \n",
+ " 61 | \n",
" VCAS | \n",
" Ultrasonic Transversal Velocity in Casing | \n",
" [51.400001525878906] | \n",
+ " us/ft | \n",
" \n",
- " 307 | \n",
+ " 308 | \n",
" VDLG | \n",
" VDL Manual Gain | \n",
" [5.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 272 | \n",
+ " 275 | \n",
" VHOL | \n",
" Cumulative Hole Volume | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " m3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 147 | \n",
+ " 156 | \n",
" Volume fraction of dry clay composed of Illite | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 392 | \n",
" VIS_OBMF | \n",
" Viscosity of Oil Based Mud Filtrate | \n",
" [1.0] | \n",
+ " mPa.s | \n",
" \n",
- " 99 | \n",
+ " 110 | \n",
" Volume fraction of dry clay composed of Kaolinite | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 177 | \n",
+ " 186 | \n",
" Volume fraction of dry clay composed of Montmo... | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 165 | \n",
+ " 174 | \n",
" VRES | \n",
" Vertical Resolution | \n",
" [6.0INCH] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 145 | \n",
+ " 154 | \n",
" WDD | \n",
" Water Downhole Density | \n",
" [1.0] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 55 | \n",
+ " 68 | \n",
" WDEP | \n",
" Water Depth | \n",
" [91.0] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 463 | \n",
+ " 465 | \n",
" WHEEL_CORR1 | \n",
" Wheel Correction 1 | \n",
" [-2.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 464 | \n",
+ " 466 | \n",
" WHEEL_CORR2 | \n",
" Wheel Correction 2 | \n",
" [-4.0] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 304 | \n",
+ " 306 | \n",
" WINB | \n",
" Window Begin Time | \n",
" [53.79532241821289] | \n",
+ " us | \n",
" \n",
- " 257 | \n",
+ " 260 | \n",
" WINE | \n",
" Window End Time | \n",
" [120.3934326171875] | \n",
+ " us | \n",
" \n",
- " 9 | \n",
+ " 10 | \n",
" WLEN | \n",
" T^3 Processing Length | \n",
" [32.32666778564453] | \n",
+ " us | \n",
" \n",
- " 14 | \n",
+ " 15 | \n",
" WMOD | \n",
" Waveform Firing Mode | \n",
" [FULL] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
" 407 | \n",
" WMUC | \n",
" Weight of Mud for CET | \n",
" [1.2799999713897705] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
" 413 | \n",
" WMUD | \n",
" Weight of Mud | \n",
" [1.2799999713897705] | \n",
+ " g/cm3 | \n",
" \n",
- " 206 | \n",
+ " 212 | \n",
" WN | \n",
" Well Name | \n",
" [15/9-F-11 B] | \n",
+ " | \n",
" \n",
- " 43 | \n",
+ " 56 | \n",
" WSAL | \n",
" Water Salinity | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " ppm | \n",
" \n",
" 400 | \n",
" WSAL_SPRI | \n",
" Water Salinity | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " ppm | \n",
" \n",
- " 103 | \n",
+ " 114 | \n",
" WVIS | \n",
" Water Viscosity | \n",
" [0.5] | \n",
+ " mPa.s | \n",
" \n",
- " 265 | \n",
+ " 268 | \n",
" ZCAS | \n",
" Acoustic Impedance of Casing | \n",
" [46.25] | \n",
+ " Mrayl | \n",
" \n",
- " 26 | \n",
+ " 28 | \n",
" ZCMT | \n",
" Acoustic Impedance of Cement | \n",
" [5.599999904632568] | \n",
+ " Mrayl | \n",
" \n",
- " 327 | \n",
+ " 328 | \n",
" ZINI | \n",
" Initial Estimate of Cement Impedance | \n",
" [-1.0] | \n",
+ " Mrayl | \n",
" \n",
- " 232 | \n",
+ " 236 | \n",
" ZMUD | \n",
" Acoustic Impedance of Mud | \n",
" [1.590000033378601] | \n",
+ " Mrayl | \n",
" \n",
- " 18 | \n",
+ " 19 | \n",
" ZRCS | \n",
" Tool Zero Reference Check at Surface | \n",
" [-999.25] | \n",
+ " m | \n",
" \n",
- " 252 | \n",
+ " 255 | \n",
" ZTCM | \n",
" Acoustic Impedance Threshold for Cement | \n",
" [2.5999999046325684] | \n",
+ " Mrayl | \n",
" \n",
- " 195 | \n",
+ " 202 | \n",
" ZTGS | \n",
" Acoustic Impedance Threshold for Gas | \n",
" [0.30000001192092896] | \n",
+ " Mrayl | \n",
" \n",
@@ -3187,351 +3658,351 @@
"text/plain": [
" Name \\\n",
- "185 A \n",
- "334 AC_TRIM \n",
- "283 AFVU \n",
+ "193 A \n",
+ "335 AC_TRIM \n",
+ "285 AFVU \n",
"339 AGMN \n",
"340 AGMX \n",
- "10 ALT_PDAT \n",
- "287 AMD \n",
- "211 AMSG \n",
- "263 APD \n",
- "41 APIN \n",
- "259 APRE \n",
+ "11 ALT_PDAT \n",
+ "289 AMD \n",
+ "217 AMSG \n",
+ "266 APD \n",
+ "54 APIN \n",
+ "262 APRE \n",
"405 ATEM \n",
- "244 AU_TRIM \n",
- "27 AZ_ENABLE \n",
- "46 AZ_SELECT \n",
- "73 BAP \n",
- "260 BASI \n",
- "59 BERJ \n",
- "50 BG \n",
- "81 BHAL \n",
- "277 BHK \n",
- "82 BHS \n",
- "113 BHT \n",
+ "247 AU_TRIM \n",
+ "29 AZ_ENABLE \n",
+ "59 AZ_SELECT \n",
+ "86 BAP \n",
+ "263 BASI \n",
+ "72 BERJ \n",
+ "63 BG \n",
+ "94 BHAL \n",
+ "279 BHK \n",
+ "95 BHS \n",
+ "124 BHT \n",
"429 BHT_RM \n",
- "245 BILI \n",
- "138 BLI \n",
- "270 BO \n",
- "105 BPP \n",
- "297 BPT \n",
+ "248 BILI \n",
+ "147 BLI \n",
+ "273 BO \n",
+ "116 BPP \n",
+ "299 BPT \n",
"355 BS \n",
- "333 BSAL \n",
+ "334 BSAL \n",
"417 BSAL_RM \n",
"356 BSDF \n",
"357 BSDT \n",
- "125 BSSO \n",
- "98 BW \n",
+ "135 BSSO \n",
+ "109 BW \n",
"358 CADT \n",
"459 CALI_CABLE_TYP \n",
"460 CALI_DATE \n",
- "465 CALI_DATE \n",
- "466 CALI_SERIALNUM \n",
- "461 CALI_SERIALNUM \n",
+ "461 CALI_DATE \n",
+ "462 CALI_SERIALNUM \n",
+ "463 CALI_SERIALNUM \n",
"359 CASG \n",
- "156 CASN \n",
+ "165 CASN \n",
"360 CBDR \n",
- "236 CBLG \n",
+ "239 CBLG \n",
"361 CBLO \n",
- "62 CBRA \n",
- "199 CCL_MULTIPLIER \n",
- "330 CDEN \n",
+ "75 CBRA \n",
+ "205 CCL_MULTIPLIER \n",
+ "331 CDEN \n",
"362 CDF \n",
"363 CDIA \n",
- "74 CDTS \n",
+ "87 CDTS \n",
"364 CGRD \n",
- "264 CLAB \n",
- "69 CMCF \n",
+ "267 CLAB \n",
+ "82 CMCF \n",
"410 CMR_FORM_H2O_SAL \n",
- "141 CMTY \n",
- "313 CN \n",
- "207 CN1 \n",
- "251 CONT \n",
- "319 CONTYP \n",
- "209 COORDSYS_NAME \n",
- "124 COUN \n",
+ "150 CMTY \n",
+ "314 CN \n",
+ "213 CN1 \n",
+ "254 CONT \n",
+ "320 CONTYP \n",
+ "215 COORDSYS_NAME \n",
+ "134 COUN \n",
"365 CSDE \n",
"366 CSID \n",
"367 CSIZ \n",
- "204 CSLH \n",
- "44 CTOT \n",
+ "210 CSLH \n",
+ "57 CTOT \n",
"368 CWEI \n",
"369 CYST \n",
- "320 C_ALGO \n",
- "294 C_BLANK \n",
- "29 C_DLEN \n",
- "336 C_JNO \n",
- "275 C_MFILT \n",
- "7 C_MPL \n",
- "237 C_NUP \n",
- "77 C_TPC \n",
- "167 C_WIND \n",
+ "321 C_ALGO \n",
+ "296 C_BLANK \n",
+ "31 C_DLEN \n",
+ "337 C_JNO \n",
+ "277 C_MFILT \n",
+ "8 C_MPL \n",
+ "240 C_NUP \n",
+ "90 C_TPC \n",
+ "176 C_WIND \n",
"383 DATE \n",
- "169 DATF \n",
- "290 DATT \n",
+ "178 DATF \n",
+ "292 DATT \n",
"384 DCS \n",
- "184 DC_MODE \n",
- "312 DC_RT_ENABLE \n",
- "292 DC_TRIM \n",
- "57 DDEL \n",
- "150 DELT_LOCB \n",
- "189 DELT_LOCG \n",
- "321 DELT_MDIP \n",
- "186 DELT_USER_LOCB \n",
- "176 DELT_USER_LOCG \n",
- "308 DELT_USER_MDIP \n",
- "217 DEPREM1 \n",
- "182 DEPREM2 \n",
- "90 DEPREM3 \n",
- "110 DEPREM4 \n",
- "114 DEPREM5 \n",
- "171 DEPREM6 \n",
- "191 DEPTH_SYS_TYPE \n",
- "317 DETE \n",
- "58 DFD \n",
- "193 DFES \n",
- "279 DFL \n",
- "310 DFPH \n",
+ "192 DC_MODE \n",
+ "313 DC_RT_ENABLE \n",
+ "294 DC_TRIM \n",
+ "70 DDEL \n",
+ "159 DELT_LOCB \n",
+ "197 DELT_LOCG \n",
+ "322 DELT_MDIP \n",
+ "194 DELT_USER_LOCB \n",
+ "185 DELT_USER_LOCG \n",
+ "309 DELT_USER_MDIP \n",
+ "222 DEPREM1 \n",
