This is a framework that is meant to serve as a faster way to code monitors.
If that doesn't make sense, let me give you an actual example. Let's say you have a manga that you really like, so you decide to write a program that monitors for a new chapter. You can use this framework to run a task when specific conditions are met, like for example, a new chapter of your favorite manga.
from MonitorFramework import onGlobalBool
checkForChapters = True # Should we check for chapters?
def apiCall():
print("Querying Api....")
def printQuery():
# Will Check the variable checkForChapters for the True condition
# And if the condition is true, it will then run the function
@onGlobalBool(printQuery, checkForChapters, True)
def CheckForChapter():
I was getting frustrated and fed up with having to code a specific monitor every single time I wrote a new program, so I wrote this.