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Accounting logic should be possible to express in readable code, right?

abacus-minimal aims to be concise, correct and expressive in implementation of double entry book-keeping rules.

Progress and features so far:

  • event-based ledger,
  • regular and contra accounts,
  • multiple entries,
  • period end closing,
  • income statement and balance sheet reports,
  • proxy reports before closing,
  • saving and loading data from JSON.


pip install abacus-minimal


pip install git+

Ledger as a sequence of events

abacus-minimal provides an accounting ledger that is controlled by events:

  • chart of account changes,
  • business transactions,
  • adjustment and reconciliation entries,
  • closing entries.

Given a sequence of events you can always recreate the ledger state.


In code below account creation, three double entries and a command to close accounts are in the events list. This list is accepted by ledger, and from the ledger you can see the account balances and reports.

from abacus import Asset, Double, Equity, Expense, Income, Ledger, Close

create_accounts = [
    Equity("re", title="Retained earnings"),
business_events = [
    # Post entries
    Double("cash", "equity", 1000),
    Double("cash", "sales", 250),
    Double("salaries", "cash", 150),
    # Close period
events = create_accounts + business_events
ledger = Ledger.from_list(events)

Reports reflect the state of ledger:


Primitive and compound events

There are six types of basic, or 'primitive', events in abacus-minimal:

Primitive event What is does
Add Add an empty account of asset, equity, liability, income or expense type
Offset Аdd a empty contra account that corresponds to an existing account
Drop Deactivate an account
Debit Debit an account with a specified amount
Credit Credit an account with a specified amount
PeriodEnd Mark reporting period end

From example above you can extract the primitives as following:

for p in ledger.history.primitives:

There are also compound events. Every compound event can be represented as a list of primitives.

Compound event What it does Translates to a list of
Account Specifies an account and its contra accounts Add and Offset
Double and Multiple Represent accounting entries Debit and Credit
Transfer Moves account balance from one account to another Double and Drop
Close Closes temporary accounts to aggregation account PeriodEnd and Transfer

Note that Transfer and Close are initially translated into other compound events, but ultimately, they are further simplified into the primitives.

Ledger as class

You can also work with higher-level Chart, Book and Entry classes without looking at events level:

  • Chart holds a chart of accounts and can be saved and loaded from JSON (chart.json).
  • Book is created from chart, accepts entries to post to ledger and also can be saved and loaded from JSON (history.json).
  • Entry is a posting to a ledger that can be a double or a multiple entry.


Consider an example where you need to process the following transactions:

  • a company gets €20000 equity investment from shareholders,
  • bills a client €1000 plus 20% value added tax (VAT),
  • receives €600 installment payment,
  • makes a €150 refund,
  • pays €450 in salaries to the staff.
from abacus import Book, Chart, Entry

# Create chart and ledger
chart = Chart(
    assets=["cash", "ar"],
    contra_accounts={"services": ["refunds"]},
book = Book.from_chart(chart)

# Post entries
entries = [
    Entry("Shareholder investment").double("cash", "equity", 20_000),
    Entry("Invoiced services")
       .debit("ar", 1200)
       .credit("services", 1000)
       .credit("tax_due", 200),
    Entry("Accepted payment").double("cash", "ar", 600),
    Entry("Made refund").double("refunds", "cash", 150),
    Entry("Paid salaries").double("salaries", "cash", 450),

# Close the period and show reports

Everything as JSON

All data structures used are serialisable. You can write code to create a chart of accounts and a ledger, save them to JSONs or pick up data from the JSON files and restore the ledger.

# Save"chart.json", "history.json", allow_overwrite=True)

# Load and re-enter
book2 = Book.load_unsafe("chart.json", "history.json")

from pprint import pprint
pprint(book2) # may not fully identical to `book` yet

Accounting concepts and workflow

Key concepts

In abacus-minimal:

  • there are regular accounts of five types (asset, liability, equity, income, expense);
  • contra accounts to regular accounts are possible (eg depreciation, discounts);
  • period end closes temporary accounts (income, expense and their associated contra accounts);
  • balance sheet and income statement are available before and after close;
  • post close entries are allowed on permanent accounts;

See a detailed list of assumptions and limitations here.


The steps for using abacus-minimal follow the steps of a typical accounting cycle:

  • create a chart of accounts,
  • open ledger for the current reporting period,
  • post account balances from the previous period,
  • post entries that reflect business transactions within the period,
  • post reconciliation and adjustment entries,
  • close accounts at reporting period end,
  • post entries after close,
  • show financial reports,
  • save account balances data for the next reporting period.

Accounting identity

abacus-minimal adheres to the following interpretation of accounting identity.

  1. The value of company property, or assets, equals to shareholder and creditor claims on the company:
Assets = Equity + Liabilities

Equity is the residual claim on assets after creditors:

Equity = Assets - Liabilities
  1. Company current earnings, or profit, is equal to income less expenses associated with generating this income:
Current Earnings = Income - Expenses

Current earnings accumulate to retained earnings:

Retained Earnings = Retained Earnings From Previous Period + Current Earnings
  1. Equity consists of shareholder equity, other equity accounts and retained earnings:
Equity = Shareholder Equity + Other Equity + Retained Earnings
  1. Substituting we get a form of extended accounting equation:
Assets + Expenses =
   Shareholder Equity + Other Equity + Retained Earnings + Income + Liabilities
  1. We also add contra accounts:
Assets + Expenses + Contra Accounts To Equity, Income and Liabilitites =
   Shareholder Equity + Other Equity + Retained Earnings + Income + Liabilities
   + Contra Accounts to Assets and Expenses

Our book-keeping goal is to reflect business events as changes to the variables in this eqaution while maintaining the balance of it.


abacus-minimal takes a lot of inspiration from the following projects:

Accounting knowledge

If you are totally new to accounting the suggested friendly course is

ACCA and CPA are the international and the US professional qualifications and IFRS and US GAAP are the standards for accounting recognition, measurement and disclosure.

A great overview of accounting concepts is at IFRS Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting.

Part B-G in the ACCA syllabus for the FFA exam are useful to review to work with abacus-minimal.

Textbooks and articles:

  1. A list of free and open source textbooks.
  2. Frank Wood "Business Accounting".
  3. 200 Years of Accounting History Dates and Events.

Project conventions

I use just command runner to automate code maintenance tasks in this project.

just test and just fix scripts will run the following tools:

  • pytest
  • mypy
  • black and isort --float-to-top (probably should replace with ruff format)
  • ruff check
  • prettier for markdown formatting
  • codedown to extract Python code from

examples/ is overwritten by the just readme command.

I use poetry as a package manager, but heard good things about uv that I want to try.


  • 0.14.2 (2024-11-23) Added just sql command to run database examples.
  • 0.14.0 (2024-11-15) Event-based ledger now on main. Mixed test suite and pyright.
  • 0.13.0 (2024-11-15) Event-based ledger will become next minor version.
  • 0.12.0 (2024-11-13) offers events-based ledger modification.
  • 0.11.1 (2024-11-06) abacus.core now feature complete.
  • 0.10.7 (2024-11-02) Posting type is a list of single entries.
  • 0.10.5 (2024-10-27) Handles income statement and balances sheet before and after close.
  • 0.10.0 (2024-10-24) Separates core, chart, entry and book code and tests.