Revolutionary way to share collections of web content.
- Product Owner: Jack Lu (JackTanRoo)
- Scrum Master: Andrew Brassington (jabbrass)
- Bo Liu (liubolightning)
- Daniel Streit (danielstreit)
Table of Contents
Setup the local database and run locally or deploy to an Azure instance and deployment script will run initialization tasks.
- Mongo 2.4.3
- Angular 1.2.23
- Express 4.8.6
- Node 0.10.x
- Mongoose ORM 3.8.15
Run the following command to start the local development environment:
grunt dev
Run the following command to run JsHint and Mocha-test suite:
grunt test
From within the root directory:
sudo npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
To install dependancies for the chrome extension inside the extensions/chrome directory:
bower install
####Steps to setup a Mongo database: Refer to wiki for more detailed information.
View the project roadmap here
See CONTRIBUTING.md for contribution guidelines.