Program to stop SIP scanning attacks using live monitoring of the Asterisk AMI security Events and use iptables and ipset to block remote ip address.
The program use AMI (Asterisk manager Interface, with the security profile, obtain events related to SIP authorization on PJSIP and SIP channels.
Tested with Asterisk version 16.3.0 - 22.1.0 (C) 1999 - 2024, Digium, Inc. and others.
- SipBan use now IPSet ( making the iptables check of attackers more faster, with less iptables rules changes.
- If you have version 7 or grather, the ipset "set" can handle the block timeout automatic.
- I conserve the time keeping for support version older than 6. This will be depreciated in the next version.
- I only insert in the top of the iptables INPUT rules a single statement, in place of generate an adittional chain.
- Ipset can handle a complet ip/class ban. With sipban_admin.bash you can block entire ip/class.
- I keep the old version with his configuration file with the name "" and "sipban_legacy.conf"
- Is tested in Ubuntu 22.04, Debian 12 and Fedora 41. I don't have other Linux Distros to test, but if you have any comments about it, please let me know.
- As part of Sipban, i put a bash script called "sipban_admin.bash", is only a wrapper for common ipset commands for easy admin of the sipban ipset "set".
- The SystemD file wait for "netfilter-persistent.service" to start.
The service use iptables, you need the "root" user of your system
Download file
git clone
Install dependecies:
a) Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt-get install iptables ipset libproc-pid-file-perl libconfig-simple-perl libnet-whois-ip-perl libtime-hires-perl libtie-cache-perl
b) Redhat/CentOS/Fedora
sudo dnf install iptables-nft ipset perl-Proc-PID-File perl-Config-Simple perl-Net-Whois-IP perl-Time-HiRes perl-Tie-Cache
Copy configuration files
cd sipban sudo cp /usr/local/bin/. sudo cp sipban_admin.bash /usr/local/bin/. sudo cp etc/sipban.conf /etc/. sudo cp etc/sipban.wl /etc/.
Edit and add /etc/asterisk/manager.conf acording our sample on sipban/etc/asterisk/manager.conf
Use "asterisk -rx'manager reload'" after change the manager configuration file.
Install the launch scripts
a) for init.d
sudo cp etc/init.d/sipban /etc/init.d/. sudo chkconfig --level 345 sipban on sudo /etc/init.d/sipban start
b) for systemd
sudo cp etc/systemd/system/sipban.service /etc/systemd/system/. sudo systemctl enable sipban sudo service sipban start
In the file /etc/asterisk/manager.conf we put this configuration:
[general] enabled = yes port = 5038 bindaddr = [sipban] secret = getout writetimeout = 100000 read = security write = system,command
The /etc/sipban.conf contains the parameters of the service:
# SipBan Configuration File # Parameters to connect to Asterisk AMI [ami] port = "5038" user = "sipban" pass = "getout" host = "" ping = 60 # Port to send commands [control] port = "4451" address = "" #Iptables rules actions config [iptables] path = "/sbin/" chain = "sipban" # to block udp port 5060, you can block all but test # with caution to avoid lost total access to your system. #scope = "-p udp --dport 5060" scope = "" #rule = "REJECT --reject-with icmp-port-unreachable" rule = "DROP" white_list = "/etc/sipban.wl" interface = "eno1" [ipset] path = "/sbin/" set_name = "sipban" dump = "/etc/sipban.dump" # week timeout = 604800 # day #timeout = 86400 [log] file = "/var/log/sipban.log" [flood] # Originaly, the value of "count" was 30, but we detect cleaver attacks # using sipvicious ( # in this new kind of attack, send burst of flood, wait and send again # avoiding the interval analysis. Adjust depending your use case. count=5 interval=10
The file is sefl explanatory. only take in count the "ipset->timeout" parameter are seconds (default 604800 = 1 week).
The "iptables->rule" option is how iptables respond to the attack, you can choose "REJECT" or "DROP"
The flood section will block based on the number (count) of invites received of a period of (inteval) seconds. In the default configuration if there are 30 SIP Invites from the same IP on the course of 30 seconds it will block the offender.
The White List is on /etc/sipban.wl. This file contains the ip address you don't want to block (one ip per line). You can change the location modify the sipban configuration file.
The sipban.dump file is a temp one to save the ip's and ban timers in case of mantinance.
You can reach via Telnet with the port 4451 (you can change in the "control->port" pararmeter).
The service are fully automatic, but you can control through the port 4451 (or another defined on /etc/sipban.conf) and using sipban_admin.bash, v.g.:
[root@pbx ~]# telnet localhost 4451 Trying ::1... telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. Sipban use 'help' for more commands sipban> sipban>help Commands: block => List blocked ip address block {ip address} => block ip address unblock [ip address] => unblock ip address save => Dump the blocked IP's restore => If exists a dump file restore the rules from it uptime => show the program uptime whois => show the WHOIS info of a given ip wl => show white list ip address exit/quit => exit console session sipban>
The log files reside on the file "/var/log/sipban.log"
[root@pbx ~]# tail -f /var/log/sipban.log [2024-12-02 10:40:25] SipBan Start [2024-12-02 10:40:25] WHITE LIST => [2024-12-02 10:40:25] WHITE LIST => [2024-12-02 10:40:25] WHITE LIST => [2024-12-02 10:40:25] WHITE LIST => [2024-12-02 10:40:25] WHITE LIST => [2024-12-02 10:40:25] IPSET => set sipban created [2024-12-02 10:40:25] CHAIN => sipban created [2024-12-02 10:40:31] BLOCK => (Invalid Account) [2024-12-02 10:53:46] BLOCK => (Invalid Account) [2024-12-02 10:56:42] BLOCK => (Invalid Account) [2024-12-02 11:20:20] BLOCK => (Invalid Account) [2024-12-02 12:25:48] BLOCK => (Invalid Account) ...
You can check the iptables rules with "iptables -vnL INPUT 1"
[root@pbx ~]# # iptables -vnL INPUT 1 4212 253K DROP all -- eno1 * match-set sipban src
You can list blocked ip's with "sipban_admin.bash -l"
[root@pbx ~]# sipban_admin.bash -l Name: sipban Type: hash:ip Revision: 5 Header: family inet hashsize 4096 maxelem 65536 timeout 604800 bucketsize 12 initval 0x285783a9 Size in memory: 3536 References: 1 Number of entries: 6 Members: timeout 596479 timeout 596479 timeout 596479 timeout 596479 timeout 596479 timeout 596479
The bash script is a wrapper of the common ipset commands. Use with caution, this don't take care of the "White List".
# sipban_admin.bash
Usage: /usr/local/bin/sipban_admin.bash [options]
-c (create sipban set)
-f (flush ipset members)
-k (destroy sipban set)
-i (info of sipban set)
-a [ip] or [ip/class] (add ip or ip/class to sipban set)'
-d [ip] (delete ip from sipban set)
-l {ip} (list members or test a given ip)
-s (save to sipban file)
-r (restore from sipban file)
-u [file] (upload from a given file)
Our friend Federico Pereira (, make the docker image of SipBan, the instructions are on the on the docker directory.
- IPv6 support
ip Class blocking
Fernando Romo (
Please sponsor this project, to pay my high debt on credit cards :)