A library for creating Stream Deck plugins in Swift.
Your plugin should conform to Plugin
, which handles event routing to your actions and lets you interact with the Stream Deck application.
class CounterPlugin: Plugin {
static var name: String = "Counter"
static var description: String = "Count things. On your Stream Deck!"
static var author: String = "Emory Dunn"
static var icon: String = "Icons/pluginIcon"
static var version: String = "0.4"
static var actions: [any Action.Type] {
static var layouts: [Layout] {
Layout(id: "counter") {
// The title of the layout
Text(title: "Current Count")
.frame(width: 180, height: 24)
.position(x: (200 - 180) / 2, y: 10)
// A large counter label
Text(key: "count-text", value: "0")
.font(size: 16, weight: 600)
.frame(width: 180, height: 24)
.position(x: (200 - 180) / 2, y: 30)
// A bar that shows the current count
Bar(key: "count-bar", value: 0, range: -50..<50)
.frame(width: 180, height: 20)
.position(x: (200 - 180) / 2, y: 60)
required init() { }
By using the @main
attribute your plugin will be automatically initialized.
A plugin both defines the code used to interact with the Stream Deck and the manifest for the plugin. When declaring your plugin there are a number of static properties which are defined to tell the Stream Deck application about what your plugin is and what it can do. Not all properties are required, for instance your plugin doesn't need to add a custom category. Optional properties have default overloads to help reduce boilerplate.
Many of the properties are shown to users, such as the name and description. Others are used internally by the Stream Deck application. The most important property is actions
which is where you define the actions your plugin provides.
// Define actions with a builder
static var actions: [any Action.Type] {
// Or define actions in an array
static var actions: [any Action.Type] = [
Actions are provided as a type because the plugin will initialize a new instance per visible key.
There are two ways to share a global state amongst actions:
- The Environment
- Global Settings
In use they're very similar, only differing by a couple of protocols. The important difference is that environmental values aren't persisted whereas global settings are stored and will be consistent across launches of the Stream Deck app.
There are two ways to declare environmental values and global settings.
Start with a struct that conforms to EnvironmentKey
or GlobalSettingKey
. This defines the default value and how the value will be accessed:
struct Count: EnvironmentKey {
static let defaultValue: Int = 0
Next add an extension to either EnvironmentValues
or GlobalSettings
extension EnvironmentValues {
var count: Int {
get { self[Count.self] }
set { self[Count.self] = newValue }
To use the value in your actions use the corresponding property wrapper:
@Environment(\.count) var count // For an environment key
@GlobalSetting(\.count) var count // For a global settings key
The value can be read and updated from inside an action callback.
Additionally, instead of manually declaring the keys, you can use the @Entry
macro. The macro handles generating both the struct and variable for the key path. By default the name is auto-generated based on the property name, but a custom key can be provided.
extension EnvironmentValues {
@Entry var count = 42
extension GlobalSettings {
@Entry("CountDracula") var theCount = 42
Each action in your plugin is defined as a separate struct conforming to Action
. There are several helper protocols available for specific action types.
Protocol | Description |
KeyAction |
A key action which has multiple states |
StatelessKeyAction |
A key action which has a single state |
EncoderAction |
A rotary encoder action on the Stream Deck + |
Using one of the above protocols simply provides default values on top of Action
, and you can provide your own values as needed. For instance KeyAction
sets the controllers
property to [.keypad]
by default, and EncoderAction
sets it to [.encoder]
. To create an action that provides both key and encoder actions set controllers
to [.keypad, .encoder]
no matter which convenience protocol you're using.
For all action there are several common static properties which need to be defined.
struct IncrementAction: KeyAction {
typealias Settings = NoSettings
static var name: String = "Increment"
static var uuid: String = "counter.increment"
static var icon: String = "Icons/actionIcon"
static var states: [PluginActionState]? = [
PluginActionState(image: "Icons/actionDefaultImage", titleAlignment: .middle)
var context: String
var coordinates: StreamDeck.Coordinates?
@GlobalSetting(\.count) var count
required init(context: String, coordinates: StreamDeck.Coordinates?) {
self.context = context
self.coordinates = coordinates
If your action uses a property inspector for configuration you can use a Codable
struct as the Settings
. The current settings will be sent in the payload in events.
struct ChooseAction: KeyAction {
enum Settings: String, Codable {
case optionOne
case optionTwo
case optionThree
Your action can both receive events from the app and send events to the app. Most of the events will be from user interaction, key presses and dial rotation, but also from system events such as the action appearing on a Stream Deck or the property inspector appearing.
