Let's connect our backend to a frontend react application. Download the frontend
directory from here.
Your root directory should now look like this:
├── frontend
└── todoApp
Go to frontend
and install all dependencies by running:
yarn install
And then:
yarn start
Unfortunately, you'll get the following error:
failed to load resource: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED
To fix the error, go to the app.tsx
in the frontend application.
There's an issue with the APIendpoint
which we should be passing as an env
(in the .env
file). Replace the dummy url provided with your own (you can copy it from the REST Client).
👍 Restart the app and try again.
Now we will encounter a CORS
issue. To fix it modify the createReponse
function in your lambda
file so that it includes the two headers
properties and returns this:
return {
headers: {
// this API can be accessed from all origins
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
// and will allow for all of these methods
// OPTIONS is a pre-flight method and is sent before the actual method `GET`, `POST`, `DELETE`
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "OPTIONS,GET,POST,DELETE"
body: JSON.stringify(body, null, 2)
🤔 More about the OPTIONS
Finally, add this to the handler (in the same file):
if (httpMethod === "OPTIONS") {
return createResponse("ok");
👍 Deploy, and now your frontend app should be working.