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fork-version automates version control tasks: determining, updating, and committing versions, files, and changelogs, simplifying the process when using conventional commits.


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Fork-Version automates version control tasks such as determining, updating, and committing versions, files, and changelogs, simplifying the versioning process when adhering to the conventional commit standard.

This project is essentially a complete re-write of standard-version following on from its deprecation in May 2022. Although there are many alternatives such as release-please. This project aims to continue focusing on just the versioning and changelog generation aspect of the process for use in other Git hosts outside of Github.

What Does Fork-Version Do?

By following the conventional commit standard Fork-Version can automate the following tasks for you:

  1. Determine the current and next version
  2. Update the version in the selected files
  3. Update your changelog
  4. Commit the changed files
  5. Create a tag for the new version

Fork-Version won't attempt to push changes to git or to a package manager, this allows you to decide how you publish your changes.

Using Fork-Version

Primarily designed to be used with npx, Fork-Version can also be installed globally or directly to the node package you're working on. The only software prerequisites you need are git and node.

Fork-Version can be configured either through a config file or by passing options to the tool when ran, see the Configuration File and Command Line Options sections below for details on the supported options.


Command line options get merged with config file options, any options that are declared through the cli will override options that are also in the config file (Except for the list of files which get merged).

Using npx (Recommended)

To use Fork-Version with npx you can use the following command, by using npx you can also use Fork-Version without installation and on other projects including non node projects.

npx fork-version


If you want to use a specific version you can add a version tag to the end of the name.

Example: npx fork-version@1.4.67

The version tag needs to match against one of the published versions on npm.

Install Locally

To install the package locally to your project you can use one of the following commands:

Package Manager Install Command
npm npm install fork-version --save-dev
yarn yarn add fork-version --dev
pnpm pnpm add fork-version --save-dev

You can then add the following entry to your package.json scripts section and use it like any other script you already use in your project.

  "scripts": {
    "release": "fork-version"

For example if you use npm you can now use npm run release to run Fork-Version.

Command Line Options

  $ fork-version [options]

  --help                Show this help message.
  --version             Show the current version of fork-version.
  --inspect-version     If set, fork-version will print the current project version and exit.

  --file, -F            List of the files to be updated. [Default: ["bower.json", "deno.json", "jsr.json", "manifest.json", "npm-shrinkwrap.json", "package-lock.json", "package.json"]]
  --glob, -G            Glob pattern to match files to be updated.
  --path, -P            The path fork-version will run from. [Default: process.cwd()]
  --changelog           Name of the changelog file. [Default: ""]
  --header              The header text for the changelog.
  --tag-prefix          Specify a prefix for the created tag. [Default: "v"]
  --pre-release         Mark this release as a pre-release.
  --pre-release-tag     Mark this release with a tagged pre-release. [Example: "alpha", "beta", "rc"]
  --current-version     If set, fork-version will use this version instead of trying to determine one.
  --next-version        If set, fork-version will attempt to update to this version, instead of incrementing using "conventional-commit".

  --allow-multiple-versions   Don't throw an error if multiple versions are found in the given files. [Default: true]
  --commit-all                Commit all changes, not just files updated by fork-version.
  --changelog-all             If this flag is set, all default commit types will be added to the changelog.
  --debug                     Output debug information.
  --dry-run                   No output will be written to disk or committed.
  --silent                    Run without logging to the terminal.
  --git-tag-fallback          If unable to find a version in the given files, fallback and attempt to use the latest git tag. [Default: true]
  --sign                      If true, git will sign the commit with the systems GPG key.
  --verify                    If true, git will run user defined git hooks before committing.

  To negate a flag you can prefix it with "no-", for example "--no-git-tag-fallback" will not fallback to the latest git tag.

Skip Steps:
  --skip-bump           Skip the version bump step.
  --skip-changelog      Skip updating the changelog.
  --skip-commit         Skip committing the changes.
  --skip-tag            Skip tagging the commit.

Conventional Changelog Overrides:
  --commit-url-format               Override the default commit URL format.
  --compare-url-format              Override the default compare URL format.
  --issue-url-format                Override the default issue URL format.
  --user-url-format                 Override the default user URL format.
  --release-commit-message-format   Override the default release commit message format.
  --release-message-suffix          Add a suffix to the end of the release message.

  $ fork-version
    Run fork-version in the current directory with default options.

  $ fork-version --path ./packages/my-package
    Run fork-version in the "./packages/my-package" directory.

  $ fork-version --file package.json --file MyApi.csproj
    Run fork-version and update the "package.json" and "MyApi.csproj" files.

  $ fork-version --glob "*/package.json"
    Run fork-version and update all "package.json" files in subdirectories.

Configuration File

You can configure Fork-Version using one of the following files:

  • A javascript file:
    • fork.config.ts
    • fork.config.js
    • fork.config.cjs
    • fork.config.mjs
  • A json file:
    • fork.config.json
    • package.json >> Key Name: "fork-version"

Javascript Config

Configuring using a javascript file is the most flexible option. You can use any javascript file type you prefer including typescript. Both commonjs and esm exports styles are supported. The defineConfig function in the following snippet is optional, using it will give you intellisense information in your code editor of choice.

import { defineConfig } from 'fork-version';

export default defineConfig({
  header: `# My Changelog`,
  files: ["package.json", "package-lock.json"],

Alternatively you can use typescript type annotations in a typescript file:

import type { Config } from 'fork-version';

const config: Config = {
  header: `# My Changelog`,
  files: ["package.json", "package-lock.json"],

export default config;

Or jsdocs in a javascript file:

/** @type {import("fork-version").Config} */
export default {
  header: `# My Changelog`,
  files: ["package.json", "package-lock.json"],

Or just raw dog it without type information. ಠ_ಠ

Json Config

Another way you can configure Fork-Version is by using a json file called fork.config.json. This is a good option if you're using Fork-Version on a non javascript project, or without installation.

