You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 9
Scripts can be used to realize any kind of custom logic for a workspace, based on Node.js.
Press F1
, select Power Tools: Scripts
and choose one of the following commands:
Name | Description |
New Script ... |
Opens an editor with a new script. |
Open Script ... |
Opens an existing script file in an editor. |
Run Script ... |
Runs a script for the currently opened text editor. |
Instead of executing JavaScript code, you are also able to compile from:
Stores the current CancellationToken object, to check if the user wants to cancel the script.
if ($cancel.isCancellationRequested) {
// user wants to cancel
An instance of AllHtmlEntities
class of html-entities module.
This <span style="color: red;">text is unparsed</span>
and the following one is ${ $html.encode('<span style="color: yellow;">parsed</span>') }.
Provides a grouped list of WorkspaceInfo
for (let workspaceName in $workspaces) {
const WS = $workspaces[ workspaceName ];
// 'WS' is a 'WorkspaceInfo' instance
// or an array of it, if there are at least 2
// workspaces with the same name
// s. https://egomobile.github.io/vscode-powertools/api/interfaces/_contracts_.workspaceinfo.html
Shows a (warning) popup.
await $alert('Hello, TM!');
Clears the console.
$writeLine('Hello, TM!');
Dumps a value or object and writes it to the console.
'TM': '1979-09-05',
'MK': 19790923
Returns a sorted list of all known workspaces.
for (let ws of $getWorkspaces()) {
// for 'ws', s. $workspaces constant
Includes a module from the extension context, what means, that you can use any module, which is shipped with the extension.
const moment = $require('moment');
const UTC_NOW = moment.utc();
Waits for a specific number of seconds.
// waits 5 seconds
await $sleep(5);
// you also can use floating numbers
await $sleep(23.979);
Short version of withProgress() function.
const RESULT = await $withProgress(async (progress, cancelToken) => {
let sum = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
if (cancelToken.isCancellationRequested) {
return false;
message: `Processing item ${ i + 1 } ...`,
increment: 1 / 20 * 100.0,
sum += i;
await $sleep(1);
return sum;
Writes something as text to the console without adding a line break.
$write('Hello, ');
$write(' TM!');
Writes something as unparsed HTML code to the console.
This is a <strong style="text-decoration: underline;">HTML message</strong>
with some <span style="color: red;">red text</span> and an image:<br /><br />
<img src="https://www.e-go-mobile.com/site/assets/files/1040/ego_life_website_rot-880x550.jpg">
Writes something as text to the console and adds a line break.
$writeLine('Hello, TM!');
Writes Markdown to the console.
# Header 1
## Header 2

Name | Description |
_ |
lodash |
$fs |
fs-extra |
$helpers |
vscode-helpers |
$moment |
Moment.js |
$path |
Node.js path module |
$vscode |
Visual Studio Code API |
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