+ "190 DEPREM2 \n",
+ "102 DEPREM3 \n",
+ "121 DEPREM4 \n",
+ "125 DEPREM5 \n",
+ "180 DEPREM6 \n",
+ "199 DEPTH_SYS_TYPE \n",
+ "318 DETE \n",
+ "71 DFD \n",
+ "201 DFES \n",
+ "281 DFL \n",
+ "311 DFPH \n",
"432 DFT \n",
- "241 DFTS \n",
- "135 DFV \n",
+ "244 DFTS \n",
+ "144 DFV \n",
"396 DFVL \n",
- "243 DHGS \n",
- "302 DIP_AZIMUTH \n",
+ "246 DHGS \n",
+ "304 DIP_AZIMUTH \n",
"385 DLAB \n",
- "178 DMAG_CORR_ON \n",
- "205 DMAG_CUTOFF \n",
+ "187 DMAG_CORR_ON \n",
+ "211 DMAG_CUTOFF \n",
"353 DMF \n",
- "258 DNI_DATE \n",
- "322 DOT \n",
- "127 DOWR \n",
- "13 DSIN \n",
- "146 DSSN \n",
- "159 DTCM \n",
- "32 DTF \n",
- "123 DTFS \n",
- "192 DTM \n",
- "250 DTMD \n",
+ "261 DNI_DATE \n",
+ "323 DOT \n",
+ "137 DOWR \n",
+ "14 DSIN \n",
+ "155 DSSN \n",
+ "168 DTCM \n",
+ "34 DTF \n",
+ "133 DTFS \n",
+ "200 DTM \n",
+ "253 DTMD \n",
"408 DTMUD \n",
"403 DTMUD_RM \n",
- "208 DWCO \n",
- "93 EAE \n",
- "254 ECF \n",
- "301 EDF \n",
- "22 EDI \n",
- "161 EGL \n",
- "42 EKB \n",
- "170 ELZ \n",
- "230 EMXV \n",
- "218 ENABLED \n",
- "220 ENABLED \n",
- "179 ENABLED \n",
- "36 ENABLED \n",
- "37 ENABLED \n",
- "196 ENABLED \n",
- "65 ENABLED \n",
- "120 ENABLED \n",
- "116 ENABLED \n",
- "194 ENABLED \n",
- "233 ENABLED \n",
- "63 ENABLED \n",
- "306 ENABLED \n",
- "278 EPD \n",
- "462 EP_DDEQUIP_TYP \n",
+ "214 DWCO \n",
+ "105 EAE \n",
+ "257 ECF \n",
+ "303 EDF \n",
+ "24 EDI \n",
+ "170 EGL \n",
+ "55 EKB \n",
+ "179 ELZ \n",
+ "234 EMXV \n",
+ "38 ENABLED \n",
+ "39 ENABLED \n",
+ "40 ENABLED \n",
+ "50 ENABLED \n",
+ "41 ENABLED \n",
+ "42 ENABLED \n",
+ "43 ENABLED \n",
+ "49 ENABLED \n",
+ "44 ENABLED \n",
+ "48 ENABLED \n",
+ "47 ENABLED \n",
+ "45 ENABLED \n",
+ "46 ENABLED \n",
+ "280 EPD \n",
+ "464 EP_DDEQUIP_TYP \n",
"457 EP_LCEQUIP_TYP \n",
"467 EP_TDEQUIP_TYP \n",
- "190 ETIP \n",
- "332 FATT \n",
- "224 FCD \n",
- "107 FCF \n",
+ "198 ETIP \n",
+ "333 FATT \n",
+ "227 FCD \n",
+ "118 FCF \n",
"0 FD \n",
"404 FEXP \n",
"1 FFV \n",
- "126 FL \n",
- "101 FL1 \n",
- "269 FL2 \n",
+ "136 FL \n",
+ "112 FL1 \n",
+ "272 FL2 \n",
"426 FLDE \n",
- "54 FLEV \n",
- "174 FN \n",
+ "67 FLEV \n",
+ "183 FN \n",
"422 FNUM \n",
"433 FPHI \n",
- "222 FSAL \n",
+ "225 FSAL \n",
"418 FVEL \n",
"434 GCSE \n",
- "104 GDD \n",
+ "115 GDD \n",
"394 GDD_SPRI \n",
- "86 GDEV \n",
- "249 GEOMAG_MODEL \n",
- "158 GGRA \n",
- "187 GGRD \n",
- "329 GMLD \n",
- "324 GMLG \n",
- "248 GMLH \n",
- "226 GOBO \n",
- "303 GOR \n",
+ "98 GDEV \n",
+ "252 GEOMAG_MODEL \n",
+ "167 GGRA \n",
+ "195 GGRD \n",
+ "330 GMLD \n",
+ "325 GMLG \n",
+ "251 GMLH \n",
+ "229 GOBO \n",
+ "305 GOR \n",
"401 GOR_SPRI \n",
"395 GRAD \n",
- "300 GRDC \n",
+ "302 GRDC \n",
"435 GRSE \n",
- "39 GR_MULTIPLIER \n",
+ "52 GR_MULTIPLIER \n",
"436 GTSE \n",
- "72 GVIS \n",
- "115 HDAT \n",
+ "85 GVIS \n",
+ "126 HDAT \n",
"450 HID1 \n",
"451 HID2 \n",
"449 HIDE \n",
- "61 HIFF \n",
+ "74 HIFF \n",
- "228 HRES \n",
- "227 HTEN_CALI \n",
- "338 HTEN_CALI \n",
- "216 HTEN_MULTIPL \n",
- "121 HTEN_MULTIPL \n",
- "102 HTEN_PM_REF \n",
- "274 HTEN_SHIFT \n",
- "20 HTEN_SHIFT \n",
- "136 HTEN_ZM_REF \n",
+ "232 HRES \n",
+ "231 HTEN_CALI \n",
+ "230 HTEN_CALI \n",
+ "131 HTEN_MULTIPL \n",
+ "130 HTEN_MULTIPL \n",
+ "113 HTEN_PM_REF \n",
+ "21 HTEN_SHIFT \n",
+ "22 HTEN_SHIFT \n",
+ "145 HTEN_ZM_REF \n",
"437 HVCS \n",
- "166 IBG \n",
- "52 IHVC \n",
+ "175 IBG \n",
+ "65 IHVC \n",
"409 IHVS \n",
"438 ISSBAR \n",
- "180 ITTS \n",
- "119 JOBID \n",
+ "188 ITTS \n",
+ "129 JOBID \n",
"393 KPER \n",
- "262 LATD \n",
- "214 LATI \n",
- "4 LCC \n",
- "223 LCC1 \n",
+ "265 LATD \n",
+ "220 LATI \n",
+ "5 LCC \n",
+ "226 LCC1 \n",
"458 LCL \n",
"352 LCSN \n",
- "163 LLAB \n",
- "215 LMF \n",
- "173 LNAM \n",
+ "172 LLAB \n",
+ "221 LMF \n",
+ "182 LNAM \n",
"389 LOC1 \n",
- "298 LOCG \n",
- "12 LOGSEQ \n",
- "328 LOGTYP \n",
- "95 LOND \n",
- "271 LONG \n",
- "168 LSRV \n",
- "92 LUL \n",
- "311 LUN \n",
- "238 M \n",
- "154 MAHTR \n",
- "234 MANL_GRID_CONV \n",
+ "300 LOCG \n",
+ "13 LOGSEQ \n",
+ "329 LOGTYP \n",
+ "107 LOND \n",
+ "274 LONG \n",
+ "177 LSRV \n",
+ "104 LUL \n",
+ "312 LUN \n",
+ "241 M \n",
+ "163 MAHTR \n",
+ "237 MANL_GRID_CONV \n",
"439 MATR \n",
- "296 MATT \n",
- "132 MAX_LOG_SPEED \n",
- "129 MAX_TOOL_SPEED \n",
- "67 MAX_TOOL_SPEED \n",
- "84 MAX_TOOL_SPEED \n",
- "242 MCI \n",
- "246 MCSS \n",
- "31 MCST \n",
- "97 MDEC \n",
+ "298 MATT \n",
+ "141 MAX_LOG_SPEED \n",
+ "78 MAX_TOOL_SPEED \n",
+ "79 MAX_TOOL_SPEED \n",
+ "80 MAX_TOOL_SPEED \n",
+ "245 MCI \n",
+ "249 MCSS \n",
+ "33 MCST \n",
+ "4 MDEC \n",
"3 MDEC \n",
"440 MDEN \n",
- "286 MFIN \n",
- "76 MFSS \n",
- "35 MFST \n",
- "40 MHD \n",
- "188 MINC \n",
- "239 MNHTR \n",
- "5 MODE \n",
+ "288 MFIN \n",
+ "89 MFSS \n",
+ "37 MFST \n",
+ "53 MHD \n",
+ "196 MINC \n",
+ "242 MNHTR \n",
+ "6 MODE \n",
"425 MRES \n",
- "38 MRT \n",
- "6 MRT1 \n",
- "175 MRT2 \n",
- "30 MRT3 \n",
- "151 MSA \n",
- "148 MSS \n",
- "160 MST \n",
+ "51 MRT \n",
+ "7 MRT1 \n",
+ "184 MRT2 \n",
+ "32 MRT3 \n",
+ "160 MSA \n",
+ "157 MSS \n",
+ "169 MST \n",
"424 MST_RM \n",
- "183 MVIS \n",
+ "191 MVIS \n",
"399 MW \n",
"414 MW_RM \n",
- "19 N \n",
- "60 NATI \n",
- "291 NMSG \n",
- "140 NMXG \n",
- "106 NORTH_REF \n",
- "80 NPPW \n",
- "314 NUMP \n",
- "162 NWPD \n",
+ "20 N \n",
+ "73 NATI \n",
+ "293 NMSG \n",
+ "149 NMXG \n",
+ "117 NORTH_REF \n",
+ "93 NPPW \n",
+ "315 NUMP \n",
+ "171 NWPD \n",
"441 OBM \n",
- "89 ODD \n",
+ "101 ODD \n",
"415 ODD_SPRI \n",
- "201 ODEN \n",
- "131 OGRA \n",
+ "207 ODEN \n",
+ "140 OGRA \n",
"430 OGRA_SPRI \n",
"402 OMR \n",
"398 OMRX \n",
- "144 OPER \n",
- "261 OPLEV \n",
+ "153 OPER \n",
+ "264 OPLEV \n",
"452 OS1 \n",
"453 OS2 \n",
"454 OS3 \n",
"455 OS4 \n",
"456 OS5 \n",
- "45 OVERIDE_LOCB \n",
- "267 OVERIDE_LOCG \n",
- "210 OVIS \n",
- "79 PCIDDRL \n",
- "118 PCODDRL \n",
- "49 PDAT \n",
- "256 PHI \n",
- "293 PLODDRL \n",
+ "58 OVERIDE_LOCB \n",
+ "270 OVERIDE_LOCG \n",
+ "106 OVERIDE_MAGDEC \n",
+ "216 OVIS \n",
+ "92 PCIDDRL \n",
+ "128 PCODDRL \n",
+ "62 PDAT \n",
+ "259 PHI \n",
+ "295 PLODDRL \n",
"390 PMUD \n",
- "133 PROD_MOD_TRC \n",
+ "142 PROD_MOD_TRC \n",
"386 PVER \n",
- "122 R1 \n",
- "253 R10 \n",
- "11 R11 \n",
- "111 R12 \n",
- "34 R13 \n",
- "323 R14 \n",
- "284 R15 \n",
- "91 R16 \n",
- "85 R17 \n",
- "316 R2 \n",
- "221 R3 \n",
- "149 R4 \n",
- "219 R5 \n",
- "273 R6 \n",
- "142 R7 \n",
- "299 R9 \n",
- "164 RANG \n",
- "172 RATE \n",
- "71 RCOD \n",
- "78 RCSO \n",
- "8 RCTH \n",
- "315 REQSMPLDEPTH \n",
+ "132 R1 \n",
+ "256 R10 \n",
+ "12 R11 \n",
+ "122 R12 \n",
+ "36 R13 \n",
+ "324 R14 \n",
+ "286 R15 \n",
+ "103 R16 \n",
+ "97 R17 \n",
+ "317 R2 \n",
+ "224 R3 \n",
+ "158 R4 \n",
+ "223 R5 \n",
+ "276 R6 \n",
+ "151 R7 \n",
+ "301 R9 \n",
+ "173 RANG \n",
+ "181 RATE \n",
+ "84 RCOD \n",
+ "91 RCSO \n",
+ "9 RCTH \n",
+ "316 REQSMPLDEPTH \n",
"423 RHOF \n",
- "198 RIGN \n",
- "143 RIGTYP \n",
- "326 RLAB \n",
- "235 RLDT \n",
- "47 RLNM \n",
- "289 RLRN \n",
- "280 RMB \n",
- "305 RMCS \n",
- "64 RMFB \n",
