prelude-ts (previously prelude.ts) is a TypeScript library which aims to make functional programming concepts accessible and productive in TypeScript. Note that even though it's written in TypeScript, it's perfectly usable from JavaScript (including ES5)!
It provides persistent immutable collections (Vector, Set, Map, Stream), and constructs such as Option, Either, Predicate and Future.
.map(x => x*2)
// => Option.of(2)
Vector.of(Option.of(1), Option.of(2)))
// => Option.of(Vector.of(1,2))
Vector.of(1,2,3,4).groupBy(x => x%2)
// => HashMap.of([0, Vector.of(2,4)],[1, Vector.of(1,3)])
Vector.of(1,2,3).zip("a", "b", "c").takeWhile(([k,v]) => k<3)
// Vector.of([1,"a"],[2,"b"])
// Option.of(1)
The collections are also JavaScript iterables, so if you have an ES6 runtime,
you can use the for .. of
construct on them. If you're not familiar with
immutable collections, list.append(newItem)
keeps list
unchanged; append()
returns a new list. Immutability helps reasoning about code.
You can check the User Guide,
and browse the API documentation,
or our blog.
Note that the constructors are private, and you should use static methods to build
items — for instance: Option.of
, Vector.of
, Vector.ofIterable
, and so on.
and HashMap
are implemented using the
HAMT algorithm,
and concretely the hamt_plus library.
is implemented through a
bit-mapped vector trie
and concretely the list library, as of 0.7.7.
In addition, the library is written in idiomatic JavaScript style, with loops
instead of recursion, so the performance should be good
(see benchmarks here comparing to immutable.js and more).
and hamt_plus
are the two only dependencies of prelude-ts.
JavaScript doesn't have structural equality, except for primitive types.
So 1 === 1
is true, but [1] === [1]
is not, and neither is {a:1} === {a:1}
This poses problems for collections, because if you have a Set
, you don't
want duplicate elements because of this limited definition of equality.
For that reason, prelude-ts encourages you to define for your non-primitive types
methods equals(other: any): boolean
and hashCode(): number
(the same
methods that immutable.js uses).
With these methods, structural equality is achievable, and indeed
is true
. However this can only
work if the values you put in collections have themselves properly defined equality
(see how prelude-ts can help).
If these values don't have structural equality, then we can get no better than
prelude-ts attempts to assist the programmer with this; it tries to encourage
the developer to do the right thing. It'll refuse types without obviously properly
defined equality in Sets and in Maps keys, so HashSet.of([1])
or Vector.of([1]).equals(Vector.of([2]))
will not compile.
For both of these, you get (a longer version of) this message:
Type 'number[]' is not assignable to type 'HasEquals'.
Property 'equals' is missing in type 'number[]'.
See the User Guide for more details.
TypeScript must know about Iterable
, an ES6 feature (but present in most browsers)
to compile prelude-ts. If you use TypeScript and target ES5, a minimum change to your tsconfig.json
could be to add:
"lib": ["DOM", "ES5", "ScriptHost", "es2015.iterable"]
(compared to the default ES5 settings it only adds 'es2015.iterable')
Just add the dependency in your package.json
and start using it (like
import { Vector } from "prelude-ts";
, or const { Vector } = require("prelude-ts");
if you use commonjs).
Everything should work, including type-checking if you use TypeScript. prelude-ts also provides
pretty-printing in the node REPL.
Add the dependency in your package.json
; TypeScript should automatically
register the type definitions.
The npm package contains the files dist/src/prelude_ts.js
and dist/src/prelude_ts.min.js
which are UMD bundles; they work with other module systems and set prelude_ts
as a window global if no module system is found. Include the relevant one in your
index.html in script tags:
<script src="node_modules/prelude-ts/dist/src/prelude_ts.min.js"></script>
You shouldn't have an issue to import prelude-ts in your application, but if you use
modules it gets a little more complicated. One solution if you use them is to create
an imports.d.ts
file with the following contents:
import * as _P from 'prelude-ts';
export as namespace prelude_ts;
export = _P;
Then in a .ts
file of your application, outside of a module, you can do:
import Vector = prelude_ts.Vector;
- to get values without the namespace.
Finally, if you also include dist/src/chrome_dev_tools_formatters.js
a script
tag, and enable Chrome custom formatters,
then you can get
a nice display of prelude-ts values in the Chrome debugger.
- CharSeq, a string wrapper?
- Non-empty vector? (already have non-empty linkedlist)
- Make use of trampolining or a similar technique in
to avoid stack overflow exceptions on very large streams - More functions on existing classes
- Free monads
- Monad transformers
- Effect tracking
- Higher-kinded types simulation
I think these concepts are not expressible in a good enough manner in a language such as TypeScript.
- monet.js -- only has the
collections, implemented in functional-style ES5. The implementation, using recursion, means its list type is noticeably slower than prelude-ts's. - immutable.js -- doesn't have the
concept; the types can be clunky. - sanctuary
offers global functions like
while prelude-ts prefers a fluent-API style likelist.filter(..).sortBy(...)
. Also, sanctuary doesn't offer sets and maps. On the other hand, sanctuary has some JS runtime type system support, which prelude-ts doesn't have. - ramdajs offers global functions like
while prelude-ts prefers a fluent-API style likelist.filter(..).sortBy(...)
. Also, ramda doesn't offer sets and maps. Ramda also uses currying a lot out of the box, which may not be intuitive to a number of developers. In prelude, currying & partial application are opt-in. - lodash also has global functions, and many functions mutate the collections.
- vavr -- it's a Java library, but it's the main inspiration for prelude-ts. Note that vavr is inspired by the Scala library, so prelude-ts also is, transitively.
As of 0.8.2, prelude requires TypeScript 3.1 or newer.
npm install
npm test
npm run-script docgen
npm run benchmarks