Do you have a question or problem about the enviroCar Android App, please, use our mailing list:
Before reporting a bug or issue make sure that it does not already exist. Duplicated issues will be closed immediately. In addition, check if the issue has been fixed already in another branch or in one of the open pull requests.
If you are sure that your issue is new, please consider the following when reporting it:
- Provide a meaningful title for your issue.
- Indicate the branch in which the issue arised.
- Add a brief description of the issue.
- Describe in detail how to reproduce the issue. Screenshots and screen recordings are welcome.
- If possible, provide an approach for fixing the issue.
We reserve to close any issue that does not match the above mentioned formal aspects without any comment.
We are open for everybody who is sharing innovative ideas about improving the enviroCar Android App. However, it is not possible to consider every single suggestion that focuses on redesigning the app. If you have a suggestion for enhancements, please, describe in detail why you find it useful. If we do also, we will accept it for implementation.
Unsure where to begin contributing to enviroCar? You can start by looking through these beginner and help-wanted issues:
Beginner issues - issues which should only require a few lines of code, and a test or two.
Help wanted issues - issues which should be a bit more involved than beginner issues.
- For complex contributions, please look up if there is an existing issue. If not, please create a new one, which will be discussed before you should start working on it.
- Pull requests must provide a substantial contribution. In particular, pull requests covering the following aspects will be discarded, if we do not find them useful. Please open an issue instead.
- Fixing typos
- Minimal adjustments in layout (e.g. colors, icons)
- Animations
- Pull requests should be only created for the develop branch.
- Pull requests are prioritized regarding the criticality of the related issue. Please do not try boosting by commenting on the pull request.
- Pull requests that are enhancements (e.g. new designs, changed colors, animations, additional icons or text, ...) will be only accepted, if we find it useful. Otherwise, they will be directly closed.
- Be sure that your pull requests have the latest changes from the develop branch included.
- The standard Java naming conventions must be considered. If not sure, have a look at
- Code duplications will not be accepted. Please, have a look for existing implementations inside the code base which can be reused for your solution.
- Please, do not copy&paste Stack Overflow code snippets.
- Always use Android Studio and the built-in code formatters for developments.