- Fixed: Recognition for Twitter/X embeds
- Fixed: Output of the Instagram Feed plugin is replaced with an faulty overlay
- Fixed: Displaying embeds in Divi’s dynamic content
- Fixed: An undefined variable in the shortcode output
- Fixed: Custom background images and logos
- Fixed: Direct link to YouTube videos
- Fixed: Handling of non-available YouTube videos
- Fixed: Replacing URLs inside attributes
- Fixed: Invalid HTML
- Fixed: Replacing URLs ending with x.com
- Fixed: Displaying always active providers
- Fixed: Detection for unknown embeds
- Fixed: Detection for Maps Marker Pro
- Improved: Renamed Twitter to X
- Fixed: Check for matching provider
- Fixed: Missing assets for YouTube overlay in Elementor
- Fixed: Hiding providers in the opt-out shortcodes if desired
- Fixed: Potential PHP warning
- Fixed: Blocking embeds appearing in the same content after a disabled/always active provider
- Fixed: Cookie lifetime
- Fixed: Multiple replacements of the same embed
- Fixed: Replacing unknown embeds
- Fixed: Always return an embed provider via
- Fixed: Warning about potentially non-available asset version
- Fixed: Potential fatal error for missing check of the availability of the function
- Fixed: Set correct "Tested up to" to WordPress 6.6
- Added: Thumbnail support for Polylang
- Added: Filter to prevent orphan thumbnail deletion
- Added: New style system for an improved markup and valid HTML code
- Improved: Shared content to the Fediverse does not contain the overlay anymore
- Improved: Made it more clear what the opt-out shortcode does
- Fixed: Missing assets on the blog homepage if it contains an embed
- For developers: More notices about deprecated code
- For developers: Complete rework of the plugin's code (with complete backwards compatibility). See the migration guide for more information
- Improve the text for screen readers upon activating the embedded content
- Fixed compatibility with other widget plugins
- Fixed handling of videos in Divi
- Fixed an error while uninstalling the plugin
- Fixed aspect ratio of embeds embedded via Divi
- Fixed spelling of "SlideShare"
- Added support for thumbnails for WordPress TV
- Added filter to filter embed arguments
- Added filter to ignore certain embeds
- Improved style generation to improve performance and fix HTML validation
- Improved script loading by using
attributes - Fixed certain fields deleted after changing embed provider to draft
- Fixed URL encoding after replacements
- Fixed the output of the opt-out shortcode (thanks wpdabh for reporting)
- Added support for Anghami
- Added filter to prevent thumbnail orphan deletion
- Added check for PHP DOM extension
- Improved loading embed providers
- Improved compatibility with Advanced Custom Fields
- Fixed compatibility with PHP 8.2
- Fixed a potential PHP warning if a post does not exist while checking permissions
- Fixed functionality of the opt-out shortcode if the current website uses a non-standard port
- Fixed replacing only the necessary part of embedded contents for custom embeds
- Fixed replacing all occurrences of a custom embed in the current content
- Fixed multiple unnecessary database queries in migration before the actual check whether a migration is necessary
- Fixed downloading the thumbnail multiple times when the same embed is embedded multiple times
- Fixed deleted thumbnails if they are only in content of Advanced Custom Fields
- Fixed a potential security issue regarding disclosing absolute paths in thumbnail URLs (special thanks to @kraftner)
- Fixed aspect ratio generation if width or height contains a percentage sign
- Fixed thumbnail positioning (it's now horizontally and vertically centered)
- Fixed HTML output of the opt-out shortcode
- General code improvements
- Fixed getting the URL of video shortcodes properly to not block content from the same (sub)domain
- Improved Google Maps height in Kadence Blocks
- Fixed a JavaScript error if jQuery is not initialized
- Fixed potential PHP warning regarding an undefined variable
- Fixed potential PHP warning regarding an undefined hostname while retrieving the embed URL
- Added support for crowdsignal.net
- Added support for classic video shortcode/widget
- Added support for SlideShare thumbnails (thanks to @Lazza)
- Added support for custom thumbnail generation via filter
- Fixed hiding thumbnails after embedded content has been enabled
- Fixed aspect ratio for embeds without proper dimension information
- Fixed aspect ratio for non-default content width themes
- Fixed handling of the % character
- Fixed aspect ratio for many oEmbeds
- Fixed replacing some oEmbeds
- Fixed potential problems while retrieving a single embed provider
- Fixed deleting post metadata of embed providers while editing them via WP-CLI
- Restore displaying YouTube thumbnails
- Updated required WordPress version to 5.0
- Fixed text links to youtube.com
- Fixed Twitter embeds
- Added automatic detection of aspect ratio if given by the embed
- Added ability to work with HTML of regular oEmbed providers
- Added filter to ignore shortcodes (see documentation)
- Added matching links to the new documentation at https://epiph.yt/en/embed-privacy/documentation/
- Improved handling of matching non-standard elements (embed, iframe, object, see documentation)
- Fixed Google Maps regex pattern after installation
- Fixed behavior of the opt-out shortcode with enabled page caching
- Fixed line-height of custom embeds in Elementor
- General code improvements
- Fixed storing and displaying video thumbnails from Vimeo that are embedded using the domain player.vimeo.com
- Fixed unnecessary line breaks within the classic editor
- Fixed displaying the overlay if an embed of a known embed provider followed an embed of an unknown embed provider
- Fixed uninstallation issues
- Added support for embed provider Pocket Casts
- Added support for Maps Marker and Maps Marker Pro
- Added support for Google Maps in Shortcodes Ultimate
- Added support to automatically download and display a thumbnail of the embed for Vimeo and YouTube (only in posts)
