This module allows for pageload testing with ThousandEyes through the Terraform platform.
This code shows an example of a URL pageload test:
resource "thousandeyes_page_load" "test2" {
test_name = "website_pageload"
alerts_enabled = 0
bandwidth_measurements = 0
network_measurements = 0
content_regex = ".*"
url = var.test_page
interval = 300
http_interval = 300
agents {
agent_id = 144 # Vienna
agents {
agent_id = 58 # Cairo
agents {
agent_id = 60411 # Paris (Azure)
agents {
agent_id = 56289 # Paris (AWS)
agents {
agent_id = 65163 # Tokyo
The required variables are the ThousandEyes OAuth Bearer Token which can be found under Account Settings>User and Roles>User API Tokens
in the ThousandEyes dashboard and the link of the page the test should be perfomed on.
variable "te_token" {
type = string
description = "thousandEyes dashboard API token"
variable "test_page" {
type = string
description = "website of the page that the test will be perfomed on"
After running the pageload test, the test result should show up in your ThousandEyes dashboard.