- "16 RMFS \n",
- "203 RMS \n",
+ "204 RIGN \n",
+ "152 RIGTYP \n",
+ "327 RLAB \n",
+ "238 RLDT \n",
+ "60 RLNM \n",
+ "291 RLRN \n",
+ "282 RMB \n",
+ "307 RMCS \n",
+ "76 RMFB \n",
+ "17 RMFS \n",
+ "209 RMS \n",
"419 RMS_RM \n",
"431 RMUD \n",
"421 RMUX \n",
- "70 ROMFS \n",
+ "83 ROMFS \n",
"376 RR10 \n",
"375 RR2 \n",
"378 RR3 \n",
@@ -3543,50 +4014,50 @@
"380 RR9 \n",
"391 RTST \n",
"427 RT_BSAL \n",
- "109 RULB \n",
- "23 RULS \n",
- "335 RUN \n",
+ "120 RULB \n",
+ "25 RULS \n",
+ "336 RUN \n",
"442 RUPI \n",
- "15 RW \n",
- "181 RWF \n",
- "225 RWS \n",
- "152 SAG_CORR_ON \n",
- "28 SCORR \n",
- "213 SDNV \n",
- "68 SDTH \n",
+ "16 RW \n",
+ "189 RWF \n",
+ "228 RWS \n",
+ "161 SAG_CORR_ON \n",
+ "30 SCORR \n",
+ "219 SDNV \n",
+ "81 SDTH \n",
"341 SDTHOR \n",
"342 SDTVER \n",
"354 SEABDEPTH \n",
- "157 SECT \n",
+ "166 SECT \n",
"428 SEXP_HILT \n",
- "33 SFAF \n",
- "17 SFTY \n",
- "108 SGAD \n",
- "212 SGAI \n",
- "268 SGCL \n",
- "285 SGCW \n",
- "21 SGDT \n",
- "318 SGOR \n",
- "51 SGW \n",
- "24 SHT \n",
+ "35 SFAF \n",
+ "18 SFTY \n",
+ "119 SGAD \n",
+ "218 SGAI \n",
+ "271 SGCL \n",
+ "287 SGCW \n",
+ "23 SGDT \n",
+ "319 SGOR \n",
+ "64 SGW \n",
+ "26 SHT \n",
"411 SHT_RM \n",
- "56 SLAB \n",
- "325 SLEV \n",
- "331 SOGR \n",
- "134 SON \n",
+ "69 SLAB \n",
+ "326 SLEV \n",
+ "332 SOGR \n",
+ "143 SON \n",
"2 SPF \n",
"443 SPFS \n",
- "25 SPSO \n",
- "231 SPUD_DATE \n",
- "96 STAT \n",
- "88 STDLC \n",
+ "27 SPSO \n",
+ "235 SPUD_DATE \n",
+ "108 STAT \n",
+ "100 STDLC \n",
"412 STEM \n",
"343 SUBT \n",
- "309 SUTH \n",
- "128 TBGD \n",
+ "310 SUTH \n",
+ "138 TBGD \n",
"387 TCS \n",
- "139 TCUB \n",
- "247 TD \n",
+ "148 TCUB \n",
+ "250 TD \n",
"370 TDD \n",
"371 TDL \n",
"468 TD_CALI_GAIN \n",
@@ -3595,414 +4066,414 @@
"471 TD_CALI_PTS \n",
"472 TD_CALI_RMS \n",
"406 TD_RM \n",
"420 TET_SHOT_VT \n",
- "288 THDH \n",
- "100 THDL \n",
- "281 THDP \n",
+ "290 THDH \n",
+ "111 THDL \n",
+ "283 THDP \n",
"372 THNO \n",
"388 TLAB \n",
- "240 TLI \n",
- "266 TLLAB \n",
+ "243 TLI \n",
+ "269 TLLAB \n",
"444 TMUC \n",
"351 TNDSN \n",
- "276 TOOLS \n",
+ "278 TOOLS \n",
"445 TOOL_MAP_1 \n",
"446 TOOL_MAP_2 \n",
"447 TOOL_MAP_3 \n",
"448 TOOL_MAP_4 \n",
- "75 TOTC \n",
- "255 TOWN \n",
- "153 TPOS \n",
- "337 TVD \n",
- "117 TWS \n",
+ "88 TOTC \n",
+ "258 TOWN \n",
+ "162 TPOS \n",
+ "338 TVD \n",
+ "127 TWS \n",
"416 TWS_RM \n",
"349 U-USIT_DDT5 \n",
"344 ULOG \n",
"345 UMAO \n",
- "202 UMFR \n",
+ "208 UMFR \n",
"346 UPAT \n",
- "295 USFR \n",
+ "297 USFR \n",
"347 USTO \n",
"348 USUB \n",
- "137 UWID \n",
+ "146 UWID \n",
"350 UWKM \n",
- "48 VCAS \n",
- "307 VDLG \n",
- "272 VHOL \n",
- "147 VILL_VDCLRAT \n",
+ "61 VCAS \n",
+ "308 VDLG \n",
+ "275 VHOL \n",
+ "156 VILL_VDCLRAT \n",
"392 VIS_OBMF \n",
- "99 VKAO_VDCLRAT \n",
- "177 VMON_VDCLRAT \n",
- "165 VRES \n",
- "145 WDD \n",
- "55 WDEP \n",
- "463 WHEEL_CORR1 \n",
- "464 WHEEL_CORR2 \n",
- "304 WINB \n",
- "257 WINE \n",
- "9 WLEN \n",
- "14 WMOD \n",
+ "110 VKAO_VDCLRAT \n",
+ "186 VMON_VDCLRAT \n",
+ "174 VRES \n",
+ "154 WDD \n",
+ "68 WDEP \n",
+ "465 WHEEL_CORR1 \n",
+ "466 WHEEL_CORR2 \n",
+ "306 WINB \n",
+ "260 WINE \n",
+ "10 WLEN \n",
+ "15 WMOD \n",
"407 WMUC \n",
"413 WMUD \n",
- "206 WN \n",
- "43 WSAL \n",
+ "212 WN \n",
+ "56 WSAL \n",
"400 WSAL_SPRI \n",
- "103 WVIS \n",
- "265 ZCAS \n",
- "26 ZCMT \n",
- "327 ZINI \n",
- "232 ZMUD \n",
- "18 ZRCS \n",
- "252 ZTCM \n",
- "195 ZTGS \n",
+ "114 WVIS \n",
+ "268 ZCAS \n",
+ "28 ZCMT \n",
+ "328 ZINI \n",
+ "236 ZMUD \n",
+ "19 ZRCS \n",
+ "255 ZTCM \n",
+ "202 ZTGS \n",
" Long name \\\n",
- "185 Constant A of the Archie Formation Factor - Po... \n",
- "334 AC Main Cable Trim \n",
- "283 Automatic Fluid Velocity Update \n",
+ "193 Constant A of the Archie Formation Factor - Po... \n",
+ "335 AC Main Cable Trim \n",
+ "285 Automatic Fluid Velocity Update \n",
"339 Minimum Gain of Cartridge \n",
"340 Maximum Gain of Cartridge \n",
- "10 Name of Alternate Permanent Datum (for PDAT = ... \n",
- "287 Azimuth of Maximum Deviation \n",
- "211 Auxiliary Minimum Sliding Gate \n",
- "263 Elevation of Depth Reference (LMF) Above Perma... \n",
- "41 API Well Number \n",
- "259 Atmospheric Pressure \n",
+ "11 Name of Alternate Permanent Datum (for PDAT = ... \n",
+ "289 Azimuth of Maximum Deviation \n",
+ "217 Auxiliary Minimum Sliding Gate \n",
+ "266 Elevation of Depth Reference (LMF) Above Perma... \n",
+ "54 API Well Number \n",
+ "262 Atmospheric Pressure \n",
"405 Ambient Temperature \n",
- "244 AC AUX Cable Trim \n",
- "27 Z-Axis Acceleration Channel Enabled for Real-T... \n",
- "46 Z-Axis Acceleration Channel Selection for Real... \n",
- "73 Elevation of the cellar base, for on-shore wells \n",
- "260 Name of the sedimentary basin in which the wel... \n",
- "59 Bad Echo Rejection \n",
- "50 Gas Formation Volume Factor, Bg \n",
- "81 GRA Borehole Aluminum Weight Percent \n",
- "277 Drilling Fluid Potassium Concentration \n",
- "82 Borehole Status (Open or Cased Hole) \n",
- "113 Bottom Hole Temperature \n",
+ "247 AC AUX Cable Trim \n",
+ "29 Z-Axis Acceleration Channel Enabled for Real-T... \n",
+ "59 Z-Axis Acceleration Channel Selection for Real... \n",
+ "86 Elevation of the cellar base, for on-shore wells \n",
+ "263 Name of the sedimentary basin in which the wel... \n",
+ "72 Bad Echo Rejection \n",
+ "63 Gas Formation Volume Factor, Bg \n",
+ "94 GRA Borehole Aluminum Weight Percent \n",
+ "279 Drilling Fluid Potassium Concentration \n",
+ "95 Borehole Status (Open or Cased Hole) \n",
+ "124 Bottom Hole Temperature \n",
"429 Bottom Hole Temperature (RM) \n",
- "245 Bond Index Level for Zone Isolation \n",
- "138 Bottom Log Interval \n",
- "270 Oil Formation Volume Factor, Bo \n",
- "105 Bubble Point Pressure \n",
- "297 Bubble Point Temperature \n",
+ "248 Bond Index Level for Zone Isolation \n",
+ "147 Bottom Log Interval \n",
+ "273 Oil Formation Volume Factor, Bo \n",
+ "116 Bubble Point Pressure \n",
+ "299 Bubble Point Temperature \n",
"355 Bit Size \n",
- "333 Borehole Salinity \n",
+ "334 Borehole Salinity \n",
"417 Borehole Salinity (NaCl-equivalent concentrati... \n",
"356 Bit Size Depth From \n",
"357 Bit Size Depth To \n",
- "125 Source of Borehole Salinity Data \n",
- "98 Water Formation Volume Factor, Bw \n",
+ "135 Source of Borehole Salinity Data \n",
+ "109 Water Formation Volume Factor, Bw \n",
"358 Casing Depth To \n",
"459 Calibration Cable Type \n",
"460 Calibration Date \n",
- "465 Calibration Date \n",
- "466 Calibrator Serial Number \n",
- "461 Calibrator Serial Number \n",
+ "461 Calibration Date \n",
+ "462 Calibrator Serial Number \n",
+ "463 Calibrator Serial Number \n",
"359 Casing Grade \n",
- "156 Casing String Number \n",
+ "165 Casing String Number \n",
"360 Casing Bottom of Driller \n",
- "236 CBL Gate Width \n",
+ "239 CBL Gate Width \n",
"361 Logger Casing Shoe Depth \n",
- "62 CBL LQC Reference Amplitude in Free Pipe \n",
- "199 Casing Collar Locator Multiplier \n",
- "330 Cement Density \n",