To receive events simply implement the corresponding method in your action, for instance to be notified when a key is released use keyUp
. If your action displays settings to the user, use willAppear
to update the title to reflect the current value.
struct IncrementAction: KeyAction {
func willAppear(device: String, payload: AppearEvent<NoSettings>) {
setTitle(to: "\(count)", target: nil, state: nil)
func didReceiveGlobalSettings() {
log.log("Global settings changed, updating title with \(self.count)")
setTitle(to: "\(count)", target: nil, state: nil)
func keyUp(device: String, payload: KeyEvent<Settings>) {
count += 1
func longKeyPress(device: String, payload: KeyEvent<NoSettings>) {
count = 0
log.log("Resetting count to \(self.count)")
In the above example, setTitle
is an event that an action can send. In this case it sets the title of the action. It's called in two places: when the action appears to set the initial title and when the global settings are changed so it can keep the visible counter in sync.
Designing custom layouts for the Stream Deck Plus is accomplished with using a result builder. Each Layout
is built from components, such as Text
, Image
, etc. The layout is defined in the plugin manifest. For instance, to build a custom bar layout from the example counter
extension LayoutName {
static let counter: LayoutName = "counter"
Layout(id: .counter) {
// The title of the layout
Text(title: "Current Count")
.frame(width: 180, height: 24)
.position(x: (200 - 180) / 2, y: 10)
// A large counter label
Text(key: "countText", value: "0")
.font(size: 16, weight: 600)
.frame(width: 180, height: 24)
.position(x: (200 - 180) / 2, y: 30)
// A bar that shows the current count
Bar(key: "countBar", value: 0, range: -50...50)
.frame(width: 180, height: 20)
.position(x: (200 - 180) / 2, y: 60)
struct CounterSettings: LayoutSettings {
var countText: TextLayoutSettings
var countBar: BarLayoutSettings
init(count: Int, bgColor: Color) {
self.countText = TextLayoutSettings(value: count.formatted())
self.countBar = BarLayoutSettings(value: Double(count), bar_fill_c: bgColor)
The layout is saved into the Layouts folder in the same directory as the manifest. In order to use the layout on a rotary action set the layout property of the encoder to the folder and id of the layout, e.g. Layouts/counter.json
The layout can be updated with a struct which conforms to LayoutSettings
, like CounterSettings
let feedback = CounterSettings(count: count, bgColor: .red)
Any editable property can be updated this way. Please refer to the documentation for more details.
Your plugin executable ships with an automatic way to generate the plugin's manifest.json
file in a type-safe manor. Use the provided export
command on your plugin binary to export the manifest and copy the binary itself. You will still need to use Elgato's DistributionTool
for final packaging.
OVERVIEW: Conveniently export the plugin.
Automatically generate the manifest and copy the executable to the Plugins folder.
USAGE: plugin-command export <uri> [--output <output>] [--generate-manifest] [--preview-manifest] [--manifest-name <manifest-name>] [--copy-executable] [--executable-name <executable-name>]
<uri> The URI for your plugin
-o, --output <output> The folder in which to create the plugin's directory. (default: ~/Library/Application Support/com.elgato.StreamDeck/Plugins)
Encode the manifest for the plugin and either save or preview it.
-m, --manifest-name <manifest-name>
The name of the manifest file. (default: manifest.json)
-c, --copy-executable Copy the executable file.
-e, --executable-name <executable-name>
The name of the executable file.
--version Show the version.
-h, --help Show help information.
If you're building a universal binary there appears to be an issue with the macro which prevents compiling for multiple architectures at once. A workaround is to compile each separately and then combine with with lipo
# Build each architecture separately and then combine
echo "Building ARM binary"
swift build -c release --arch arm64
echo "Building Intel binary"
swift build -c release --arch x86_64
echo "Creating universal binary"
lipo -create \
.build/arm64-apple-macosx/counter-plugin \
.build/x86_64-apple-macosx/counter-plugin \
-output counter-plugin
To use the StreamDeck
library in a SwiftPM project,
add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift
.package(url: "https://github.com/emorydunn/StreamDeckPlugin.git", from: "0.5.0"),
Finally, include "StreamDeck"
as a dependency for your executable target:
let package = Package(
// name, products, etc.
platforms: [.macOS(.v11)],
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/emorydunn/StreamDeckPlugin.git", from: "0.5.0"),
// other dependencies
targets: [
.executableTarget(name: "<command-line-tool>", dependencies: [
.product(name: "StreamDeck", package: "StreamDeckPlugin")
// other targets