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A Sample Project Analyzing AB Test Results using Python (Pandas, Numpy, MatPlotLib, & Statsmodel)

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Analyze A/B Test Results

Table of Contents


In this project, I work through understanding the results of an A/B test run by an e-commerce website. My goal is to help the company understand if they should implement the new page, keep the old page, or run the experiment longer before making their decision.

Part I - Probability

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.axes as ax
%matplotlib inline
df = pd.read_csv('ab_data.csv')
user_id timestamp group landing_page converted
0 851104 2017-01-21 22:11:48.556739 control old_page 0
1 804228 2017-01-12 08:01:45.159739 control old_page 0
2 661590 2017-01-11 16:55:06.154213 treatment new_page 0
3 853541 2017-01-08 18:28:03.143765 treatment new_page 0
4 864975 2017-01-21 01:52:26.210827 control old_page 1
conv = df.groupby(by='user_id')['converted'].max()

The number of times the new_page and treatment don't line up--

len(df.query('group == "treatment"').query('landing_page != "new_page"')) + len(df.query('group != "treatment"').query('landing_page == "new_page"'))
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 294478 entries, 0 to 294477
Data columns (total 5 columns):
user_id         294478 non-null int64
timestamp       294478 non-null object
group           294478 non-null object
landing_page    294478 non-null object
converted       294478 non-null int64
dtypes: int64(2), object(3)
memory usage: 11.2+ MB
df2 = df.query('group == "treatment"').query('landing_page == "new_page"')
df2b = df.query('group == "control"').query('landing_page != "new_page"')
df2 = df2.append(df2b)
user_id timestamp group landing_page converted
2 661590 2017-01-11 16:55:06.154213 treatment new_page 0
3 853541 2017-01-08 18:28:03.143765 treatment new_page 0
6 679687 2017-01-19 03:26:46.940749 treatment new_page 1
8 817355 2017-01-04 17:58:08.979471 treatment new_page 1
9 839785 2017-01-15 18:11:06.610965 treatment new_page 1
# Double Check all of the correct rows were removed - this should be 0
df2[((df2['group'] == 'treatment') == (df2['landing_page'] == 'new_page')) == False].shape[0]
len(pd.unique(df2['user_id'])), len(df2)
(290584, 290585)
df2.groupby(by='user_id').size().reset_index(name='counts').sort_values(by=['counts']) #945971
user_id counts
0 630000 1
193713 840694 1
193714 840695 1
193715 840696 1
193716 840697 1
193717 840698 1
193718 840699 1
193719 840700 1
193720 840701 1
193721 840702 1
193722 840703 1
193723 840704 1
193724 840705 1
193725 840706 1
193726 840707 1
193727 840708 1
193728 840709 1
193729 840710 1
193743 840724 1
193742 840723 1
193741 840722 1
193740 840721 1
193739 840720 1
193738 840719 1
193712 840693 1
193737 840718 1
193735 840716 1
193734 840715 1
193733 840714 1
193732 840713 1
... ... ...
96848 735285 1
96847 735284 1
96853 735292 1
96846 735283 1
96844 735281 1
96843 735280 1
96842 735279 1
96841 735278 1
96840 735277 1
96839 735275 1
96845 735282 1
96871 735311 1
96854 735293 1
96856 735295 1
96869 735309 1
96868 735308 1
96867 735306 1
96866 735305 1
96865 735304 1
96855 735294 1
96864 735303 1
96862 735301 1
96861 735300 1
96860 735299 1
96859 735298 1
96858 735297 1
96857 735296 1
96863 735302 1
290583 945999 1
131712 773192 2

290584 rows × 2 columns

df2.query('user_id == "773192"')
user_id timestamp group landing_page converted
1899 773192 2017-01-09 05:37:58.781806 treatment new_page 0
2893 773192 2017-01-14 02:55:59.590927 treatment new_page 0
df2 = df2.drop(1899)

Given that an individual was in the control group, what is the probability they converted?

cont = df2.query('group=="control"')['converted'].sum()/len(df2.query('group=="treatment"'))

Given that an individual was in the treatment group, what is the probability they converted?

treat = df2.query('group=="treatment"')['converted'].sum()/len(df2.query('group=="treatment"'))

What is the probability that an individual received the new page?


The treatment group converted below average and below the rate the control group converted. The treatment has no effect with practical significance. I would not suggest switching to the new page.

