Meetingsplugin V2.68, Stud.IP 4.2 - 5.0
The changes of this version are as follows:
- The duplicated Stud.IP tab will be automatically closed when redirecting back from BBB session after ending/leaving the session.
- Stud.IP avatart will be shown in BBB sessions.
- Recording button in BBB session can be configuratble via admin settings to (start, pause, resume and stop). Moderators can decide to start the recording automatically or manually.
- Moderators can be invited as guests (Improved).
- Enhanced text description in different places.
- Opencast webcam recording is now available only if recording over opencast is enabled.
- Users are now able to use their other devices to participate into a BBB session using QR-Code without having to login into Stud.IP.
- BBB sessions now have default slides uploaded from Stud.IP with course informations and intros.
- Displaying course news as well as Stud.IP news in default slides, can be configured by moderators in settings.
- Admins are now able to upload their own default slides templates and dynamically align the text via admin settings.