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Emma Lucas edited this page Jun 27, 2024 · 3 revisions


I began practicing yoga a few years ago as part of pain management for a chronic neurological/musculoskeletal disorder. After experiencing many benefits, yoga has become a crucial part of my life. Yoga has been beneficial for pain management, stress management, strength, balance, flexibility, and enhanced mind-body connection.

There are many free yoga classes available on Kansas State campus to students, faculty, and staff. However, a lot of these classes are not well-known to potential beneficiaries. Information is dispersed across various platforms and is not always easy or intuitive to find.

Therefore, I decided to create an application aimed at centralizing information about yoga classes available on Kansas State campus. This platform is designed to help students, faculty, and staff discover, sign up for, and manage yoga classes.

Tech Stack

Database - The database and server was set up using Microsoft Azure. SQL Server was utilized to manage the database and perform necessary tasks.

Backend API - CRUD operations were written in C# using the ASP .NET Core Web API.

Frontend - Vue.js was used in conjunction with the Vuetify UI library.

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