v0.1.0 - stable version with complete docs
A Snakemake workflow for easy visualization of genome browser tracks of aligned BAM files powered by the wrapper gtracks for the package pyGenomeTracks.
- processing
- BAM files of the same group are merged and indexed using samtools.
- A bigWig file per merged BAM file is generated using deepTools::bamCoverage.
- Information per requested gene from the 12-column BED file is retrieved (not necessary for genomic regions).
- coordinates from the 12-column BED file are extracted and extended at the start and end by the configured parameter.
- the number of isoforms i.e. number of lines in the BED file is determined (only for genes, for genomic regions it is hardcoded to 1) to plot below the tracks.
- visualization
- generate one plot per category of bigWigs and gene/region with the determined gene parameters.
- generate one plot including ALL categories per gene/region.
- complete documentation of used software, all features, and methods
- external resources