Password Checker This is a password checker that I created using C# and Windows Forms. It allows you to enter a password and get a report that shows the character types that are included in the password.
How to use
To use the password checker, simply enter the password in the text box and click the "Check" button. The password checker will then display a report that shows the following information:
Number of uppercase letters: The number of uppercase letters in the password. Number of lowercase letters: The number of lowercase letters in the password. Number of numbers: The number of numbers in the password. Number of special characters: The number of special characters in the password. Example
The password "ABCabc1234*" would generate the following report:
Uppercase letters: 3 Lowercase letters: 3 Numbers: 4 Special characters: 1
Possible improvements
A password strength checker can be added to this application. This allows users to see how strong their passwords are.
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