Most simply, jank is a Clojure dialect on LLVM with C++ interop. Less simply, jank is a general-purpose programming language which embraces the interactive, functional, value-oriented nature of Clojure and the desire for the native runtime and performance of C++. jank aims to be strongly compatible with Clojure. While Clojure's default host is the JVM and its interop is with Java, jank's host is LLVM and its interop is with C++.
For the current progress of jank and its usability, see the tables here: https://jank-lang.org/progress/
The current tl;dr for jank's usability is: still getting there, but not ready for use yet. Check back in a few months!
Currently, Jank doesn't have a stable versioning scheme so the only version will be 0.1. As such, if you want a new version you'll have to reinstall the package.
If you get an error about git-lfs
missing, you may have to run the
git lfs install
sudo ln -s "$(which git-lfs)" "$(git --exec-path)/git-lfs"
You can either:
brew install elken/jank/jank
To just install jank, or you can tap this repo using the below:
brew tap elken/jank
And use brew as normal:
brew install jank
Or, in a brew bundle
tap "elken/jank"
brew "jank"
For more on brew
, check brew help
For more on jank, check out the repo