Part II - A/B Test


$H_{0}$: $p_{new}$ <= $p_{old}$

$H_{1}$: $p_{new}$ > $p_{old}$

user_id timestamp group landing_page converted
2 661590 2017-01-11 16:55:06.154213 treatment new_page 0
3 853541 2017-01-08 18:28:03.143765 treatment new_page 0
6 679687 2017-01-19 03:26:46.940749 treatment new_page 1
8 817355 2017-01-04 17:58:08.979471 treatment new_page 1
9 839785 2017-01-15 18:11:06.610965 treatment new_page 1

What is the convert rate for $p_{new}$ under the null?

p_new = df2['converted'].sum()/len(df2)

What is the convert rate for $p_{old}$ under the null?

p_old = df2['converted'].sum()/len(df2)

What is $n_{new}$?

n_new = len(df2.query('landing_page=="new_page"'))

What is $n_{old}$?

n_old = len(df2.query('landing_page=="old_page"'))

Simulate $n_{new}$ transactions with a convert rate of $p_{new}$ under the null. Store these $n_{new}$ 1's and 0's in new_page_converted.

new_page_converted = np.random.choice(2, size = 145311, p=[0.8805, 0.1195])

Simulate $n_{old}$ transactions with a convert rate of $p_{old}$ under the null. Store these $n_{old}$ 1's and 0's in old_page_converted.

old_page_converted = np.random.choice(2, size = 145274, p=[0.8805, 0.1195])

Find $p_{new}$ - $p_{old}$ for your simulated values from part (e) and (f).

(new_page_converted.sum()/len(new_page_converted)) - (old_page_converted.sum()/len(old_page_converted))

Simulate 10,000 $p_{new}$ - $p_{old}$ values using this same process similarly to the one you calculated in parts a. through g. above. Store all 10,000 values in a numpy array called p_diffs.

p_diffs = np.random.binomial(n_new, p_new, 10000)/n_new - np.random.binomial(n_old, p_old, 10000)/n_old
array([-0.0028721 , -0.00029128, -0.00303713,  0.00081711,  0.00239311])
<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x1184fa860>


What proportion of the p_diffs are greater than the actual difference observed in ab_data.csv?

actual_diff = treat-cont
pd_df = pd.DataFrame(p_diffs)
pd_df.columns = ['a']
len(pd_df.query('a > @actual_diff'))/len(pd_df)

I calculated the critical value- the threshold for the practical significance in the differences between the new and old pages. Eighty-five percent of the differences were greater than the line.

import statsmodels.api as sm

convert_old = df2.query("landing_page == 'old_page' and converted == 1").shape[0]
convert_new = df2.query("landing_page == 'new_page' and converted == 1").shape[0]
/anaconda3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/statsmodels/compat/ FutureWarning: The pandas.core.datetools module is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use the pandas.tseries module instead.
  from pandas.core import datetools
z_score, p_value = sm.stats.proportions_ztest([convert_new, convert_old], [n_new, n_old], alternative='larger')
print(z_score, p_value)
-1.31092419842 0.905058312759

Since the z-score of -0.0247046451343 is less than the critical value of 1.959963984540054 and the p-value is so high at 0.51, we can fail to reject the null hypotesis.

Part III - A regression approach

Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression

The goal is to use statsmodels to fit the regression model in part a. to see if there is a significant difference in conversion based on which page a customer receives.

user_id timestamp group landing_page converted
2 661590 2017-01-11 16:55:06.154213 treatment new_page 0
3 853541 2017-01-08 18:28:03.143765 treatment new_page 0
6 679687 2017-01-19 03:26:46.940749 treatment new_page 1
8 817355 2017-01-04 17:58:08.979471 treatment new_page 1
9 839785 2017-01-15 18:11:06.610965 treatment new_page 1
df2[['ab_page','old_page']]= pd.get_dummies(df2['landing_page'])
df2 = df2.drop('old_page', axis = 1)
user_id timestamp group landing_page converted intercept ab_page
2 661590 2017-01-11 16:55:06.154213 treatment new_page 0 1 1
3 853541 2017-01-08 18:28:03.143765 treatment new_page 0 1 1
6 679687 2017-01-19 03:26:46.940749 treatment new_page 1 1 1
8 817355 2017-01-04 17:58:08.979471 treatment new_page 1 1 1
9 839785 2017-01-15 18:11:06.610965 treatment new_page 1 1 1
logit = sm.Logit(df2['converted'], df2[['intercept', 'ab_page']])
results =
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.366118
         Iterations 6
Logit Regression Results
Dep. Variable: converted No. Observations: 290584
Model: Logit Df Residuals: 290582
Method: MLE Df Model: 1
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2018 Pseudo R-squ.: 8.077e-06
Time: 13:40:30 Log-Likelihood: -1.0639e+05
converged: True LL-Null: -1.0639e+05
LLR p-value: 0.1899
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
intercept -1.9888 0.008 -246.669 0.000 -2.005 -1.973
ab_page -0.0150 0.011 -1.311 0.190 -0.037 0.007

The p-value associated with ab_page is 0.190. Because it is greater than 0.05 we fail to reject the null hypothesis, which in this case is that the new landing page is less effective or equal to the old one.

