About the Assignment:
- Download the Confluent Platform Quick Start and set it up
- Create three topics: users, pageviews and top_pages
- Use the Kafka Connect DataGenConnector to produce data into these topics, using the users_extended and pageview quickstarts
- Use a stream processing engine other than KSQL to develop a processor that:
- Joins the messages in these two topics on the user id field
- Uses a 1 minute hopping window with 10 second advances to compute the 10 most viewed pages by viewtime for every value of gender
- Once per minute produces a message into the top_pages topic that contains the gender, pageid, sum of view time in the latest window and distinct count of user ids in the latest window
To be able to run this app, make sure you have installed the following:
- Scala v2.11.11
- Sbt v1.3.13 (Scala build tool)
- Kafka v0.10+
- Spark 2.4.x
- Use Kafka Connect DataGenConnector to produce data using the users and pageview quickstarts
- Also make sure the output
Avro schema looks like below:{ "name": "value_top_pages", "namespace": "com.mycorp.mynamespace", "type": "record", "fields": [ { "default": null, "name": "gender", "type": ["null", "string"] }, { "default": null, "name": "pageid", "type": ["null", "string"] }, { "default": null, "name": "viewtime_sum", "type": ["null", "long"] }, { "default": 0, "name": "users_count", "type": "long" } ] }
Once you install the prerequisites, just go ahead and clone the repository, then run commands below (on the project root):
# Prepare the fat jar for spark-submit
sbt assembly
After that run command:
spark-submit --class io.endrit.sample.Main target/scala-2.11/demo-kafka-spark-app-assembly-0.0.1.jar