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Minecraft has many block types which can be used from Purugin extensions or Purogo drawings air, stone, grass, dirt, cobblestone, wood, sapling, bedrock, water, stationary_water, lava, stationary_lava, sand, gravel, gold_ore, iron_ore, coal_ore, log, leaves, sponge, glass, lapis_ore, lapis_block, dispenser, sandstone, note_block, bed_block, powered_rail, detector_rail, piston_sticky_base, web, long_grass, dead_bush, piston_base, piston_extension, wool, piston_moving_piece, gold_block, iron_block, double_step, step, brick, tnt, bookshelf, mossy_cobblestone, obsidian, torch, fire, wood_stairs, chest, redstone_wire, diamond_ore, diamond_block, workbench, soil, furnace, burning_furnace, sign_post, wooden_door, ladder, rails, cobblestone_stairs, wall_sign, iron_door_block, redstone_ore, glowing_redstone_ore, redstone_torch_off, redstone_torch_on, stone_button, snow, ice, snow_block, clay, jukebox, fence, pumpkin, netherrack, soul_sand, glowstone, jack_o_lantern, locked_chest, smooth_brick, iron_fence, thin_glass, melon_block, nether_brick, nether_fence, nether_brick_stairs, enchantment_table, brewing_stand, cauldron
Not all of these block type can be placed and are somewhat situational. Trying to place a torch will just litter the ground with torches. For some Purugin methods you can use these non-placeable blocks however.