In Part II, the test identified whether the average conversion rates differ between page A and page B visitors in the population. A logistic regression estimates how the conversion rate varies by page visited. In other words, we're comparing the differences between two samples as opposed to the relationship between a dependent and independent variable. Moreover, the simulation and the z-test were one-sided tests, whereas the regression was not.

There are many factors that might influence whether or not someone converts besides which landing page they hit. For example, whether or not they are in the target market, which may be identified by age, gender, or other demographic information, might directly influence whether or not someone buys. Of course, when adding additional terms into the regressional model it's important to consider that they are not correlated; for exmaple, we wouldn't want to add both interest in softball and gender because those are correlated.

Does it appear that country had an impact on conversion?

countries_df = pd.read_csv('./countries.csv')
df_new = countries_df.set_index('user_id').join(df2.set_index('user_id'), how='inner')
country timestamp group landing_page converted intercept ab_page
834778 UK 2017-01-14 23:08:43.304998 control old_page 0 1 0
928468 US 2017-01-23 14:44:16.387854 treatment new_page 0 1 1
822059 UK 2017-01-16 14:04:14.719771 treatment new_page 1 1 1
711597 UK 2017-01-22 03:14:24.763511 control old_page 0 1 0
710616 UK 2017-01-16 13:14:44.000513 treatment new_page 0 1 1
df_new[['CA', 'UK', 'US']] = pd.get_dummies(df_new['country'])
df_new = df_new.drop('US', axis = 1)
country timestamp group landing_page converted intercept ab_page CA UK
834778 UK 2017-01-14 23:08:43.304998 control old_page 0 1 0 0 1
928468 US 2017-01-23 14:44:16.387854 treatment new_page 0 1 1 0 0
822059 UK 2017-01-16 14:04:14.719771 treatment new_page 1 1 1 0 1
711597 UK 2017-01-22 03:14:24.763511 control old_page 0 1 0 0 1
710616 UK 2017-01-16 13:14:44.000513 treatment new_page 0 1 1 0 1
logit = sm.Logit(df_new['converted'], df_new[['intercept', 'CA', 'UK']])
results =
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.366116
         Iterations 6
Logit Regression Results
Dep. Variable: converted No. Observations: 290584
Model: Logit Df Residuals: 290581
Method: MLE Df Model: 2
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2018 Pseudo R-squ.: 1.521e-05
Time: 13:40:32 Log-Likelihood: -1.0639e+05
converged: True LL-Null: -1.0639e+05
LLR p-value: 0.1984
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
intercept -1.9967 0.007 -292.314 0.000 -2.010 -1.983
CA -0.0408 0.027 -1.518 0.129 -0.093 0.012
UK 0.0099 0.013 0.746 0.456 -0.016 0.036

Country did not have significant effect on conversion rate.

But could page and country?

logit = sm.Logit(df_new['converted'], df_new[['intercept', 'CA', 'UK', 'ab_page']])
results =
Optimization terminated successfully.
         Current function value: 0.366113
         Iterations 6
Logit Regression Results
Dep. Variable: converted No. Observations: 290584
Model: Logit Df Residuals: 290580
Method: MLE Df Model: 3
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2018 Pseudo R-squ.: 2.323e-05
Time: 13:40:33 Log-Likelihood: -1.0639e+05
converged: True LL-Null: -1.0639e+05
LLR p-value: 0.1760
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
intercept -1.9893 0.009 -223.763 0.000 -2.007 -1.972
CA -0.0408 0.027 -1.516 0.130 -0.093 0.012
UK 0.0099 0.013 0.743 0.457 -0.016 0.036
ab_page -0.0149 0.011 -1.307 0.191 -0.037 0.007

All of the p-values related to country or page are wll past the .05 threshold, or even the .1 threshold if we were being generous. I would say none of these factors are particularly good predictors of conversion.


A Sample Project Analyzing AB Test Results using Python (Pandas, Numpy, MatPlotLib, & Statsmodel)






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