FFXI Windower addon to help with opening and closing skillchains
By defualt it will cycle all available WSs and check to see if one is at the target level and if it is will fire it. If none at target level are found will fire the highest tier available that has been allowed for closes.
autosc or asc [option 1] [option 2]
With no options will toggle running
- on/off - To start/stop it
- debug - To fill your chatlog with messages you may want to see
- help - A less throurough version of this readme
- show - Will display the status widget
- hide - Will hide the status widget
- status - Show current settings and such
- tp - Minimum TP to attempt to close a SC
- minwin - The earliest to start trying to close a SC that has been detected
- maxwin - The longest to wait to use a WS when a SC has been detected
- retry - How fast to try again if a WS wasn't able to be used
- frequency - Update speed, not much reason to change this
- level - Sets the target SC closing level from 1, 2, 3 or 4. If a WS is available that will close at the chosen level it will be prioritized.
- close - Toggles whether to close a given tier 1, 2, 3 or 4. If a tier is disabled it will may not close anything.
- open - Toggle whether or not the set WS should be used to open fresh SCs when no SC effect is already present.
- honor/wait - Will honor the currently open SC effect waiting for it to wear before opening a new SC.
- ws - Will set the WS to use for opening a SC and the open option is toggled on.
- WS openers are saved per job and per weapon, so you can use RMEA or quested WSs with appropriate weapons for openers if desired.
- filter - Will add the named WS to the filtered list for the currently equipped weapon. This disables the use of the named WS when using the currently equipped weapon
- WS filters are saved per weapon so if filter Burning Blade while on War with Naegling equipped it will also be filtered on every other job you use Naegling on.
- WS filters can be removed via the same command.
- Ranged - Toggle allowing the use of ranged WSes
- PreferRanged - Toggles prioritizing ranged WSes over melee
- Aeonic AM recognition to allow Aeonic WS to be used for closing L4
- Add T4 SCs
- Can now close T4 and recognizes T4 but doesn't always honor double T3 ...
- Double T3 are being recognized as closed, mostly
- Maybe add autoRA and gearswap interaction
- Add Job Ability SC effects, Konzen-Ittai for instance
- Add magic and ability SC closers, Blu spells, pets, etc.