The software contained in this folder and its subfolders (recursively) is licenced under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE (Version 2, June 1991), which may be consulted by reading the file License. This software is a modification of the code PLUTO v. 4.2 (August 2015), developed by Andrea Mignone, with the contribution of C.Zanni, B.Vaidya, T.Matsakos, G.Musicianisi, P.Tzeferakos, O.Tesilanu.
This is a folder containing some source files with the settings required to run some simulations of capillary discharges with PLUTO. It' won't work without the modified version of PLUTO that I made (PLUTO_capillary). In the process of making the present software I was helped by Alberto Marocchino, Stefano Atzeni, Andrea Mignone (I sincerely thank you all).
Here you find an animation of a capillary discharge simulation
Emanuele Brentegani