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Ansible role to install and prepares Nginx for Opencast


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Ansible: Opencast Nginx Role

lint molecule

This Ansible role installs and prepares Nginx as reverse proxy for Opencast. If no certificate is present, this role deploys a dummy certificate which allows Nginx to start up.


This role uses the community.crypto.openssl_dhparam module to generate Diffie-Hellman parameters. You therefor need to have the community.crypto collection installed.

Role Variables

  • opencast_nginx_storage_downloads_path
    • Path to Opencast's downloads directory (default: /srv/opencast/downloads/)
  • opencast_nginx_cors_urls
    • List of URLs to add CORS exceptions for (default: [])

Additional Configuration

While this deploys dummy TSL certificates which allow Nginx to start up, make sure to deploy proper certificates for production. To do that, copy your certificates to:

  • /etc/nginx/ssl/{{ inventory_hostname }}.key
  • /etc/nginx/ssl/{{ inventory_hostname }}.crt

If you want to use Let's Encrypt to generate certificates, you can also include the role elan.opencast_certbot which will automatically generate TLS certificates for you.

You can also add some custom configuration in the file /etc/nginx/conf.d/extra.conf. The file is included after Opencast's main location block. The role will not modify this file if it exists.

Additionally you can define other virtual hosts in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ directory. They will be loaded as well.

ℹ️ You may want to disable Nginx default vhost on Debian based systems by removing the /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default symlink.

Example Playbook

Example of how to configure and use the role:

- hosts: servers
  become: true
    - role: elan.opencast_nginx

This will leave you with an invalid dummy certificate. You will need to replace it with a valid one before booting up Opencast. The role will not replace an existing certificate so you can safely use a file task to deploy it afterwards:

- hosts: servers
  become: true
    - include_role:
        name: elan.opencast_nginx

    - name: install tls certificate
        src: tls-{{ item }}.pem
        dest: /etc/nginx/ssl/{{ inventory_hostname }}.{{ item }}
        owner: root
        group: root
        mode: '0400'
      notify: Reload nginx
        - key
        - crt

Development Environment

For linting and role development you can use the tools defined in development requirements. You can quickly install them in a python virtual environment like this:

# Create a virtual environment
python -m venv venv
# Activate the virtual environment
. venv/bin/activate
# Install the dependencies
pip install -r .dev_requirements.txt

E.g. you can then install the ansible requirements or run the linter (yamllint -c .yamllint . && ansible-lint).

For development and testing you can use molecule. With podman as driver you can install it like this – preferably in a virtual environment:

pip install -r .dev_requirements.txt

Then you can create the test instances, apply the ansible config (converge) and destroy the test instances with these commands:

molecule create
molecule converge
molecule destroy

If you want to inspect a running test instance use molecule login --host <instance_name>, where you replace <instance_name> with the desired value.