This project simulates multi-agent reinforcement learning using the PettingZoo framework. It includes several key scripts to define, train, and run the environment.
: Contains all source code files.models/
: Pre-trained model files.logs/
: Logs and TensorBoard files.venv/
: Virtual environment folder (should not be shared).data/
: Placeholder for input data.outputs/
: Contains simulation results and other output files.notebooks/
: Jupyter notebooks for analysis.
Defines the simulation environment for multi-agent reinforcement learning using PettingZoo. Key features include;
- World setup, agent initialization, reward function, and rendering.
- Logic for resetting the environment and evaluating agent behaviors.
Simulates agent interactions within the environment. Key features include;
- Loads pre-trained models for circle and triangle tasks.
- Executes agent actions and updates the environment state.
Trains reinforcement learning models using the PettingZoo environment and stable-baselines3:
- Implements the PPO algorithm for multi-agent learning.
- Logs training data and saves models iteratively.
Unzip and;
unzip -d models/circle
unzip -d models/mountains
pip install -r dependencies.txt
The dependencies.txt file contains the following packages;
- numpy: Numerical operations (used for calculations like distance and positions).
- pygame: Visualization and rendering for the environment.
- shapely: Geometric operations, such as defining shapes and calculating intersections.
- pettingzoo: Framework for multi-agent reinforcement learning.
- stable-baselines3[extra]: Reinforcement learning algorithms with additional dependencies for environments like PettingZoo.
- supersuit: Wrappers for processing observations and actions in PettingZoo environments.
- imageio: Creating GIFs from simulation frames.
- matplotlib: Visualization of training data or simulation results.
sudo apt install ffmpeg
Code snippet to add in ""
import imageio
frames = [] # List to store frames
for step in range(simulation_steps):
frame = env.render(mode='rgb_array') # Get frame from environment
# Save as GIF
imageio.mimsave('simulation.gif', frames, fps=30)
A "simulation.gif" file should be generated in the directory.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.