- Academic Year: 2020-2021
- Project Title: An open source roguelike game for PCs and mobile devices.
- Student: Marioemanuele Ghianni
- CFUs: 9
This project is a 2D roguelike game developed through Unity and C# programming for the university course of Human Computer Interaction.
The purpose of this project is to experiment with the development of an entertainment product strongly based on HCI with particular attention to visual and audio feddbacks and making the use of the application as pleasant as possible.
The goal was to create a simple videogame application but above all an intuitive application, immediate and pleasant to use on various devices.
For these reasons, the game is also cross-platform and playable on mobile devices via apk as well as on PC via executable; It was also published on itch.io in a browser-playable version on any PC and mobile device.
Finally, various usability tests were conducted both through automatic tools and through interviews.
Simply import the project to Unity and build for the desired platform OR play in browser here.
The main tools and techniques are:
- Unity 2020.3.0f1: for the game development.
- Visual Studio 2019: for C# scripting
- Unity Analytics: for post release data collection.
We expect the following outcomes from this project:
- A fully functional game. ✔️
- An integration with mobile devices and touch controls. ✔️
- A series of usability tests. ✔️
- A open source release on Github and/or in play store/itch.io . ✔️
- A good environment to test Deep reinforcement learning algorithms. ✔️
Report here.