This is an SDK (Software Development Kit) for interacting with the Terminal Africa API. It provides a set of methods that allow you to easily integrate Terminal Africa's shipping and logistics services into your applications.
You can install the TShipAPI SDK using npm or yarn:
npm install terminal_africa_nodesdk
yarn add terminal_africa_nodesdk`
Here's how you can use the TShipAPI SDK in your Node.js application:
import { TShipAPI } from "terminal_africa_nodesdk"
// Initialize the SDK with your API secret key
const api = new TShipAPI('YOUR_SECRET_KEY');
// Example: Fetch carriers
api.getCarriers({ active: true })
.then(carriers => {
console.log('Carriers:', carriers);
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error fetching carriers:', error);
getCarriers(options: { active?: boolean, type?: string, perPage?: number, page?: number }): Promise<any>
- Fetch a list of carriers.
getCarrier(carrierId: string): Promise<any>
- Fetch details of a specific carrier.
getDropOffLocations(country: string, state?: string, city?: string, carrier?: number): Promise<any>
- Fetch a list of drop-off locations.
getShipmentRates(options: { currency?: string, deliveryAddress?: string, pickupAddress?: string, parcelId?: string, shipmentId?: string, cashOnDelivery?: boolean }): Promise<any>
- Fetch shipment rates.
getShipmentQuotes(options: { pickupAddress: object, deliveryAddress: object, parcel: object, carrierId?: string, currency?: string, cashOnDelivery?: boolean }): Promise<any>
- Fetch shipment quotes.
getUserRates(perPage?: number, page?: number): Promise<any>
- Fetch user rates.
getRate(rateId: string, currency?: string): Promise<any>
- Fetch details of a specific rate.
createParcel(parcelData: { description?: string, items: Array<object>, metadata?: object, packaging: string, weight_unit: string }): Promise<any>
- Create a new parcel. -
updateParcel(parcelId: string, updateData: { description?: string, items?: Array<object>, metadata?: object, packaging?: string }): Promise<any>
- Update a parcel. -
getParcels(perPage?: number, page?: number): Promise<any>
- Fetch a list of parcels. -
getParcel(parcelId: string): Promise<any>
- Fetch details of a specific parcel.
createShipment(shipmentData: { address_from: string, address_to: string, address_return?: string, metadata?: object, parcel?: string, parcels?: Array<string>, shipment_purpose: string, shipment_type?: string }): Promise<any>
- Create a new shipment. -
createQuickShipment(quickShipmentData: { pickup_address: object, delivery_address: object, parcel?: object, parcels?: Array<object>, metadata?: string, shipment_purpose: string, shipment_type?: string }): Promise<any>
- Create a new quick shipment. -
updateShipment(shipmentId: string, updateData: { address_to?: string, address_from?: string, address_return?: string, metadata?: object, parcel?: string, parcels?: Array<string>, shipment_purpose?: string }): Promise<any>
- Update a shipment. -
getShipments(queryParams: { perPage?: string, page?: string, populate?: boolean, status?: string, }): Promise<any>
- Fetch a list of shipments. -
getShipment(shipmentId: string): Promise<any>
- Fetch details of a specific shipment. -
trackShipment(shipmentId: string): Promise<any>
- Track a shipment. -
cancelShipment(shipmentId: string): Promise<any>
- Cancel a shipment. -
deleteShipment(shipmentId: string): Promise<any>
- Delete a shipment. -
arrangePickupAndDelivery(rateId: string, shipmentId?: string, purchaseInsurance?: boolean, cashToCollect?: number): Promise<any>
- Arrange pickup and delivery for a shipment.
This SDK is released under the MIT License. Feel free to use it in your projects and make contributions to improve it.