+ "75 CBL LQC Reference Amplitude in Free Pipe \n",
+ "205 Casing Collar Locator Multiplier \n",
+ "331 Cement Density \n",
"362 Casing Depth From \n",
"363 Casing Outer Diameter \n",
- "74 Correction for Delta-T Shale, Empirical \n",
+ "87 Correction for Delta-T Shale, Empirical \n",
"364 Casing Grade \n",
- "264 County/Parish Label, used with the COUN parame... \n",
- "69 CBL Cement Type Compensation Factor \n",
+ "267 County/Parish Label, used with the COUN parame... \n",
+ "82 CBL Cement Type Compensation Factor \n",
"410 CMR Formation Water Salinity \n",
- "141 Cement Type \n",
- "313 Company Name \n",
- "207 Company Name, Line 1 \n",
- "251 Continent \n",
- "319 Conveyance Type \n",
- "209 Surface coordinate system name \n",
- "124 County or Parish \n",
+ "150 Cement Type \n",
+ "314 Company Name \n",
+ "213 Company Name, Line 1 \n",
+ "254 Continent \n",
+ "320 Conveyance Type \n",
+ "215 Surface coordinate system name \n",
+ "134 County or Parish \n",
"365 Casing Density \n",
"366 Casing Inner Diameter \n",
"367 Current Casing Size \n",
- "204 Flag Indicating Presence of Liner Hanger in Ca... \n",
- "44 Total Compressibility of Rock and Fluid \n",
+ "210 Flag Indicating Presence of Liner Hanger in Ca... \n",
+ "57 Total Compressibility of Rock and Fluid \n",
"368 Casing Weight \n",
"369 Casing Yield Strength \n",
- "320 Collar detection algorithm \n",
- "294 Ignore on each side of each collar, inches \n",
- "29 Collar detection length, inches \n",
- "336 Joint number offset \n",
- "275 Apply 3-point median filter to statistics? \n",
- "7 Minimum pipe length, inches \n",
- "237 Number joints from bottom? \n",
- "77 Collar detection threshold percentage \n",
- "167 Collar detection window length, inches \n",
+ "321 Collar detection algorithm \n",
+ "296 Ignore on each side of each collar, inches \n",
+ "31 Collar detection length, inches \n",
+ "337 Joint number offset \n",
+ "277 Apply 3-point median filter to statistics? \n",
+ "8 Minimum pipe length, inches \n",
+ "240 Number joints from bottom? \n",
+ "90 Collar detection threshold percentage \n",
+ "176 Collar detection window length, inches \n",
"383 Tools Above Rotary Table Date \n",
- "169 Date Logged From \n",
- "290 Date Logged To \n",
+ "178 Date Logged From \n",
+ "292 Date Logged To \n",
"384 Date Circulation Stopped \n",
- "184 Depth Correction Mode \n",
- "312 Depth Correction Real-Time Enabled \n",
- "292 DC Main Cable Trim \n",
- "57 Digitizing Delay \n",
- "150 Reference Acceptance Criteria for Magnetic Flu... \n",
- "189 Reference Acceptance Criteria for Gravitationa... \n",
- "321 Reference Acceptance Criteria for Magnetic Dip... \n",
- "186 Acceptance Criteria for Magnetic Flux Density \n",
- "176 Acceptance Criteria for Gravitational Field St... \n",
- "308 Acceptance Criteria for Magnetic Dip Angle \n",
- "217 Depth Remark 1 \n",
- "182 Depth Remark 2 \n",
- "90 Depth Remark 3 \n",
- "110 Depth Remark 4 \n",
- "114 Depth Remark 5 \n",
- "171 Depth Remark 6 \n",
- "191 Depth System Type \n",
- "317 Delta-T Detection \n",
- "58 Drilling Fluid Density \n",
- "193 Electrical Stability \n",
- "279 Drilling Fluid Loss \n",
- "310 Drilling Fluid pH \n",
+ "192 Depth Correction Mode \n",
+ "313 Depth Correction Real-Time Enabled \n",
+ "294 DC Main Cable Trim \n",
+ "70 Digitizing Delay \n",
+ "159 Reference Acceptance Criteria for Magnetic Flu... \n",
+ "197 Reference Acceptance Criteria for Gravitationa... \n",
+ "322 Reference Acceptance Criteria for Magnetic Dip... \n",
+ "194 Acceptance Criteria for Magnetic Flux Density \n",
+ "185 Acceptance Criteria for Gravitational Field St... \n",
+ "309 Acceptance Criteria for Magnetic Dip Angle \n",
+ "222 Depth Remark 1 \n",
+ "190 Depth Remark 2 \n",
+ "102 Depth Remark 3 \n",
+ "121 Depth Remark 4 \n",
+ "125 Depth Remark 5 \n",
+ "180 Depth Remark 6 \n",
+ "199 Depth System Type \n",
+ "318 Delta-T Detection \n",
+ "71 Drilling Fluid Density \n",
+ "201 Electrical Stability \n",
+ "281 Drilling Fluid Loss \n",
+ "311 Drilling Fluid pH \n",
"432 Drilling Fluid Type \n",
- "241 Drilling Fluid Total Solids \n",
- "135 Drilling Fluid Viscosity \n",
+ "244 Drilling Fluid Total Solids \n",
+ "144 Drilling Fluid Viscosity \n",
"396 Default Fluid Velocity \n",
- "243 Drilling Fluid High Gravity Solids \n",
- "302 Azimuth of a dipping plane in the Earth subsur... \n",
+ "246 Drilling Fluid High Gravity Solids \n",
+ "304 Azimuth of a dipping plane in the Earth subsur... \n",
"385 Date Logger At Bottom \n",
- "178 Enable DMAG Correction \n",
- "205 DMAG Cutoff Depth \n",
+ "187 Enable DMAG Correction \n",
+ "211 DMAG Cutoff Depth \n",
"353 Drilling Measured From (Name of Drilling Eleva... \n",
- "258 Direction and Inclination Inits Calculation Date \n",
- "322 Diameter of Transducer Sensor \n",
- "127 Drilling Fluid Oil/water Ratio \n",
- "13 Digitizer Sample Interval \n",
- "146 Depth System Serial Number \n",
- "159 Delta-T Computation Mode \n",
- "32 Delta-T Fluid \n",
- "123 DSLT Telemetry Frame Size \n",
- "192 Delta-T Matrix \n",
- "250 Borehole Fluid Slowness \n",
+ "261 Direction and Inclination Inits Calculation Date \n",
+ "323 Diameter of Transducer Sensor \n",
+ "137 Drilling Fluid Oil/water Ratio \n",
+ "14 Digitizer Sample Interval \n",
+ "155 Depth System Serial Number \n",
+ "168 Delta-T Computation Mode \n",
+ "34 Delta-T Fluid \n",
+ "133 DSLT Telemetry Frame Size \n",
+ "200 Delta-T Matrix \n",
+ "253 Borehole Fluid Slowness \n",
"408 Delta-T for Mud \n",
"403 \n",
- "208 Digitizer Word Count \n",
- "93 Estimated Azimuth Error \n",
- "254 Elevation of Casing Flange \n",
- "301 Elevation of Derrick Floor \n",
- "22 Estimated Drillstring Interference \n",
- "161 Elevation of Ground Level \n",
- "42 Elevation of Kelly Bushing \n",
- "170 Elevation of Logging Zero Reference \n",
- "230 EMEX Voltage \n",
- "218 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
- "220 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
- "179 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
- "36 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
- "37 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
- "196 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
- "65 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
- "120 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
- "116 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
- "194 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
- "233 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
- "63 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
- "306 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
- "278 Elevation of Permanent Datum (PDAT) above Mean... \n",
- "462 Depth measuring device type \n",
+ "214 Digitizer Word Count \n",
+ "105 Estimated Azimuth Error \n",
+ "257 Elevation of Casing Flange \n",
+ "303 Elevation of Derrick Floor \n",
+ "24 Estimated Drillstring Interference \n",
+ "170 Elevation of Ground Level \n",
+ "55 Elevation of Kelly Bushing \n",
+ "179 Elevation of Logging Zero Reference \n",
