MoonSnail is a multifunctional discord bot that is constantly being updated and improved.
Most of the commands are admin/moderator only so far but plan to add lots of interactive and fun commands for all users. It is currently in early development so please report bugs and issues via the GitHub.
MoonSnail has a fairly wide array of commands so far but do i plan to keep adding to for at least the foreseeable future. The bots default prefix is '%' can be changed with the %prefix command. The bot stores guild information using mongodb and it is written in nodejs. I am also currently developing a web dashboard for the bot which should be up soon. The domain will be
To invite the bot to your server click here and authorise its permissions.
duel, reverse, rps
say, suggest, testperms
avatar, botinvite, commands, help, ping, serverinfo, userinfo, weather
ban, kick, leave, mute, nickbot, nickmass, prune, purge, tempmute, unmute
Having issues with the bot? Check out MoonSnail Development on discord.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit
Copyright (c) 2020 seasnail8169