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CSlugify is a simple slugifier implemented in C. It converts input strings into URL-friendly slugs.


  • UTF-8 support
  • Character and locale-specific mappings
  • Customizable replacement characters
  • Options for case conversion, strict alphanumeric filtering, and trimming
  • Support for removal of unwanted characters


#include <stdio.h>
#include "cslugify.h"

int main() {
  const wchar_t *input = L"Hello, World!";
  char output[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
  SlugifyOptions options = {
                            .replacement = '-',
                            .remove = L"$*_+~.()\"'!?-:@",
                            .lower = true,
                            .strict = true,
                            .locale = NULL,
                            .trim = true
  slugify(input, output, &options);
  printf("%s\n", output); // hello-world
  return 0;

Slugify Options

  • replacement: Character used to replace spaces and unwanted characters.
  • remove: Set of characters to remove from the input string (default: $*_+~.()"'!?-:@).
  • lower: Convert output to lowercase.
  • strict: Remove non-alphanumeric characters.
  • locale: Locale-specific mappings to apply.
  • trim: Trim leading and trailing spaces or replacement characters.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue for any improvements or bug fixes.