Python code should follow Black's style.
HTML/CSS must pass w3's validators, and if they don't it's a TODO
/bug. Unless of course the errors refer to newer standards that haven't been implemented in the validator yet.
Commit subjects should be written in imperative mood for consistency and clarity.
Uses .pylintrc
pylint -E sic/*py sic/views/*py
black sic/*py
git add sic/templates/TEMPL.html # stage first
djhtml sic/templates/TEMPL.html # in-place formatting
git add -p sic/templates/TEMPL.html # selectively add formatting if acceptable
vnu.jar ""
Recursive check with tools/
python3 tools/ "" # no login
python3 tools/ --login --username superuser@website.tld --password "password" ""
usage: [-h] [--login] [--check-xml]
[--vnu-jar-bin VNU_JAR_BIN] [-u USERNAME]
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--login login before scraping? (html and valid endpoints are
different when authenticated
--check-xml also check XML (feeds)
--vnu-jar-bin VNU_JAR_BIN
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
checklink --broken --quiet --indicator --summary --recursive --location "" ""
Warning: css-validator.js has out-of-date rules.
css-validator.jar ""