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unfish -- correct fisheye distortions in images using OpenCV


This is basically a packaged and polished version of the OpenCV tutorial (see also hack) with a command line interface. It shows how to correct lens distortions in images using OpenCV, based on chessboard calibration images taken with the same camera.

In my case, my mobile phone camera introduces a radial distortion (inverse fisheye effect), hence the name.

Here is an example of a distorted and corrected image.



The script bin/unfish does all this and a little more:

    unfish prep [-f <fraction>] (-p <pattern-size> <files>...)
    unfish calib [-r <max-rms> -f <fraction>] (-p <pattern-size> <files>...)
    unfish apply [-k <keep-path-levels>] <files>...

    prep   optional preparation run, create rms_db.json
    calib  calibration run, calculate and write camera matrix and camera model
           coeffs using chessboard calibration images to ./unfish_data
    apply  apply correction model to images, images are written to

    -p <pattern-size>, --pattern-size <pattern-size>  size of the chessboard
            (number of corners) in the calibration images, e.g. "9x6"
    -f <fraction>, --fraction <fraction>  fraction by which calibration files
            have been scaled down (see bin/
    -r <max-rms>, --max-rms <max-rms>  in calibration, use only files with
            rms reprojection error less than <max-rms>, uses rms_db.json
            written by "prep"
    -k <keep-path-levels>  keep that many path levels from <files>, e.g.
            files = /a/b/c/file1,/a/b/c/file2, and -k2, then store
            ./corrected_images/a/b/fileX instead of ./corrected_images/fileX  [default: 0]

In addition to the tutorial, we added things like the ability to calculate the RMS reprojection error per calibration image (unfish prep), in order to get a feeling for the quality of the calibration per image.


First, you print a chessboard and take a bunch of calibration images with the affected camera, like this one:


Next, a calibration run will calculate correction parameters (camera matrix and lens model coefficients, written to ./unfish_data/). Finally, you apply the correction to all affected images. Corrected images are written to ./corrected_images.

We found that it is a very good idea to scale down the chessboard calibration images first. That makes the calibration part a lot faster (else the code which searches for chessboard corners will run forever).

Here is what you need to do, using a 9x6 chessboard.

$ ./bin/ 0.2 chess_pics/orig chess_pics/small
$ unfish calib -f 0.2 -p 9x6 chess_pics/small/*
$ unfish apply affected_pics/orig/*

tips & tricks

You can grab a 7x7 chessboard image from the OpenCV repo, or a 9x6 from older documentation. Remember: NxM are the number of corners. It's hard to say how many calibration images you need to take. We used around 100, but found that 5-10 good images have basically the same effect. Also, make sure that the paper with the printed chessboard is completely flat when you take photos.
We found that excluding calibration images with a high per-image RMS reprojection error (unfish calib -r <max-rms> ...) doesn't actually improve the overall calibration, not sure why yet.


To let pip install all deps for you:

$ git clone ...
$ pip3 install -e .


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