Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm Esther, I have a diploma in software engineering from 42 Berlin and I'm currently a student of media production in Copenhagen. Dive into my projects below to see what I've been working on!
- Description: A single page web application for online multiplayer 3D pong game with a microservice architecture backend.
- Description: Coding our own HTTP server in C++,
- Takeaway: Improved understanding of protocols, data transmission and increased skills in C++
- Description: Created a raycasting computer game in C with the use of the MiniLibX library.
- Takeaway: Improved my skills in window, color, event handling and practical applications of mathematics.
- Description: Implemented a simple recreation of the bash shell, providing basic command-line functionality.
- Repository Link: Minishell
- Description: Developed a fractal explorer in C, utilizing the minilibx library.
- Takeaway: Window management, event handling, implementing mathematical algorithms.
Feel free to explore my repositories and projects to get a better understanding of my capabilities as a software engineer. If you have any questions or would like to discuss potential opportunities, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via email.
Thank you for visiting my profile!