- Added support to re-initiate the database migration and display an error message if it has been failed at least three times
- Added support for Polylang and Polylang Pro
- Added a new filter to allow stopping Embed Privacy from handling unknown embeds
- Added option to disable the direct link in the overlay
- Updated logos for Reddit, SmugMug and SoundCloud for better readability
- Use the plugin version as parameter for assets to allow better caching and prevent problems with some setups
- General code improvements
- Fixed a JavaScript error
- Fixed an issue with always active providers being cached by page caching plugins
- Fixed printing inline JavaScript only once
- Fixed displaying embeds on mobile devices while using Divi
- Fixed the output of assets
- Improved regular expression for Google Maps
- Fixed an issue where JavaScript assets may be missing for the opt-out shortcode
- Fixed an issue with always enable an unknown embed provider
- Fixed issues with missing JavaScript for Facebook embed of Jetpack
- Fixed a potential encoding issue
- Fixed issues with Facebook embed of Jetpack
- Fixed issues with registering assets
- Fixed a problem that prevents embed fields from being stored
- Fixed an expired link during plugin activation and creating a new embed provider
- Fixed invalid HTML by changing the accessibility behavior (it's now a separate button)
- Fixed potential empty link titles in other locales then English
- Fixed potential unwanted URL encoding in the content after Embed Privacy replaced an embed
- Added support for Pinterest and Wolfram Cloud
- Improved migrations to fix duplicate providers or performance problems in multisite installations
- Embeds can now be enabled via keyboard
- Added a link to the original content on the bottom right overlay corner
- Added support for caching the opt-out shortcode
- Clicking on the "always enable content of X" enables all embeds of this provider on the current page immediately
- Improved markup of local tweets
- Added additional class to checkbox paragraph, thanks to @florianbrinkmann
- Correctly handle backslashes in the regex field
- System providers cannot be deleted anymore
- Fixed oEmbed provider name if the provider is unknown
- Fix enqueuing assets for unknown embed providers
- Fixed enabling multiple YouTube videos in Elementor
- Fixed displaying content if the page contains an always active provider
- Fixed functionality in Elementor
- Fixed custom embed provider output
- Fixed replacing content in shortcodes multiple times
- Fixed checking for theme/template
- Fixed deleted meta fields if you put an embed provider in trash and restore it afterwards
- Fixed Embed Privacy sometimes trying to replace an embed twice
- Fixed an error that may occur if Embed Privacy tries to replace an embed that doesn't need to be replaced
- Fixed checking for local domain if WordPress itself is located in a sub-domain
- Fixed always enable YouTube within Divi
- Fixed overlay line height in Divi
- Improved mobile design for responsive embeds
- Fixed centering for non-responsive embeds
- Fixed disabled embed content from preventing interactions with the text below the overlay
- Fixed general activation error
- Fixed a fatal error on uninstallation on non-multisite
- Fixed activating via WP-CLI
- Fixed deleting an option on uninstallation
- Added local tweets without overlay
- Added option to preserve data on uninstall
- Added compatibility with theme Astra
- Added filter
for filtering the whole markup of an embed overlay - Added proper support for embeds on the current domain
- Added support for embeds on other elements than
- Enqueue assets only if needed
- Removed images from media (which had been added in version 1.2.0) and use fallback images for default embed providers
- Improved regular expression for Google Maps
- Improved texts for clarity
- Fixed visibility of custom post type
- Fixed network-wide activation
- Fixed clearing oEmbed cache
- Added a check if a migration is already running
- Fixed a bug where the page markup could be changed unexpectedly
elements are now replaced correctly- Added a missing textdomain to a string
- Excluded local embeds (with the same domain)
- Fixed Amazon Kindle regex being too greedy
- Fixed a bug where the page markup could be changed unexpectedly
- Fixed a warning if an embed provider has no regular expressions
- Improved migrations of embed provider metadata to make sure they have been added to the database
- Added support for managing embeds (add/remove/edit/disable)
- Added support for caching plugins by adding a JavaScript detection for always active embed providers
- Added CSS classes that indicate the current state of the embed (
) - Added shortcode
to allow users to opt-out/in - Fixed responsive design if the embed added an own width
- Changed provider name from Polldaddy to Crowdsignal
- Removed provider Hulu
- Fixed a possible difference in the used class name of the embed provider in HTML and CSS
- Removed provider CollegeHumor
- Fixed a bug with the automatic addition of paragraphs
- Added option to allow all embeds by one provider
- Added provider TikTok, introduced in WordPress 5.4
- Added support for Google Maps iframes
- Added URL rewrite to youtube-nocookie.com
- Added option to save user selection per embed provider
- Added provider logo to our placeholder
- Added option to filter our placeholders markup
- Added support for 'alignwide' and 'alignfull' Gutenberg classes
- Added support for using our embedding overlay mechanism for external developers
- Improved our placeholder markup to be actually semantic
- Changed .embed- classes to .embed-privacy-
- Fixed some embed providers that use custom z-index, which results in the embedded content being above the overlay
- Fixed typos
- Improved compatibility with Autoptimize
- Improved compatibility with AMP
- Fix issue with SlideShare causing wrong (generic) placeholders
- Fixed support for PHP 5.6
- Initial release