+ "234 EMEX Voltage \n",
+ "38 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
+ "39 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
+ "40 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
+ "50 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
+ "41 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
+ "42 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
+ "43 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
+ "49 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
+ "44 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
+ "48 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
+ "47 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
+ "45 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
+ "46 Equipment or Computation Acquisition Status \n",
+ "280 Elevation of Permanent Datum (PDAT) above Mean... \n",
+ "464 Depth measuring device type \n",
"457 Logging cable type \n",
"467 Tension device type \n",
- "190 Elevation of the TIP above MSL \n",
- "332 Acoustic Attenuation due to Fluid \n",
- "224 Future Casing (Outer) Diameter \n",
- "107 CBL Fluid Compensation Factor \n",
+ "198 Elevation of the TIP above MSL \n",
+ "333 Acoustic Attenuation due to Fluid \n",
+ "227 Future Casing (Outer) Diameter \n",
+ "118 CBL Fluid Compensation Factor \n",
"0 Fluid Density \n",
"404 Exponent \"m\" for Formation Factor Formula \n",
"1 Formation Fluid Viscosity \n",
- "126 Field Location \n",
- "101 Field Location, Line 1 \n",
- "269 Field Location, Line 2 \n",
+ "136 Field Location \n",
+ "112 Field Location, Line 1 \n",
+ "272 Field Location, Line 2 \n",
"426 Fluid Density (kg/m3) \n",
- "54 Depth of Drilling Fluid Level to LMF (Log Meas... \n",
- "174 Field Name \n",
+ "67 Depth of Drilling Fluid Level to LMF (Log Meas... \n",
+ "183 Field Name \n",
"422 F-Numerator for Formation Factor Formula \n",
"433 Source of Porosity for Formation Factor Formula \n",
- "222 Formation Salinity \n",
+ "225 Formation Salinity \n",
"418 Fluid Interval Transit Time \n",
"434 Generalized Caliper Selection \n",
- "104 Gas Downhole Density \n",
+ "115 Gas Downhole Density \n",
"394 Gas Downhole Density \n",
- "86 Average Angular Deviation of Borehole from Ver... \n",
- "249 Geomag Model that used for FAC calculation \n",
- "158 Gas Gravity \n",
- "187 Geothermal Gradient \n",
- "329 Magnetic Dip Angle \n",
- "324 Gravitational Field Strength \n",
- "248 Magnetic Flux Density \n",
- "226 Good Bond \n",
- "303 Gas Oil Ratio \n",
+ "98 Average Angular Deviation of Borehole from Ver... \n",
+ "252 Geomag Model that used for FAC calculation \n",
+ "167 Gas Gravity \n",
+ "195 Geothermal Gradient \n",
+ "330 Magnetic Dip Angle \n",
+ "325 Gravitational Field Strength \n",
+ "251 Magnetic Flux Density \n",
+ "229 Good Bond \n",
+ "305 Gas Oil Ratio \n",
"401 Gas Oil Ratio \n",
- "53 Confidence factor on cable depth used in GPIT ... \n",
- "197 Ratio (average speed after sticking) / (averag... \n",
- "282 Sticking detection threshold used in GPIT spee... \n",
+ "66 Confidence factor on cable depth used in GPIT ... \n",
+ "203 Ratio (average speed after sticking) / (averag... \n",
+ "284 Sticking detection threshold used in GPIT spee... \n",
"395 Real-Time Formation Temp Gradient \n",
- "300 RST Grid Current Set Point \n",
+ "302 RST Grid Current Set Point \n",
"435 Generalized Mud Resistivity Selection \n",
- "39 Gamma Ray Multiplier \n",
+ "52 Gamma Ray Multiplier \n",
"436 Generalized Temperature Selection \n",
- "72 Gas Viscosity \n",
- "115 Coordinate system adopted \n",
+ "85 Gas Viscosity \n",
+ "126 Coordinate system adopted \n",
"450 Header Identifier 1 \n",
"451 Header Identifier 2 \n",
"449 Header Identifier \n",
- "61 Hydrogen Index of Formation Fluid \n",
+ "74 Hydrogen Index of Formation Fluid \n",
"397 HILT Gas Downhole Density \n",
- "228 Horizontal Resolution \n",
- "227 Head Tension Calibration Method \n",
- "338 Head Tension Calibration Method \n",
- "216 Head Tension Multiplier or Manual Gain \n",
- "121 Head Tension Multiplier or Manual Gain \n",
- "102 Head Tension Plus Reference \n",
- "274 Head Tension Shift or Manual Offset \n",
- "20 Head Tension Shift or Manual Offset \n",
- "136 Head Tension Zero Reference \n",
+ "232 Horizontal Resolution \n",
+ "231 Head Tension Calibration Method \n",
+ "230 Head Tension Calibration Method \n",
+ "131 Head Tension Multiplier or Manual Gain \n",
+ "130 Head Tension Multiplier or Manual Gain \n",
+ "113 Head Tension Plus Reference \n",
+ "21 Head Tension Shift or Manual Offset \n",
+ "22 Head Tension Shift or Manual Offset \n",
+ "145 Head Tension Zero Reference \n",
"437 Integrated Hole Volume Caliper Selection \n",
- "166 1/Gas Formation Volume Factor, 1/Bg \n",
- "52 Integrated Hole Volume Control \n",
+ "175 1/Gas Formation Volume Factor, 1/Bg \n",
+ "65 Integrated Hole Volume Control \n",
"409 Integrated Hole Volume Start Value \n",
"438 Barite Mud Switch \n",
- "180 Integrated Transit Time Source \n",
- "119 Job Identification \n",
+ "188 Integrated Transit Time Source \n",
+ "129 Job Identification \n",
"393 \n",
- "262 Latitude (N=+ S=-) \n",
- "214 Latitude \n",
- "4 Logging Company Code (API DLIS Company Code) \n",
- "223 Logging Company Name \n",
+ "265 Latitude (N=+ S=-) \n",
+ "220 Latitude \n",
+ "5 Logging Company Code (API DLIS Company Code) \n",
+ "226 Logging Company Name \n",
"458 Logging Cable Length \n",
"352 Logging Cable Serial Number \n",
- "163 Section/Latitude Label, used with the SECT or ... \n",
- "215 Logging Measured From (Name of Logging Elevati... \n",
- "173 Identification mnemonic for the logging operation \n",
+ "172 Section/Latitude Label, used with the SECT or ... \n",
+ "221 Logging Measured From (Name of Logging Elevati... \n",
+ "182 Identification mnemonic for the logging operation \n",
"389 Location - 1 Text \n",
- "298 Gravitational Field Strength \n",
- "12 Log Sequence \n",
- "328 Type of log \n",
- "95 Longitude \n",
- "271 Longitude \n",
- "168 Type of service \n",
- "92 Logging Unit Location \n",
- "311 Logging Unit Number \n",
- "238 Exponent M of the Archie Formation Factor - Po... \n",
- "154 Manual High Threshold Reference for first arri... \n",
- "234 Flag for manually entering the grid convergenc... \n",
+ "300 Gravitational Field Strength \n",
+ "13 Log Sequence \n",
+ "329 Type of log \n",
+ "107 Longitude \n",
+ "274 Longitude \n",
+ "177 Type of service \n",
+ "104 Logging Unit Location \n",
+ "312 Logging Unit Number \n",
+ "241 Exponent M of the Archie Formation Factor - Po... \n",
+ "163 Manual High Threshold Reference for first arri... \n",
+ "237 Flag for manually entering the grid convergenc... \n",
"439 Rock Matrix for Neutron Porosity Corrections \n",
- "296 Maximum Attenuation \n",
- "132 Toolstring Maximum Logging Speed \n",
- "129 Maximum service speed allowed for, or attained... \n",
- "67 Maximum service speed allowed for, or attained... \n",
- "84 Maximum service speed allowed for, or attained... \n",
