Let's implement the ability to add todos!
Start by updating the handler in our lambda, by adding:
try {
const { httpMethod, body: requestBody } = event;
// if GET return todos
if (httpMethod === "GET") {
const response = await getAllTodos();
return createResponse(response.Items || []);
if (!requestBody) {
return createResponse("Missing request body", 500);
// parsing the data we sent to the server
const data = JSON.parse(requestBody);
// if POST add a todo
if (httpMethod === "POST") {
const todo = await addTodoItem(data);
return todo
? createResponse(`${todo} added to the database`)
: createResponse("Todo is missing", 500);
// if DELETE, delete todo (we'll imlement that in the next lesson)
if (httpMethod === "DELETE") {
const id = await deleteTodoItem(data);
return id
? createResponse(
`Todo item with an id of ${id} deleted from the database`
: createResponse("ID is missing", 500);
return createResponse(
`We only accept GET, POST, OPTIONS and DELETE, not ${httpMethod}`,
} catch (error) {
return createResponse(error, 500);
🤔 The source code is available here.
Now let's write the function for adding the todos (head here for the dynamoDB cheatsheet).
We'll be using the PUT
method, which either adds an item or replaces the item if the item already exists.
const addTodoItem = async (data: { todo: string; id: string }) => {
const { id, todo } = data;
if (todo && todo !== "") {
await dynamo
// params object with two properties (TableName is our env variable)
TableName: tableName,
Item: {
id: "this_is_a_new_id",
return todo;
👍 Let's deploy and test!
You'll need a REST client (like Insomnia or Postman) to test the POST
request and of course, your app's endpoint.
For a POST
request set the body
(in Postman that means setting Content-Type:application/json
in Headers