DirAuto is a customizable directory reconnaissance tool that automates enumeration of subdomains, ideal for penetration testing environments and network scanning.
Your machine must be up-to-date installing the latest available packages
sudo apt-get update
If you want to ensure that all of these packages are installed, perform those following commands instead:
sudo apt-get install python python2 python3 python3-pip pip pipx
You will also need to install SecList in order to access extensive list of wordlists
sudo apt-get install seclist
These following tools must be installed in order to use the script:
GoBuster | FFuF | FeroxBuster | Dirsearch | Dirb |
You can utilize the bash script by downloading the git clone by the following:
# Clone the following repository
https://github.com/eliaz5536/DirAuto.git # Clone repository
# Access the repository and change file permission of the script to be executable
chmod +x dirauto
# Launch DirAuto
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Directory Enumeration Automator with Gobuster, FFuF, Feroxbuster, DirSearch & Dirb
Usage: dirauto [modes] [options]
--usage Show usage information
-h, --help Show help message
-u, --url Specify target URL
-x, --extensions Specify extensions
-p, --programs Specify enumeration programs
-c, --status-codes Specify status codes
-w, --wordlist Specify wordlist
--check Check if repositories are installed
dir Directory Mode
vhost Virtual Host Mode
subdomain Subdomain Mode
Enumeration Programs:
gobuster Directory/File, DNS and VHost busting tool written in Go
ffuf Fast web fuzzer written in Go
feroxbuster A fast, simple, recursive content discovery tool written in Rust
dirsearch Web path scanner
dirb Web content scanner
Filter Options:
-fs, --filter-status <status_codes> Filters HTTP status codes
-fl, --filter-lines <line_count> Filters line count
-fs, --filter-size <content_size> Filters content size
-fw, --filter-words <word_count> Filters word count