- "242 Minimum Cemented Interval for Isolation \n",
- "246 Mudcake Sample Source \n",
- "31 Mudcake Sample Temperature \n",
- "97 Magnetic Field Declination \n",
+ "298 Maximum Attenuation \n",
+ "141 Toolstring Maximum Logging Speed \n",
+ "78 Maximum service speed allowed for, or attained... \n",
+ "79 Maximum service speed allowed for, or attained... \n",
+ "80 Maximum service speed allowed for, or attained... \n",
+ "245 Minimum Cemented Interval for Isolation \n",
+ "249 Mudcake Sample Source \n",
+ "33 Mudcake Sample Temperature \n",
+ "4 Magnetic Field Declination \n",
"3 Magnetic Field Declination \n",
"440 Matrix Density for Density Porosity \n",
- "286 Magnetic Field Intensity \n",
- "76 Mud Filtrate Sample Source \n",
- "35 Mud Filtrate Sample Temperature \n",
- "40 Maximum Hole Deviation \n",
- "188 Magnetic Field Inclination \n",
- "239 Minimum High Threshold Reference for first arr... \n",
- "5 Sonic Firing Mode (e.g. DDBHC = Depth-Derived ... \n",
+ "288 Magnetic Field Intensity \n",
+ "89 Mud Filtrate Sample Source \n",
+ "37 Mud Filtrate Sample Temperature \n",
+ "53 Maximum Hole Deviation \n",
+ "196 Magnetic Field Inclination \n",
+ "242 Minimum High Threshold Reference for first arr... \n",
+ "6 Sonic Firing Mode (e.g. DDBHC = Depth-Derived ... \n",
"425 Mud Resistivity \n",
- "38 Maximum Recorded Temperature \n",
- "6 Maximum Recorded Temperature 1 \n",
- "175 Maximum Recorded Temperature 2 \n",
- "30 Maximum Recorded Temperature 3 \n",
- "151 Minimum Sonic Amplitude \n",
- "148 Mud Sample Source \n",
- "160 Mud Sample Temperature \n",
+ "51 Maximum Recorded Temperature \n",
+ "7 Maximum Recorded Temperature 1 \n",
+ "184 Maximum Recorded Temperature 2 \n",
+ "32 Maximum Recorded Temperature 3 \n",
+ "160 Minimum Sonic Amplitude \n",
+ "157 Mud Sample Source \n",
+ "169 Mud Sample Temperature \n",
"424 Mud Sample Temperature (RM) \n",
- "183 Mud Filtrate Viscosity \n",
+ "191 Mud Filtrate Viscosity \n",
"399 Mud Weight \n",
"414 Mud Weight (RM) \n",
- "19 N Exponent in SW Formula \n",
- "60 Nation \n",
- "291 Near Minimum Sliding Gate \n",
- "140 Near Maximum Sliding Gate \n",
- "106 North Reference \n",
- "80 Number of Points Per Waveform \n",
- "314 Number of Detection Passes \n",
- "162 Number of Waveforms per Depth \n",
+ "20 N Exponent in SW Formula \n",
+ "73 Nation \n",
+ "293 Near Minimum Sliding Gate \n",
+ "149 Near Maximum Sliding Gate \n",
+ "117 North Reference \n",
+ "93 Number of Points Per Waveform \n",
+ "315 Number of Detection Passes \n",
+ "171 Number of Waveforms per Depth \n",
"441 Oil Based Mud Flag \n",
- "89 Oil Downhole Density \n",
+ "101 Oil Downhole Density \n",
"415 Oil Downhole Density \n",
- "201 Oil Density \n",
- "112 Identification of the Offshore block where the... \n",
- "131 Surface Oil Gravity \n",
+ "207 Oil Density \n",
+ "123 Identification of the Offshore block where the... \n",
+ "140 Surface Oil Gravity \n",
"430 Gravity of Oil \n",
"402 Origin of Mud Resistivity \n",
"398 Origin of Mud Resistivity [CONS(def), AMS, DEP... \n",
- "144 Operator Code (API DLIS Company Code) \n",
- "261 USIT Remove Flagged Data Level \n",
+ "153 Operator Code (API DLIS Company Code) \n",
+ "264 USIT Remove Flagged Data Level \n",
"452 Other Services Line 1 \n",
"453 Other Services Line 2 \n",
"454 Other Services Line 3 \n",
"455 Other Services Line 4 \n",
"456 Other Services Line 5 \n",
- "45 Override Magnetic Flux Density \n",
- "267 Override Gravitational Field Strength \n",
- "94 Override Magnetic Declination Angle \n",
- "83 Override Magnetic Dip Angle \n",
- "210 Oil Viscosity \n",
- "79 Packer Inner Diameter - Zoned along driller de... \n",
- "118 Packer Outer Diameter - Zoned along driller de... \n",
- "49 Permanent Datum \n",
- "256 Porosity \n",
- "293 Plug Outer Diameter - Zoned along driller depths \n",
+ "58 Override Magnetic Flux Density \n",
+ "270 Override Gravitational Field Strength \n",
+ "106 Override Magnetic Declination Angle \n",
+ "96 Override Magnetic Dip Angle \n",
+ "216 Oil Viscosity \n",
+ "92 Packer Inner Diameter - Zoned along driller de... \n",
+ "128 Packer Outer Diameter - Zoned along driller de... \n",
+ "62 Permanent Datum \n",
+ "259 Porosity \n",
+ "295 Plug Outer Diameter - Zoned along driller depths \n",
"390 Potassium Concentration in Mud \n",
- "133 Software product may do modifications to the d... \n",
+ "142 Software product may do modifications to the d... \n",
"386 Program Version \n",
- "122 Remarks Line 1 \n",
- "253 Remarks Line 10 \n",
- "11 Remarks Line 11 \n",
- "111 Remarks Line 12 \n",
- "34 Remarks Line 13 \n",
- "323 Remarks Line 14 \n",
- "284 Remarks Line 15 \n",
- "91 Remarks Line 16 \n",
- "85 Remarks Line 17 \n",
- "316 Remarks Line 2 \n",
- "221 Remarks Line 3 \n",
- "149 Remarks Line 4 \n",
- "219 Remarks Line 5 \n",
- "273 Remarks Line 6 \n",
- "142 Remarks Line 7 \n",
- "299 Remarks Line 9 \n",
- "164 Range \n",
- "172 Firing Rate \n",
- "71 Reference Calibrator Outer Diameter \n",
- "78 Reference Calibrator Standoff \n",
- "8 Reference Calibrator Thickness \n",
- "87 Requested Perforation Intervals \n",
- "315 Requested Sample Depths \n",
- "229 Requested Sample Remarks \n",
+ "132 Remarks Line 1 \n",
+ "256 Remarks Line 10 \n",
+ "12 Remarks Line 11 \n",
+ "122 Remarks Line 12 \n",
+ "36 Remarks Line 13 \n",
+ "324 Remarks Line 14 \n",
+ "286 Remarks Line 15 \n",
+ "103 Remarks Line 16 \n",
+ "97 Remarks Line 17 \n",
+ "317 Remarks Line 2 \n",
+ "224 Remarks Line 3 \n",
+ "158 Remarks Line 4 \n",
+ "223 Remarks Line 5 \n",
+ "276 Remarks Line 6 \n",
+ "151 Remarks Line 7 \n",
+ "301 Remarks Line 9 \n",
+ "173 Range \n",
+ "181 Firing Rate \n",
+ "84 Reference Calibrator Outer Diameter \n",
+ "91 Reference Calibrator Standoff \n",
+ "9 Reference Calibrator Thickness \n",
+ "99 Requested Perforation Intervals \n",
+ "316 Requested Sample Depths \n",
+ "233 Requested Sample Remarks \n",
"423 Density of the Formation Fluid \n",
- "198 Rig Name \n",
- "143 Rig Type \n",
- "326 Range/Blank Label, used with the RANG paramete... \n",
- "235 Reference Log Date (dd-MMM-yyyy) \n",
- "47 Reference Log Name \n",
- "289 Reference Log Run Number \n",
- "280 Resistivity of Mud at Bottom Hole Temperature \n",
- "305 Resistivity of Mud Cake Sample \n",
- "64 Resistivity of Mud Filtrate At Bottom Hole Tem... \n",
- "16 Resistivity of Mud Filtrate Sample \n",
- "203 Resistivity of Mud Sample \n",
+ "204 Rig Name \n",
+ "152 Rig Type \n",
+ "327 Range/Blank Label, used with the RANG paramete... \n",
+ "238 Reference Log Date (dd-MMM-yyyy) \n",
+ "60 Reference Log Name \n",
+ "291 Reference Log Run Number \n",
+ "282 Resistivity of Mud at Bottom Hole Temperature \n",
+ "307 Resistivity of Mud Cake Sample \n",
+ "76 Resistivity of Mud Filtrate At Bottom Hole Tem... \n",
+ "17 Resistivity of Mud Filtrate Sample \n",
+ "209 Resistivity of Mud Sample \n",
"419 Resistivity of Mud Sample (RM) \n",
"431 Resistivity of Mud Sample \n",
"421 Resistivity of Mud Sample (SRTX) \n",
- "70 Density of Mud Filtrate Sample \n",
