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Data definition ‐ first steps

Daniel Santillan edited this page Feb 22, 2024 · 3 revisions

In this page we will try to provide some support material of how to create a data definition file. For the API definition and details on the properties please navigate and explore the wiki.

Our goal in the future is to provide a helpful web user interface to allow requesting data integration easily.

If you are not part of the eodash team and were asked to provide information on the data being integrated following information would greatly help in describing your data as best as possible.

Sometimes it is easiest to take an example and work from that, we have added examples you can use as starting point further down.

Here is a short rundown on the expected information, for more details please look at the wiki.

  • A markdown file (or text) describing your data
  • A set of properties describing your data:
    • Title: Short descriptive title
    • Tags: A list of tags that describe your data (it is possible a tag list will be created and harmonized in the future, link will be added here)
    • DataSource: Information of the datasources for the data described by following parameters
      • Spaceborne: Information for spaceborn data described by following parameters (if applicable)
        • Satellite: List of satellite identifiers
        • Sensor: List of sensors of the satellite
      • InSitu: List of in situ data sources (if applicable)
      • Other: List of other data sources (if applicable)
    • Agency: List of agency names that provide the data
    • Provider (can be multiple): List of providers described by following parameters
      • Name: Name of the provider
      • Url: Website link for the provider
      • Description: Short description text for the provider
      • Roles: What role the provider has (can be licensor, producer, processor or host)
    • Citation: Citation description described by following parameters
      • Citation: Citation text for the dataset
      • DOI: doi number for dataset
      • Publication (can be multiple):
        • Citation: Citation text for the publication
        • DOI: doi number


To help making the expected content more understandable here are some good practice examples.

Markdown description

Here is an example description for an ALOS-2 based dataset. You can make use of the full potential of markdown to add links, text styling, bullet lists, etc. If you want more information on markdown possibilities please visit this link should be helpful.

This [ALOS-2 ScanSAR]( L2.1 product contains geometrically corrected (orthorectified) data in selected AOIs between 2019 and 2020 for NASA/ESA/JAXA EODashboard Hackathon. 
The PALSAR-2 aboard the ALOS-2 is a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), which emits microwave and receives the reflection 
from the ground to acquire information. Since it does not need other sources of light such as the sun, SAR has the 
advantage of providing satellite images during day or night. For transmitting and receiving microwaves PALSAR-2 uses 
the L-band, which is less affected by clouds and rains. This all-weather observing capability is suitable for 
monitoring disasters rapidly. In addition, L-band microwave can reach to the ground partially penetrating through 
vegetation to obtain information about vegetation and ground surface.
ScanSAR is wide swath mode with 100m spatial resolution, 350km width swath, and dual polarization (HH/HV).

Parameters example

Title: Net primary production
  - model
  - photosynthesis
  - organic material
  - chlorophyll
      - Aqua
      - MODIS
  - NASA
  - Name: Ocean Productivity
    Description: The purpose of this website is, first and foremost, to provide the science and broader communities with global, updated ocean productivity estimates. In addition, the website provides information on the models employed, access to model code and ancillary data sets, and comparisons of productivity estimates for alternative models. Field data sets relevant to ocean productivity modeling are also provided and will be continually expanded as new data become available. Educational material and background information on phytoplankton ecology and physiology will also be added in the future.
      - producer
  - Name: VEDA
    Description: NASA's Visualization, Exploration, and Data Analysis (VEDA) project is an open-source science cyberinfrastructure for data processing, visualization, exploration, and geographic information systems (GIS) capabilities.
      - host
  Citation: Data from Ocean Productivity site (
    - Citation: "Behrenfeld, MJ, PG Falkowski - Limnology and Oceanography (1997a, Volume 42: 1-20); Photosynthetic rates derived from satellite-based chlorophyll concentration;"
      DOI: 10.4319/lo.1997.42.1.0001
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