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File metadata and controls

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AppDynamics Linux Monitoring Extension

This extension works only with the standalone machine agent. It has been tested against Linux 2.6.32 on Ubuntu; info to be updated as tests against other distributions and Linux versions are completed.

Use Case

The Linux monitoring extension gathers metrics for a Linux machine and sends them to the AppDynamics Metric Browser.


  1. Before the extension is installed, the prerequisites mentioned here need to be met. Please do not proceed with the extension installation if the specified prerequisites are not met.

  2. Download and install Apache Maven which is configured with Java 8 to build the extension artifact from source. You can check the java version used in maven using command mvn -v or mvn --version. If your maven is using some other java version then please download java 8 for your platform and set JAVA_HOME parameter before starting maven.


  1. Clone the "linux-monitoring-extension" repo using git clone <repoUrl> command.
  2. Run 'mvn clean install' from "linux-monitoring-extension". This will produce a in the target directory.
  3. Unzip from target directory into the <MACHINE_AGENT_HOME>/monitors/
  4. Configure the extension by referring to the below section.
  5. Restart the Machine Agent.

Please place the extension in the "monitors" directory of your Machine Agent installation directory. Do not place the extension in the "extensions" directory of your Machine Agent installation directory.


Note : Please make sure not to use tab (\t) while editing yaml files. You can validate the yaml file using a yaml validator

  1. Configure the Linux Extension by editing the config.yml file in <MACHINE_AGENT_HOME>/monitors/LinuxMonitor/.

  2. The metricPrefix of the extension has to be configured as specified here. Please make sure that the right metricPrefix is chosen based on your machine agent deployment, otherwise this could lead to metrics not being visible in the controller.

  3. Configure the path to the config.yml file by editing the in the monitor.xml file in the <MACHINE_AGENT_HOME>/monitors/LinuxMonitor/ directory. Below is the sample

        <!-- config file-->
        <argument name="config-file" is-required="true" default-value="monitors/LinuxMonitor/config.yml" />
  4. filters: Filters for disk, CPU and mountedNFS can be configured in config.yml to fetch data only for particular entities. Be default, all entities are set to report.

  5. All metrics to be reported are configured in metrics.xml. Users can remove entries from metrics.xml to stop the metric from reporting.


Metric Category: CPU

Metric Name Description
nice niced processes executing in user mode
iowait waiting for I/O to complete
system processes executing in kernel mode
idle twiddling thumbs
irq servicing interrupts
softirq servicing softirqs
CPU cores (logical) Number of CPU cores

Metric Category: disk

Metric Name Description
I/Os currently in progress Current I/O operations
reads completed successfully Number of successful reads
reads merged Reads merged
sectord read Sectors read
sectors written Sectors written
time spent doing I/Os(ms) time in ms spent doing I/Os
time spent reading(ms) time in ms spent reading
time spent writing(ms) time in ms spent writing
writes completed Number of writes completed
writes merged Number of writes merged
Avg I/O Utilization % Percentage of CPU time during which I/O requests were issued to the device

Metric Category: disk usage

Metric Name Description
size (MB)
used (MB)
available (MB)
use %

Metric Category: file

Metric Name Description
agelimit Age limit
fhalloc fhalloc
fhfree fhfree
unused unused

Metric Category: load average

Metric Name Description
load avg (1 min) Load average 1 Minute
load avg (5 min) Load average 5 Minute
load avg (15 min) Load average 15 Minute

Metric Category: memory

Metric Name Description
free Free Memory
buffers Buffers
cached Cached
swapCached Swap Cached
commit limit Commit limit
dirty Dirty
active Active
inactive Inactive
swapTotal Swap Total
swapFree Swap Free
writeback WriteBack
mapped Mapped
slab Memory Slab
commited_as Committed As

Metric Category: network

Metric Name Description
receive bytes Receive bytes
receive compressed Receive compressed
receive drop Receive drop
receive errs Receive errors
receive packets Receive packets
transmit bytes Transmit bytes
transmit compressed Transmit compresses
transmit drop Transmit drop
transmit errs Transmit errors
transmit packets Transmit packets

Metric Category: page

Metric Name Description
page fault Page fault
page in Page in
page out Page out
swap page in Swap page in
swap page out Swap page out

Metric Category: process

Metric Name Description
blocked Blocked processes
count Total number of processes
processes Nnumber of processes
running Running processes
runqueue Processes in run queue

Metric Category: socket

Metric Name Description
raw Raw sockets
tcp TCP sockets
udp UDP sockets
used Used sockets

Metric Category: mountedNFSStatus

In addition to the above metrics for configured mounts, an availability metrics for any external network file system (NFS) mount is reported as well.

Metric Name Description
1K-blocks Number of 1-K blocks
used (MB) Used space
available (MB) Available space
used % Percentage of space used

Metric Category: nfsIOStats

The storage metrics for any external network file system (NFS) mounts is reported by executing the command iostat -d <fileSystem>. Following metrics are reported:

Metric Name Description
op/s This is the number of operations per second.
kB/s This is the number of kB written/read per second.
kB/op This is the number of kB written/read per each operation.
avg RTT (ms) This is the duration from the time that client’s kernel sends the RPC request until the time it receives the reply.
avg exe (ms) This is the duration from the time that NFS client does the RPC request to its kernel until the RPC request is completed, this includes the RTT time above.

Credentials Encryption

Please visit this page to get detailed instructions on password encryption. The steps in this document will guide you through the whole process.

Extensions Workbench

Workbench is an inbuilt feature provided with each extension in order to assist you to fine tune the extension setup before you actually deploy it on the controller. Please review the following document on How to use the Extensions WorkBench


Please follow the steps listed in this troubleshooting-document in order to troubleshoot your issue. These are a set of common issues that customers might have faced during the installation of the extension.


Always feel free to fork and contribute any changes directly here on GitHub.


Name Version
Extension Version 2.1.5
Product Tested On Ubuntu 16.04
Last Update 08/01/2021
Changes list ChangeLog

Note: While extensions are maintained and supported by customers under the open-source licensing model, they interact with agents and Controllers that are subject to AppDynamics’ maintenance and support policy. Some extensions have been tested with AppDynamics 4.5.13+ artifacts, but you are strongly recommended against using versions that are no longer supported.