+ "83 Density of Mud Filtrate Sample \n",
"376 Run Remark Line 10 \n",
"375 Run Remark Line 2 \n",
"378 Run Remark Line 3 \n",
@@ -4014,50 +4485,50 @@
"380 Run Remark Line 9 \n",
"391 Real-Time Surface Temperature \n",
"427 Real-Time Mud Salinity \n",
- "109 Rig Up Length at Bottom \n",
- "23 Rig Up Length at Surface \n",
- "335 Run Number \n",
+ "120 Rig Up Length at Bottom \n",
+ "25 Rig Up Length at Surface \n",
+ "336 Run Number \n",
"442 Pipe Rugosity \n",
- "15 Connate Water Resistivity \n",
- "181 Free Water Resistivity \n",
- "225 Water Sample Resistivity \n",
- "152 Enable Sag Correction \n",
- "28 Cable Stretch Correction \n",
- "213 Number of Vertical Samples used for Micro-debo... \n",
- "68 Switch Down Threshold \n",
+ "16 Connate Water Resistivity \n",
+ "189 Free Water Resistivity \n",
+ "228 Water Sample Resistivity \n",
+ "161 Enable Sag Correction \n",
+ "30 Cable Stretch Correction \n",
+ "219 Number of Vertical Samples used for Micro-debo... \n",
+ "81 Switch Down Threshold \n",
"341 Acoustic Impedance STD Horizontal Threshold fo... \n",
"342 Acoustic Impedance STD Vertical Threshold for ... \n",
"354 Water Depth \n",
- "157 Section \n",
+ "166 Section \n",
"428 HILT Saturation Exponent \n",
- "33 Sonic Formation Attenuation Factor \n",
- "17 Slowness Formation Type (Fast, Intermediate, S... \n",
- "108 Sliding Gate Status \n",
- "212 Selectable Acquisition Gain \n",
- "268 Sliding Gate Closing Delta-T \n",
- "285 Sliding Gate Closing Width \n",
- "21 Sliding Gate Delta-T \n",
- "318 Solution Gas Oil Ratio \n",
- "51 Sliding Gate Width \n",
- "24 Surface Hole Temperature \n",
+ "35 Sonic Formation Attenuation Factor \n",
+ "18 Slowness Formation Type (Fast, Intermediate, S... \n",
+ "119 Sliding Gate Status \n",
+ "218 Selectable Acquisition Gain \n",
+ "271 Sliding Gate Closing Delta-T \n",
+ "287 Sliding Gate Closing Width \n",
+ "23 Sliding Gate Delta-T \n",
+ "319 Solution Gas Oil Ratio \n",
+ "64 Sliding Gate Width \n",
+ "26 Surface Hole Temperature \n",
"411 Surface Hole Temperature (RM) \n",
- "56 State/Province Label, used with the STAT param... \n",
- "325 Signal Level for AGC \n",
- "331 Standoff Distance of the Gamma Ray Tool \n",
- "134 Service Order Number \n",
+ "69 State/Province Label, used with the STAT param... \n",
+ "326 Signal Level for AGC \n",
+ "332 Standoff Distance of the Gamma Ray Tool \n",
+ "143 Service Order Number \n",
"2 Shots per Foot \n",
"443 Sonic Porosity Formula \n",
- "25 Sonic Porosity Source \n",
- "231 Start date when the well drilling began \n",
- "96 State or Province \n",
- "88 Subsequent Trip Down Log Correction \n",
+ "27 Sonic Porosity Source \n",
+ "235 Start date when the well drilling began \n",
+ "108 State or Province \n",
+ "100 Subsequent Trip Down Log Correction \n",
"412 Surface Temperature \n",
"343 USIT Sub type \n",
- "309 Switch Up Threshold \n",
- "128 Tubing Depth \n",
+ "310 Switch Up Threshold \n",
+ "138 Tubing Depth \n",
"387 Time Circulation Stopped \n",
- "139 T^3 Processing Level \n",
- "247 Total Measured Depth \n",
+ "148 T^3 Processing Level \n",
+ "250 Total Measured Depth \n",
"370 Driller Total Depth \n",
"371 Logger Total Depth \n",
"468 Calibration coefficient gain used for Tension ... \n",
@@ -4066,541 +4537,541 @@
"471 Calibration Points Used for Tension Device \n",
"472 Calibration Root Mean Square Error Used for Te... \n",
"406 Total Depth (RM) \n",
- "155 Tests and Diagnostics Tasks Tolerance Level \n",
+ "164 Tests and Diagnostics Tasks Tolerance Level \n",
"420 Fluid velocity \n",
- "288 Maximum Search Thickness (percentage of nominal) \n",
- "100 Minimum Search Thickness (percentage of nominal) \n",
- "281 Thickness Detection Policy \n",
+ "290 Maximum Search Thickness (percentage of nominal) \n",
+ "111 Minimum Search Thickness (percentage of nominal) \n",
+ "283 Thickness Detection Policy \n",
"372 Nominal Thickness of Casing \n",
"388 Time Logger At Bottom \n",
- "240 Top Log Interval \n",
- "266 Township or Longitude Label for Log Heading, u... \n",
+ "243 Top Log Interval \n",
+ "269 Township or Longitude Label for Log Heading, u... \n",
"444 Type of Mud \n",
"351 Tension Device Serial Number \n",
- "276 Tool or tool string \n",
+ "278 Tool or tool string \n",
"445 Tool Object Map \n",
"446 Tool Object Map \n",
"447 Tool Object Map \n",
"448 Tool Object Map \n",
- "75 Total Azimuthal Correction \n",
- "255 Township \n",
- "153 Tool Position: Centered or Eccentered \n",
- "337 True Vertical Depth \n",
- "117 Connate Water Temperature \n",
+ "88 Total Azimuthal Correction \n",
+ "258 Township \n",
+ "162 Tool Position: Centered or Eccentered \n",
+ "338 True Vertical Depth \n",
+ "127 Connate Water Temperature \n",
"416 Temperature of Water Sample (RM) \n",
"349 USIC Downhole Decimation for T5 only \n",
"344 Logging Objective \n",
"345 USIT Measurement Angular Offset \n",
- "202 Modulation Frequency \n",
+ "208 Modulation Frequency \n",
"346 Emission Pattern \n",
- "295 Ultrasonic Sampling Frequency \n",
+ "297 Ultrasonic Sampling Frequency \n",
"347 USIT Time Offset \n",
"348 USIT Sub Identifier \n",
- "137 Unique Well Identifier \n",
+ "146 Unique Well Identifier \n",
"350 Working Mode \n",
- "48 Ultrasonic Transversal Velocity in Casing \n",
- "307 VDL Manual Gain \n",
- "272 Cumulative Hole Volume \n",
- "147 Volume fraction of dry clay composed of Illite \n",
+ "61 Ultrasonic Transversal Velocity in Casing \n",
+ "308 VDL Manual Gain \n",
+ "275 Cumulative Hole Volume \n",
+ "156 Volume fraction of dry clay composed of Illite \n",
"392 Viscosity of Oil Based Mud Filtrate \n",
- "99 Volume fraction of dry clay composed of Kaolinite \n",
- "177 Volume fraction of dry clay composed of Montmo... \n",
- "165 Vertical Resolution \n",
- "145 Water Downhole Density \n",
- "55 Water Depth \n",
- "463 Wheel Correction 1 \n",
- "464 Wheel Correction 2 \n",
- "304 Window Begin Time \n",
- "257 Window End Time \n",
- "9 T^3 Processing Length \n",
- "14 Waveform Firing Mode \n",
+ "110 Volume fraction of dry clay composed of Kaolinite \n",
+ "186 Volume fraction of dry clay composed of Montmo... \n",
+ "174 Vertical Resolution \n",
+ "154 Water Downhole Density \n",
+ "68 Water Depth \n",
+ "465 Wheel Correction 1 \n",
+ "466 Wheel Correction 2 \n",
+ "306 Window Begin Time \n",
+ "260 Window End Time \n",
+ "10 T^3 Processing Length \n",
+ "15 Waveform Firing Mode \n",
"407 Weight of Mud for CET \n",
"413 Weight of Mud \n",
- "206 Well Name \n",
- "43 Water Salinity \n",
+ "212 Well Name \n",
+ "56 Water Salinity \n",
"400 Water Salinity \n",
- "103 Water Viscosity \n",
- "265 Acoustic Impedance of Casing \n",
- "26 Acoustic Impedance of Cement \n",
- "327 Initial Estimate of Cement Impedance \n",
- "232 Acoustic Impedance of Mud \n",
- "18 Tool Zero Reference Check at Surface \n",
- "252 Acoustic Impedance Threshold for Cement \n",
- "195 Acoustic Impedance Threshold for Gas \n",
+ "114 Water Viscosity \n",
+ "268 Acoustic Impedance of Casing \n",
+ "28 Acoustic Impedance of Cement \n",
