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Continuous Integration with Jenkins CI

Installation instructions

Download and install Jenkins CI according to instructions on the official website

Add required Jenkins Plugins

wget http://localhost:8080/jnlpJars/jenkins-cli.jar\
&& curl -L | sed '1d;$d' | curl -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -d @- http://localhost:8080/updateCenter/byId/default/postBack\
&& java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080 install-plugin checkstyle cloverphp dry htmlpublisher jdepend plot pmd violations xunit phing git greenballs parameterized-trigger copyartifact email-ext\
&& java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080 safe-restart

Second line is a temporary workaround for Jenkins issue with plugin installation (No update center data is retrieved yet from: checkstyle looks like a short plugin name. Did you mean 'null'?)

Proceed with the build and deployment tools installation. You will need to checkout your projectfrom VCS once into a temporary location for this purpose. This guide assumes that you execute all CLI commands from the project root directory. You should perform these actions on all development environments and on the CI server. It's recommended to use the UNIX account that is used by Jenkins CI (it would help with an access to Git repository). Keep in mind that you should add public SSH key of the Jenkins account to your Git repository. Deployment key (i.e. read-only access) is recommended.

Job configuration instructions

Execute the following commands to create all generated jobs replacing <project-name> with your project name

&& cat app/Resources/configs/jenkins/config-build-master.xml | java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ create-job $PROJECT_NAME-build-master\
&& cat app/Resources/configs/jenkins/config-build-package-tag.xml | java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ create-job $PROJECT_NAME-build-package-tag\
&& cat app/Resources/configs/jenkins/config-deploy-package-tag.xml | java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ create-job $PROJECT_NAME-deploy-package-tag\
&& cat app/Resources/configs/jenkins/config-deploy-qa-master.xml | java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080/ create-job $PROJECT_NAME-deploy-qa-master

Apply additional configuration to the jobs in Jenkins CI UI:

  1. Repository configuration (at least Repository URL for Git)
  2. Build Triggers for build-master job (Poll SCM is recommended unless you had configured appropriate hook on your VCS server)
  3. Discard Old Builds (if necessary)
  4. Copy artifacts from another project - Project name should be changed to <project-name>-build-package-tag in deploy-package-tag job


It's a good practice to enable authentication for Jenkins CI and configure roles for accounts. Also you should configure email settings in order to receive email notifications.

Available jobs


Job executes build-ci phing target using latest commit from master branch. You can switch this job to develop or whatever else branch if you need. It's recommended to have multiple jobs created from this template if active development is performed in multiple branches.

Job does not produce any artifacts.


Job executes build-ci and package phing targets. Build is parameterized, but you have provide Git tag name manually due to the bug in git-parameter plugin.

Job produces tar.gz archive with packaged version of the application. This package is used by deploy-package-tag job.


Job executes build-ci, package and deploy phing targets.

Job produces the following artifacts:

  1. tar.gz archive with packaged version of the application
  2. previous-doctrine-migrations-info.txt file with output of app/console doctrine:migrations:status --show-versions
  3. previous-version.txt file with the previous deployed version info:
    • <tag_name>.<build_number> if previous build was from deploy-package-tag, e.g. v1.0.2.42
    • <branch_name>-<build_number>-<commit_hash>-SNAPSHOT if previous build was from deploy-qa-master, e.g. master-3-7f0cebe8f859bc15be2fb7e6fd0da4dd0cebcbe5-SNAPSHOT
  4. <application_name>.remote_dump.latest.sql.gz


Job executes deploy phing target. Build is parameterized. It accepts the following parameters:

Name Default value Description
PACKAGE_TAG_BUILD_ID Latest successful build Id of the build-package-tag build which will be used as a source for the package
ENVIRONMENT_NAME qa Target environment
MAINTENANCE_MESSAGE We are sorry. Project is under maintenance. Maintenance mode message
MAINTENANCE_UNTIL HH:MM GMT Planned end time of the deployment

Job produces the following artifacts:

  1. tar.gz archive with packaged version of the application
  2. previous-doctrine-migrations-info.txt file with output of app/console doctrine:migrations:status --show-versions
  3. previous-version.txt file with the previous deployed version info:
    • <tag_name>.<build_number> if previous build was from deploy-package-tag, e.g. v1.0.2.42
    • <branch_name>-<build_number>-<commit_hash>-SNAPSHOT if previous build was from deploy-qa-master, e.g. master-3-7f0cebe8f859bc15be2fb7e6fd0da4dd0cebcbe5-SNAPSHOT
  4. <application_name>.remote_dump.latest.sql.gz