PixelCamera is a Unity3D script which was inspired by Ryan Nielson's excellent PixelCamera2D. It aims to improved the render quality of pixel art in Unity3D. It does so by rendering to a low resolution render texture. Instead of drawing this render texture to a quad, the render texture is blitted directly to the output of a second camera. It also supports custom upscaling shaders. Two example open source shaders are included under their respective licenses.
- Instantiate the "PixelCamera" prefab in your scene.
- Optionally you can remove or add shader in the "PixelCamera" script on the game object called "RenderCamera".
- Use the functions "CycleUsedShader()" and "SetUsedShader(int index)" to switch shaders during runtime.
For a basic setup see the included "Example.unity" scene.
- CRT Shader - (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) - Mattias
- Nearest Neighbour Shader - (MIT) - jimbo1qaz
- Example Image - (CC0) - Buch
- Font - (CC0) - Kenney
Please see the issues section to report any bugs or feature requests and to see the list of known issues.
Pull requests are always welcome.