+ "328 Initial Estimate of Cement Impedance \n",
+ "236 Acoustic Impedance of Mud \n",
+ "19 Tool Zero Reference Check at Surface \n",
+ "255 Acoustic Impedance Threshold for Cement \n",
+ "202 Acoustic Impedance Threshold for Gas \n",
- " Value(s) \n",
- "185 [1.0] \n",
- "334 [-999.25] \n",
- "283 [Off] \n",
- "339 [-12] \n",
- "340 [40] \n",
- "10 [] \n",
- "287 [110.30000305175781] \n",
- "211 [180.0] \n",
- "263 [54.900001525878906] \n",
- "41 [] \n",
- "259 [1013.0] \n",
- "405 [20.0] \n",
- "244 [-999.25] \n",
- "27 [NO] \n",
- "46 [] \n",
- "73 [-999.25] \n",
- "260 [] \n",
- "59 [ON] \n",
- "50 [-999.25] \n",
- "81 [0.0] \n",
- "277 [0.0] \n",
- "82 [OPEN] \n",
- "113 [100.0] \n",
- "429 [100.0] \n",
- "245 [0.800000011920929] \n",
- "138 [3185.0] \n",
- "270 [-999.25] \n",
- "105 [-999.25] \n",
- "297 [-999.25] \n",
- "355 [12.25] \n",
- "333 [0.0] \n",
- "417 [0.0] \n",
- "356 [2573.0] \n",
- "357 [3205.0] \n",
- "125 [Measured Resistivity (GEN-9)] \n",
- "98 [-999.25] \n",
- "358 [3200.0] \n",
- "459 [7-46 PXS] \n",
- "460 [28-May-2013] \n",
- "465 [04-Jun-2013] \n",
- "466 [1115] \n",
- "461 [32] \n",
- "359 [P110] \n",
- "156 [] \n",
- "360 [3200.0] \n",
- "236 [45.0] \n",
- "361 [3200.0] \n",
- "62 [53.0] \n",
- "199 [3.0] \n",
- "330 [2.0] \n",
- "362 [600.0] \n",
- "363 [9.625] \n",
- "74 [100.0] \n",
- "364 [P110] \n",
- "264 [County:] \n",
- "69 [0.678943395614624] \n",
- "410 [0.0] \n",
- "141 [Regular Cement] \n",
- "313 [Statoil] \n",
- "207 [] \n",
- "251 [Europe] \n",
- "319 [Wireline] \n",
- "209 [] \n",
- "124 [] \n",
- "365 [0.07961677014827728] \n",
- "366 [8.54683780670166] \n",
- "367 [9.625] \n",
- "204 [No] \n",
- "44 [0.007251886650919914] \n",
- "368 [53.499996185302734] \n",
- "369 [110000.0] \n",
- "320 [CCLU] \n",
- "294 [12] \n",
- "29 [24] \n",
- "336 [0] \n",
- "275 [No] \n",
- "7 [24] \n",
- "237 [Yes] \n",
- "77 [50] \n",
- "167 [600] \n",
- "383 [05-Jun-2013] \n",
- "169 [04-Jun-2013] \n",
- "290 [05-Jun-2013] \n",
- "384 [] \n",
- "184 [REALTIME] \n",
- "312 [NO] \n",
- "292 [-999.25] \n",
- "57 [0.0] \n",
- "150 [300.0] \n",
- "189 [0.024516625329852104] \n",
- "321 [0.44999998807907104] \n",
- "186 [300.0] \n",
- "176 [0.024516625329852104] \n",
- "308 [0.44999998807907104] \n",
- "217 [Schlumberger depth control procedure is follo... \n",
- "182 [IDW is used as primary depth control device a... \n",
- "90 [] \n",
- "110 [] \n",
- "114 [] \n",
- "171 [] \n",
- "191 [Schlumberger Depth System] \n",
- "317 [E1] \n",
- "58 [1.2799999713897705] \n",
- "193 [-999.25] \n",
- "279 [-999.25] \n",
- "310 [-999.25] \n",
- "432 [OIL] \n",
- "241 [-999.25] \n",
- "135 [-999.25] \n",
- "396 [232.99998474121094] \n",
- "243 [-999.25] \n",
- "302 [-999.25] \n",
- "385 [05-Jun-2013] \n",
- "178 [0] \n",
- "205 [-999.25] \n",
- "353 [DF] \n",
- "258 [04-Jun-2013] \n",
- "322 [4.874000072479248] \n",
- "127 [-999.25] \n",
- "13 [10.0] \n",
- "146 [] \n",
- "159 [FULL] \n",
- "32 [189.0] \n",
- "123 [536] \n",
- "192 [56.0] \n",
- "250 [232.99998474121094] \n",
- "408 [232.99998474121094] \n",
- "403 [232.99998474121094] \n",
- "208 [250] \n",
- "93 [-999.25] \n",
- "254 [-999.25] \n",
- "301 [54.900001525878906] \n",
- "22 [-999.25] \n",
- "161 [-91.0] \n",
- "42 [-999.25] \n",
- "170 [54.900001525878906] \n",
- "230 [90] \n",
- "218 [No] \n",
- "220 [Yes] \n",
- "179 [No] \n",
- "36 [No] \n",
- "37 [No] \n",
- "196 [No] \n",
- "65 [Yes] \n",
- "120 [No] \n",
- "116 [Yes] \n",
- "194 [Yes] \n",
- "233 [Yes] \n",
- "63 [Yes] \n",
- "306 [Yes] \n",
- "278 [0.0] \n",
- "462 [IDW-JA] \n",
- "457 [7-46P-XS] \n",
- "467 [CMTD-B/A] \n",
- "190 [54.900001525878906] \n",
- "332 [0.0] \n",
- "224 [-999.25] \n",
- "107 [1.0] \n",
- "0 [1.0] \n",
- "404 [2.0] \n",
- "1 [0.5] \n",
- "126 [North Sea] \n",
- "101 [Norwegian Sector] \n",
- "269 [] \n",
- "426 [1.2799999713897705] \n",
- "54 [2.4384000301361084] \n",
- "174 [Volve] \n",
- "422 [1.0] \n",
- "433 [PHI] \n",
- "222 [0.0] \n",
- "418 [232.99998474121094] \n",
- "434 [BS] \n",
- "104 [0.10000000149011612] \n",
- "394 [0.10000000149011612] \n",
- "86 [0.0] \n",
- "249 [BGGM] \n",
- "158 [-999.25] \n",
- "187 [18.22688865661621] \n",
- "329 [71.67223358154297] \n",
- "324 [9.81800651550293] \n",
- "248 [50490.58203125] \n",
- "226 [6.259347438812256] \n",
- "303 [-999.25] \n",
- "401 [-999.25] \n",
- "53 [3.0] \n",
- "197 [3.0] \n",
- "282 [0.019999999552965164] \n",
- "395 [18.22688865661621] \n",
- "300 [0.0] \n",
- "435 [GEN9] \n",
- "39 [1.0] \n",
- "436 [TEMP] \n",
- "72 [0.019999999552965164] \n",
- "115 [SAD69] \n",
- "450 [] \n",
- "451 [] \n",
- "449 [Volve] \n",
- "61 [1.0] \n",
- "397 [0.10000000149011612] \n",
- "228 [5 deg] \n",
- "227 [Calibration] \n",
- "338 [Calibration] \n",
- "216 [-999.25] \n",
- "121 [1.0] \n",
- "102 [1014.0399169921875] \n",
- "274 [0.0] \n",
- "20 [0.0] \n",
- "136 [0.0] \n",
- "437 [BS] \n",
- "166 [-999.25] \n",
- "52 [START] \n",
- "409 [-999.25] \n",
- "438 [NOBARITE] \n",
- "180 [DT] \n",
- "119 [USIT 9_58] \n",
- "393 [0.0] \n",
- "262 [58.441654205322266] \n",
- "214 [58° 26' 29.96\" N] \n",
- "4 [440] \n",
- "223 [Schlumberger] \n",
- "458 [7315.2001953125] \n",
- "352 [F711165] \n",
- "163 [Section] \n",
- "215 [DF] \n",
- "173 [] \n",
- "389 [North Sea] \n",
- "298 [9.81800651550293] \n",
- "12 [Subsequent trip] \n",
- "328 [] \n",
- "95 [1.887463927268982] \n",
- "271 [1° 53' 14.87\" E] \n",
- "168 [] \n",
- "92 [NOBO] \n",
- "311 [ONCC A 3815] \n",
- "238 [2.0] \n",
- "154 [120] \n",
- "234 [0] \n",
- "439 [LIME] \n",
- "296 [23.392528533935547] \n",
- "132 [1097.280029296875] \n",
- "129 [1371.5999755859375] \n",
- "67 [2057.39990234375] \n",
- "84 [1097.280029296875] \n",
- "242 [4.515231132507324] \n",
- "246 [Pressed] \n",
- "31 [20.0] \n",
- "97 [-1.1452460289001465] \n",
- "3 [-1.1452460289001465] \n",
- "440 [2.7100000381469727] \n",
- "286 [0.5049058198928833] \n",
- "76 [] \n",
- "35 [20.0] \n",
- "40 [64.4000015258789] \n",
- "188 [71.67223358154297] \n",
- "239 [100] \n",
- "5 [CBL] \n",
- "425 [500.0] \n",
- "38 [-999.25] \n",
- "6 [-999.25] \n",
- "175 [-999.25] \n",
- "30 [-999.25] \n",
- "151 [3.669377088546753] \n",
- "148 [Active Tank] \n",
- "160 [20.0] \n",
- "424 [20.0] \n",
- "183 [1.0] \n",
- "399 [1.2799999713897705] \n",
- "414 [1.2799999713897705] \n",
- "19 [2.0] \n",
- "60 [Norway] \n",
- "291 [344] \n",
- "140 [1026] \n",
- "106 [0] \n",
- "80 [120] \n",
- "314 [2] \n",
- "162 [72] \n",
- "441 [YES] \n",
- "89 [0.800000011920929] \n",
- "415 [0.800000011920929] \n",
- "201 [-999.25] \n",
- "112 [15/9] \n",
- "131 [-999.25] \n",
- "430 [-999.25] \n",
- "402 [Active Tank] \n",
- "398 [Active Tank] \n",
- "144 [] \n",
- "261 [OPT2] \n",
- "452 [] \n",
- "453 [] \n",
- "454 [] \n",
- "455 [] \n",
- "456 [] \n",
- "45 [0] \n",
- "267 [0] \n",
- "94 [0] \n",
- "83 [0] \n",
- "210 [1.0] \n",
- "79 [-999.25] \n",
- "118 [-999.25] \n",
- "49 [MSL] \n",
- "256 [0.20000000298023224] \n",
- "293 [-999.25] \n",
- "390 [0.0] \n",
- "133 [