A module for solving a frequency pair (j, k) yielded by the quantum part of Ekerå–Håstad's quantum algorithm for the order r. This by using the post-processing algorithms in [E20] and [E23p].
This implementation does not currently support tradeoffs, as it uses Lagrange's lattice basis reduction algorithm.
import quaspy.logarithmfinding.short.postprocessing
expected_u_for_j_k_d(j, k, m, l, d, tau)
Computes the vector u that we seek to find for a given frequency pair (j, k) and logarithm d, when using the post-processing algorithms described in [E20] and [E23p].
solve_j_k_for_d(j, k, m, l, g, x, tau, ..)
Attempts to compute the short discrete logarithm d given a frequency pair (j, k) yielded by the quantum part of Ekerå–Håstad's algorithm, by using the post-processing algorithms described in [E23p].