Welcome to CafeHub, a revolutionary application that enhances the cafe experience through artificial intelligence, music, and social interactions.
CafeHub is a mobile and web application that aims to provide users with a personalized and enjoyable cafe experience. The application has many features such as:
- Personalized food and beverage recommendations based on user preferences.
- Curated music playlists tailored to the user's taste.
- Social module to connect with other cafe-goers and make new friends.
- Real time messaaging with friends and order evaluationing.
The link of detailed screen video of the application: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfjCqv-P-rc&t=11s
- Android Development: Kotlin, Retrofit
- Web Development: .NET, REST API
- Database: Firebase
- Music Streaming Integration: Spotify Web API
- Data Exchange Format: JSON
- Mobile Client: Enes Şahin, Halil Akpınar
- Web Client: Berkcan Meriç
Mail: enessah200@gmail.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/enes-sahinn
Project Link: CafeHub