This repository includes the work I have complished in the laboratory of Programmable Logic Devices in West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin. I have compiled the files for Spartan-3 FPGAs. The below table shows projects.
Project Name | Description |
adder_sch | Adder created with Schematics Designer |
adder_vhdl | Adder created with VHDL language |
bin_to_sevenSeg | Binary to Seven Segment Converter |
comparatorOneBit | One Bit Comperator using One Statement |
line_buffer | Line Buffer |
mux_withselect | Multiplexer using With-Select |
my_mux2 | Multiplexer using When-Else |
RingCounter | Like in the Knight Rider Movie |
Four Digit Seven Segment Driver | A driver to convert four digit binary codes into a seven segment displays |
Crossroad Traffic Light Controller | Fixed-Sequence Traffic Light System for Crossroad with Pedestrians |