If you still want intellisense information you can use the following schema in your json file, otherwise $schema is an optional key.

  "$schema": "",
  "header": "# My Changelog",
  "files": [

Internally we're using zod-to-json-schema to generate the schema. Checkout the schema folder to see the current state.

Alternatively you can define your config using a key in your package.json file called fork-version:

  "name": "my-js-project",
  "version": "1.2.3",
  "fork-version": {
    "header": "# My Changelog",
    "files": [

Config Properties

Property Type Default Description
inspectVersion boolean - Print the current version and exits
files Array<string> ["package.json", ...] List of the files to be updated
glob string - Glob pattern to match files to be updated
path string process.cwd() The path fork-version will run from
changelog string Name of the changelog file
header string # Changelog... The header text for the changelog
tagPrefix string v Prefix for the created tag
preRelease string / boolean - Make a pre-release with optional label if given value is a string
currentVersion string - Use this version instead of trying to determine one
nextVersion string - Attempt to update to this version, instead of incrementing using "conventional-commit"
allowMultipleVersions boolean true Don't throw an error if multiple versions are found in the given files.
commitAll boolean false Commit all changes, not just files updated by fork-version
changelogAll boolean false If this flag is set, all default commit types will be added to the changelog, not just feat and fix.
debug boolean false Output debug information
dryRun boolean false No output will be written to disk or committed
silent boolean false Run without logging to the terminal
gitTagFallback boolean true If unable to find a version in the given files, fallback and attempt to use the latest git tag
sign boolean false Sign the commit with the systems GPG key
verify boolean false Run user defined git hooks before committing
skipBump boolean false Skip the bump step
skipChangelog boolean false Skip the changelog step
skipCommit boolean false Skip the commit step
skipTag boolean false Skip the tag step
changelogPresetConfig object {} Override defaults from the "conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits" preset configuration
releaseMessageSuffix string - Add a suffix to the end of the release message

By default Fork-Version will attempt to read versions from and update these files, if you define your own list it will override the default list instead of merging.

  • "package.json"
  • "package-lock.json"
  • "npm-shrinkwrap.json"
  • "jsr.json"
  • "deno.json"
  • "manifest.json"
  • "bower.json"

See the Supported File Types section below to see the currently supported file types.


An alternative to config.files, a glob allows you to search for files using wildcard characters.

For example if you have the following folder structure:

- MyAPI.csproj
- MyLibrary.csproj
- package.json

Running npx fork-version -G "{*/*.csproj,*/package.json}" will update both csproj files and the package.json file.

Internally Fork-Version uses isaacs glob to match files. Read more about the pattern syntax here.


Ensure you wrap your glob pattern in quotes to prevent shell expansion.


Allows you to control the prefix for the created tag. This is useful if your using a mono-repo in which you version multiple projects separately or simply want to use a different prefix for your tags.

Example Value Tag Created
"v" (Default) v1.2.3
"" 1.2.3
"version/" version/1.2.3
"@eglavin/fork-version-" @eglavin/fork-version-1.2.3

Marking a release as a pre-release allows you to define a change as a patch to a specific version. This allows you to mark a fix for a version or an alpha build for example.

Example Value Version Created
true 1.2.3-0
alpha 1.2.3-alpha-0

Fork-Version uses meow to parse cli arguments which is unable to take a single argument and parse it as either a string and or a boolean. So to do the above through the cli interface you'll need to use two different arguments:

Example CLI Usage Version Created
fork-version --pre-release 1.2.3-0
fork-version --pre-release-tag alpha 1.2.3-alpha-0

Fork-Version uses the conventional changelog config spec. The following is an excerpt of the configurable options.

Property Type Default Description
types Array<Type> {} List of explicitly supported commit message types
commitUrlFormat string {{host}}/{{owner}}/{{repository}}/commit/{{hash}} A URL representing a specific commit at a hash
compareUrlFormat string {{host}}/{{owner}}/{{repository}}/compare/{{previousTag}}...{{currentTag}} A URL representing the comparison between two git SHAs
issueUrlFormat string {{host}}/{{owner}}/{{repository}}/issues/{{id}} A URL representing the issue format
userUrlFormat string {{host}}/{{user}} A URL representing a user's profile
releaseCommitMessageFormat string chore(release): {{currentTag}} A string to be used to format the auto-generated release commit message
issuePrefixes Array<string> ["#"] List of prefixes used to detect references to issues

By default only feat and fix commits are added to your changelog, you can configure extra sections to show by modifying this section.

Checkout the fork.config.js file here to see an example of modifying the types.

Property Type Description
type string The type of commit message. "feat", "fix", "chore", etc..
scope string The scope of the commit message.
section string The name of the section in the CHANGELOG the commit should show up in.
hidden boolean Should show in the generated changelog message?

Adds a suffix to the end of the release message, useful to add a [skip ci] message to the end of the created commit.

Supported File Types

Json Package

A json package is a json file which contains a version property, such as a npm package.json file.

  "name": "my-project",
  "version": "1.2.3",
  "private": false,

Plain Text

A plain text file will have just the version as the content.


MS Build

A MS build project is an xml file with with a Version property under the Project > PropertyGroup node group.

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

Fork-Version currently supports reading and updating the following file extensions: .csproj .dbproj .esproj .fsproj .props .vbproj .vcxproj

Custom File Updater's

TODO add support for custom file readers and writers through config #5

Code Usage


Code usage is not recommended as the public api is not stable and may change between versions.

In the future the api may be stabilized and documented but this is not a focus at this time.


fork-version automates version control tasks: determining, updating, and committing versions, files, and changelogs, simplifying the process when using conventional commits.





