Releases: elgentos/magento2-serversideanalytics
Releases · elgentos/magento2-serversideanalytics
What's Changed
- Removed possibly nonexistent key by @indykoning in #73
- Fixed optional parameter order by @indykoning in #72
- Added user data to purchase event by @denniselgentos in #74
- Removed userid From transaction Object by @WouterSteen in #76
New Contributors
- @denniselgentos made their first contribution in #74
Full Changelog: 2.0.4...2.0.5
What's Changed
- Move getting user id and session id to model, create GA Data if it was not set by cart by @indykoning in #70
- Correctly listen to PaymentMethod trigger by @indykoning in #71
Special thanks to @indykoning!
Full Changelog: 2.0.3...2.0.4
What's Changed
- Fix Argument #1 ($userId) must be of type ?string, int given by @indykoning in #69
Full Changelog: 2.0.2...2.0.3
What's Changed
- fix(analytics): resolve PHP 8 type-safety issues in price and shipping by @eneskirca in #68
New Contributors
- @eneskirca made their first contribution in #68
Full Changelog: 1.4.1...2.0.2
What's Changed
- Fix getOrder being null for paypal express by @JustinElst in #65
Full Changelog: 1.4.0...2.0.1
What's Changed
- Version 2 by @JustinElst in #57
@JustinElst did a full refactor and code cleanup! Because of the renaming of some classes, we tagged a 2.x version!
Full Changelog: 1.3.1...2.0.0
What's Changed
- Get actual order currency by @JustinElst in #56
New Contributors
- @JustinElst made their first contribution in #56
Full Changelog: 1.2.11...1.3.0
What's Changed
- Fixed bug in naming key param to GA4 by @WouterSteen in #54
Thanks to @fmigch to have spotted the bug and handed out a fix :)
Full Changelog: 1.2.10...1.2.11
What's Changed
- Loop over $data items instead of hardcoded param set by @WouterSteen in #53
With this release you can simply add an param to the event object and any param there will be added to the event params to the event.
Event: elgentos_serversideanalytics_transaction_data_transport_object
Full Changelog: 1.2.9...1.2.10